Baba for me.

Support at 214. Next Fib retracement at 201.

Predicting that it should traverse to at least 214.
Almost got caught slippin

With MSFT calls then I saw that drop was waiting for
more confirmation of a uptrend


Those 374 puts I tried to get earlier would have been a good kick in the door to start the year
It will be more opportunities like that within the year though

It just sucks that I saw it and missed it
Started using vwap for intraday exists. Usually is a fantastic precursor of a larger move like the one above

I bought a uvxy call Jan 15 $16 for .51. Cheap protection. I’ll let it go for $3
Sold out of DKNG’s at 46. Wanted to lock in some gains and not willing to ride this down to 40 if that’s where it’s going. Will prob buy back in at some point.

Tempted to trim Pins.
Sold out of DKNG’s at 46. Wanted to lock in some gains and not willing to ride this down to 40 if that’s where it’s going. Will prob buy back in at some point.

Tempted to trim Pins.
I added pins and fsly last week at 90 and 68. bleh.

dont be a pig if you're long Tesla. grab a hedge or trim if you chased this late. Jan 15 610-600 put spread is cheap.
Guys if this South African strain is anywhere near resistant to the vaccine we will see the market crash worse than March. Buy a ******* hedge. Seriously.

I added a March call spread in VXX 40-60
More LQD June 120-115 put spreads
I have Jan hedges that I'm going to roll out probably

I also started into GDRX ironically
Guys if this South African strain is anywhere near resistant to the vaccine we will see the market crash worse than March. Buy a ****ing hedge. Seriously.

I added a March call spread in VXX 40-60
More LQD June 120-115 put spreads
I have Jan hedges that I'm going to roll out probably

I also started into GDRX ironically

Do you think we see surges in the "COVID" stocks, e.g. ZM, PTON etc. if we indeed have another crash? If it is as bad as I believe it will be, I honestly don't know where to turn. I have not jumped back into the market as of yet and am sitting on decent cash reserves. I have historically been averse to shorts (my almost two decades of betting unders in sports has shaped my mentality). Maybe even explaining your hedging strategy when you have a bit of time would be helpful. Appreciate your info, as always.
If the market crashes everything will with it, but those stocks will be the strongest of the bunch potentially. I'm just looking for cheap hedges that I will probably lose money on but if SHTF I can make some money off of. I'm basically looking for areas on my charts that could be magnets. These will, hopefully, all expire worthless and I blew 200 or 300 bucks but made a lot more on the long side.

Adding 2 Feb puts in AAL $10 for .13.

if this variant shows any potential efficacy issues for the vaccine the market will crash 20% in a day. Do NOT walk into the market with just your **** in your hands. Buy a hedge and if you can’t trade options, set stops.
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Guys if this South African strain is anywhere near resistant to the vaccine we will see the market crash worse than March. Buy a ****ing hedge. Seriously.

I added a March call spread in VXX 40-60
More LQD June 120-115 put spreads
I have Jan hedges that I'm going to roll out probably

I also started into GDRX ironically

I doubt there will be even a drop of more than 5% no matter what happens. The Fed will buy stocks before we even see anything close to a crash. Half the earth could be destroyed and the Fed will run the money printer and make a nuclear contaminated piece of land worth over $500k

The Fed will preserve the wealth of the 1% at any cost to the rest of society.
I doubt there will be even a drop of more than 5% no matter what happens. The Fed will buy stocks before we even see anything close to a crash. Half the earth could be destroyed and the Fed will run the money printer and make a nuclear contaminated piece of land worth over $500k

The Fed will preserve the wealth of the 1% at any cost to the rest of society.
Do t discount the fed wanting to take money from the poor and give it to the rich. They might want the best bargain for their portfolio.

started into someXL. 15 shares.
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