Might snag some SCTY in the am for a swing trade. I'm feeling the chart and risk vs reward is good
That would not surprise me. Gaps suck for traders tho

SPY VolStopBuy signal over 164.05. We are close
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People have said the same thing about LNKD and AMZN for the past couple years. Not to say you can't be right. But "too high" is all relative.
Some thought I was crazy for calling TSLA the next AAPL.
in what regard?

innovation, perhaps.  stock price run-up, perhaps.

profitability. that remains to be seen.
People have said the same thing about LNKD and AMZN for the past couple years. Not to say you can't be right. But "too high" is all relative.
those people are right about Amazon.  How does a company with no margins get valued so high.  Investors have a penchant for putting the cart before the horse when it comes to jacking up prices in advance of solid revenue or earnings.
We've had this discussion before. Stock prices are arbitrary. Comparing financials and fundamental data is rather meaningless. You can say symbol ABC does this and this. But symbol XYZ has intangibles or has a brighter future. At the end of the day, If you want to profit you shouldnt be too worried about being caught holding the bag since these are not penny or low cap stocks. Only thing I see as "right" is the price, everything else it all smoke and mirrors.
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We've had this discussion before. Stock prices are arbitrary. Comparing financials and fundamental data is rather meaningless. You can say symbol ABC does this and this. But symbol XYZ has intangibles or has a brighter future. At the end of the day, If you want to profit you shouldnt be too worried about being caught holding the bag since these are not penny or low cap stocks. Only thing I see as "right" is the price, everything else it all smoke and mirrors.
Yea, I know.

I guess I'm just too sensible to cave to irrationality.  And I know, in this world of investing insanity, that also translates to too sensible to make money short-term.

I don't like relying on other people.  So I especially don't like placing bets based on nothing other than the whims of other investors, funds, and institutions.

I have to believe that sooner or later, everything trades in line with its fundamentals.
safe to say NFLX is going to set new 52 week highs tomorrow? Might be a good risk vs reward setup for a day trade fwiw. Possible swing trade on strong close. I want to be apart of the move if it happens so I will look for low risk entry on a pullback or weak open
Bought SCTY on the dip in the opening minutes this morning, sold it 2 hours later for a cool $300 profit

Chump change to you guys, but tons to me :lol:

We've had this discussion before. Stock prices are arbitrary. Comparing financials and fundamental data is rather meaningless. You can say symbol ABC does this and this. But symbol XYZ has intangibles or has a brighter future. At the end of the day, If you want to profit you shouldnt be too worried about being caught holding the bag since these are not penny or low cap stocks. Only thing I see as "right" is the price, everything else it all smoke and mirrors.

Yea, I know.

I guess I'm just too sensible to cave to irrationality.  And I know, in this world of investing insanity, that also translates to too sensible to make money short-term.

I don't like relying on other people.  So I especially don't like placing bets based on nothing other than the whims of other investors, funds, and institutions.

I have to believe that sooner or later, everything trades in line with its fundamentals.

I can see the logic of both sides, but in the end, i guess it all boils down to whether the company meets investors' expectations.

safe to say NFLX is going to set new 52 week highs tomorrow? Might be a good risk vs reward setup for a day trade fwiw. Possible swing trade on strong close. I want to be apart of the move if it happens so I will look for low risk entry on a pullback or weak open

NFLX on a tear :x

How do you calculate when to enter on pullbacks?
I look for low risk spots to buy, specifically pullbacks with the trend, higher lows, wait for intraday support to be put in so you have an idea where to put the stop. The distance between your entry and support defines risk. The closer the lower the risk. I give a little extra room under support for my stop usually just in case. I always ask myself at what price would I no longer want to buy long (the break of uptrend). I hope this makes some sense to you
This thread is very informative im trying to learn as much as possible before i get into stock trading next year. wizards23 what is support, how do you identify it (on the stock chart?), and how do you use support to trade effectively?
Lol I'm always early with these big names aapl, nflx, etc. Nflx should have a nice move next few days for new 52 week high. I'm so used to momentum stocks that my timing is not yet on point for these
Was able to hop onto MNKD for near the low today. Made a great rally in the late afternoon after it fell off the table in the AM.

Big positive movement after hours today. Hope this is an indicator of lots of green tomorrow.

What are you guys eyeing at with earnings reports coming out the next few weeks?

I look for low risk spots to buy, specifically pullbacks with the trend, higher lows, wait for intraday support to be put in so you have an idea where to put the stop. The distance between your entry and support defines risk. The closer the lower the risk. I give a little extra room under support for my stop usually just in case. I always ask myself at what price would I no longer want to buy long (the break of uptrend). I hope this makes some sense to you

Can you explain the underlined text? Other than that, everything makes sense. Thanks!
Lol I'm always early with these big names aapl, nflx, etc. Nflx should have a nice move next few days for new 52 week high. I'm so used to momentum stocks that my timing is not yet on point for these

It might be because these high flyers have weekly options. The money makers have to pin the prices in order to allow only so many "winning tickets" so to speak. I thought that AMZN was being held down last week when it clearly wanted to run.
I have been in TSLA from the beginning and STILL, I regret not buying more. Damn damn damn! :smh:

Tell me about it. Early last year when homeboy from Dubai dumped billions of dollars worth of shares and caused it to plunge, I was going to throw my entire savings on it and scream YOLO. :smh:
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