Sold NET SDGR Z ACUIF and DKNG today. Cash position is 10-12%. Would like to own them all again lower. Thinking we see 40 in dkng and 65 in net.
You’re never going to nail the top and bottom. That’s why you scale in and out of positions and focus on getting the meat of the move. I trimmed some LAZR at 48 but sold the rest at 42, I trimmed some FUBO at 58 and sold the rest at 55. Meat of the move pays the bills.

really good article and I think at the 20-30 area you have a decent r/r here. I like this at 26 but I’d probably start back in at some point and think anything under 30 is doable. This is incredibly risky from a margins standpoint but if they nail the pivot, increase share on advertising revenue, it could work.I would NOT however have more than 1-5% in this position. I’ll weigh what my options are to get back in when CML pro releases their new picks.

edit:I might try and play a bounce short term but I’d expect it to pull back, make a lower high and build a base. Using the action in $DM and $LAZR as possible comps technically speaking. The base is where I’d want to be.

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Must read for new readers who think this hs easy

Stay humble

Lesson I took away: Never risk more than you're willing to lose. Even if it's a small position. Nothing feels worse than seeing a steadily growing 5 figure account shrink to 3 figures in what feels like the longest month of your life. So trade within the limits and rules you set and dont compromise. Compromisation is how you lose it all.
some trading rules for the new year I quickly put together. Feel free to add on. We need to be more disciplined than ever now. Don’t get complacent and be the ones that get rekt.

Trading Plan for 2021

Trade less - Now isn’t the time to be glued to the screen trying to trade every signal. It’s going to get hard again. Focus on the best set ups coming out of bases and let them run. Less trading, more executing.

Trim and Trail - Don’t get greedy and think every dip will be bought up, or every stock will run 100% in two weeks. Have a plan to take profits and raise stops on any position that isn’t a 5 year hold.

Have allocations based on your confidence in a stock and don’t increase your allocation unless the fundamentals improved and your confidence grew. Let fundamentals drive allocation, not technicals.

Use stops for your lowest conviction plays and do NOT average down on them. At some point this market will pull the bids from under you and those **** stocks or momentum stocks will come back to earth. If you’re losing on a position, exit within your risk area (Never lose more than 8% on a position) and do NOT add to a losing position that is full size. Only add when you are building up the position (and don’t go from this is full size to I need to buy more at this price, it’s too cheap, stick to your allocation strategy).

Never buy a full position in one order, and only sell a full position in one order if there’s a major negative reasons and you need to ****.

Have a Max pain point and stick to it. Whatever it is. What’s the most you can deal with losing and never let it get to that point or below it.

Check the charts daily at 3:45 for 5 year holds and determine if there’s a need to hedge or add to your position. Do not worry about trimming or stopping out, especially if you have a good cost basis.

Get off of margin and keep a small cash position at all timed.

Look for the strongest stocks on down days and target them as your new market leaders.
CURI added as a top pick. **** me for selling. Adding this back monday.

On its investor day, the company gave long-term projections to 2025 which called for a revenue breakdown in five groupings, each material:

* Direct and partner subscriptions: More than $70 million.
* Bundled MVPD distribution: More than $90 million.
* Corporate educational partnerships: About $80 million.
* Sponsorship / advertising: About $75 million.
* Program sales: About $75 million.

That totals to more than $390 million in recurring revenue, a 10-fold from 2020 revenue, and a CAGR of over 58% from 2020 through 2025.

If the company hits $71 million in 2021 revenue, as guided, that leaves a CAGR from 2022 – 2025 still over 50%.”
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Hmm. I dont personally believe a documentary/educational streaming service is a good long term play, but, I hope it is. For both monetary and societal value. Heres to starting 2021 off to the right foot!
Hitting the ask on Monday at 7am. CURI is super thin and if it catches a bid will run to 20-25 this week easily. There’s a reason this came out on a weekend and not during trading hours.

Where was it added, Fool I assume? I grabbed two weeks ago after that TWTR thread
Where was it added, Fool I assume? I grabbed two weeks ago after that TWTR thread
CML Pro. Fool probably adds it at some point if I had to guess. I made the mistake of taking it off when I was raising cash since I wasn’t honestly 100% sold on it. But CML Pro has a great track record so I’ll take my chances here and buy back in hopefully around 14.
Good thread on TDOC. I might grab some eventually when the chart looks ready to go.

Good article on GDRX. Bidding 37.50 for some.

GoHealth seems like an interesting story
Stock can be a runner over 15, looks ready to start a move from the bottom of its ipo base.
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I’m long TDOC

What do you think about IPOC (Clover Health)?
like it on a pull back. Wanna add a healthcare play or two
Got some CURI mid 13s 👀
good **** fam. I checked it when I was cleaning out my book and regret it now. 20-25 is very possible if serious volume comes in. This thing can run on air. Super thin. Be careful chasing. Buys below 15 are doable.
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