@everyone watch ROKU for calls over 225.02. It could easily retest 236.17 and it looks like the short term trend has flipped back to bullish. wink

I Hope you guys played this...

I got in on the 240c 11/13 at .55. Bought 10 contracts. Sold 5 at 1.15 gonna hold on and see where this goes...
@everyone 11/11 Market Recap:

Strong bounce today, and a strong finish to the end of the day. Tech once again leading the way, and QQQ filled its upper gap. We got back over lower EM for the week as discussed yesterday. You could argue that this could have been just a relief bounce, but IMO the strength from bulls is here. I think we will either see a slow grind up or chop for the rest of the week. Definitely a lot of market manipulation this week with the vaccine news, but I think people are starting to realize this won’t really effect us for at least another year. Personally, I think tech isn’t going anywhere even after the vaccine. Growth might be slowed down a bit, valuations might lower, but they will continue to compound and outperform the market IMO. Trends have been set and new habits have been made.

$PTON Killer earnings last week, at a very good BTD zone here IMO. $98-$100 is the ideal long entry for a longer term swing. Also has a huge gap up to fill back to $122. One of my personal favorite growth picks. Already grabbed a few long term shares on Monday, and looking to start a possible leap on it.


$PLUG This ticker has been making BIG moves recently. Decent earnings earlier this week, and we completely broke resistance today. Technically speaking, this should be a solid r/r setup for a short back to the resistance trend line. I personally would avoid shorting though, because this move has a lot of strength + volume spike. I personally would't touch this one, if anything I would look for a pullback to $19 if possible to long.


$BABA Considering grabbing BABA shares or leaps here. This is a great discount, and it definitely overreacted to the news IMO. Closed below $265.5, which looks bad, but closed above in AH. Will watch it closely tmmrw and as long as it holds $265.5, this could very possibly be the bottom.


$SQ Filled two of its gaps yesterday, still has one more to fill but I don’t think that’s going to happen this week. Today’s close was pretty bullish as we closed above $182-$183 level. Has no real resistance till $193. Longs look great here, PT of 193, SL 182.
What if I told you I didn't know a thing about stocks before covid?

A friend sent me a link for Robinhood in March. I signed up, bought a few stocks, came here, learned some more. Joined a group to get more knowledge and now I make a couple of trades a day....

Not hard to learn.

I can also add to a story like this.. I've monitored stocks about 5 years ago did nothing with it started watching learning lingo over the last year but never jumped in then in April did the same thing tupac003 tupac003 with a referral too all the free stock apps and decided to just jump in. Since then learned ALOT more but still have a long way to go but you'll never learn if you don't try. Get a few goods books people recommend in here watch some CNBC when ya can just to get some more points of view and ask questions here or in another group you like. You'll learn enough to get a grasp on it. Just don't think it's a get rich quick scheme.
Wish i knew about stocks 🥺
I just opened a brokerage account 2 weeks ago with $500. I have a Motley Fool subscription and there are a ton of IG and YouTube videos for beginners. I’m not an active investor or anything like that. My portfolio is ETFs, REITs, a couple blue chip stocks, and others based on recommendations from this thread and motley.

Its not rocket science. Start out with a few ETFs. Instant diversification and steady growth. In two weeks I have about a 5% ROI. Much better than returns you’d get if your money is sitting in a savings account.

I’m saving for retirement in 20-30 years. So I’m only buying what I plan to hold for the long haul. May do some trades on a quarterly basis based on performance but nothing daily.
@everyone with a vaccine possible, market reacted positively. However real world situation is different. NY about to shut down their entire school system. Numbers are not improving anywhere. Although jobless claims are a little better, the pandemic is still there. Even BA with more planes ordered from China, lowered their forecast.

WMT is on watch launching pet care services and pet insurance. This combined with a PT upgrade is enough to draw attention.
HD also upgraded and a mention that it could see enormous holiday season.
Also on the side burner we have AAPL with their M1 launch.
Stay calm. Ask questions. Have a plan.
@everyone TODAY'S OUTLOOK: Bullish over 352.80 // Bearish under 351.94 <SPY BREAKOUTS> CALLS: Take 359c 11/13dte on a confirmed break of 356.61 resistance; PT1 357.61, PT2 358.63; SL 353.60 < average down on confirmed bounce. PUTS: Take 353p 0dte on a confirmed break of 354.43 support; PT1 353.60, PT2 352.80; SL 357.19 < average down on confirmed rejection. <SPY GAPS> Above: None // Below 1 (we are currently in as of writing): 356.46 - 353.60 || Below 2: 347.69 - 344.44 Remember, look for rejections/bounces for puts/calls as they can be equally as profitable as breakouts. ESPECIALLY on choppy/low volume days where we stay in a range. When you take a trade on your own continue to use the levels on my chart to determine your own PTs and SL. Adjust the strikes you are taking for puts and calls based off of how much time is left in the day. Later in the day, play closer to the money ESPECIALLY on 0dte contracts. Trade smart, stay green! SCALP scalps
I had Baba and PDD. Both did good.

This was the first time I had heard about PDD . tomdiginson tomdiginson replied to a question I asked about Chinese stock (I'm sure it had been mentioned in here before that but I guess i just never noticed)

So I was late to the party. So been doing research waiting to find a sweet entry point. Looks like a long term winner
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What's the BABA play here?

These newly drafted Antitrust laws won't keep BABA down for long right?

I hear Jack Ma pissed off Chinese officials with a speech he made recently.

$PTON Killer earnings last week, at a very good BTD zone here IMO. $98-$100 is the ideal long entry for a longer term swing. Also has a huge gap up to fill back to $122. One of my personal favorite growth picks. Already grabbed a few long term shares on Monday, and looking to start a possible leap on it.


$PLUG This ticker has been making BIG moves recently. Decent earnings earlier this week, and we completely broke resistance today. Technically speaking, this should be a solid r/r setup for a short back to the resistance trend line. I personally would avoid shorting though, because this move has a lot of strength + volume spike. I personally would't touch this one, if anything I would look for a pullback to $19 if possible to long.


$BABA Considering grabbing BABA shares or leaps here. This is a great discount, and it definitely overreacted to the news IMO. Closed below $265.5, which looks bad, but closed above in AH. Will watch it closely tmmrw and as long as it holds $265.5, this could very possibly be the bottom.


$SQ Filled two of its gaps yesterday, still has one more to fill but I don’t think that’s going to happen this week. Today’s close was pretty bullish as we closed above $182-$183 level. Has no real resistance till $193. Longs look great here, PT of 193, SL 182.

I see the play here

tupac003 tupac003 thank you for this service. Greatly appreciated
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