^^ MNKD has been good for me since it was at 3$ could/should go higher too once Afrezza goes to the FDA in August I believe. I don't have a ton of money in like a lot of guys in here but doubling 120 bucks is good for me :lol:
Freaky,  any other stocks worth checking out? Already have a good amount invested in TSLA.

Just the few I've had my eyes on LNKD, NFLX, TSLA, AMZN. But earnings reporting is about to start in these big names. If you're going to hold through earnings, understand the risk associated with it and good luck!
Crazy pullback for TSLA and scty today

I think I'll sit out for the earnings reports and let people overreact before swooping in.

$ABX today :pimp:

What are you guys' opinion on precious metals these days? Is it only going up from here?
good luck. tsla had a crazy short interest before this run up, if they miss who knows what could happen. hope you have a stop set. nothing worse than giving back profits.
Interesting theory. You could be onto something. GS does not care about us retail guys. Big business cares about bottom line only. No faux given
They used to do it with AAPL, the media would release negative news right before earnings then they would beat. TSLA reports earnings July 22nd. If I were to guess this is a curve ball to get people to unload their long positions and perhaps take the short side. Earnings is almost pure gambling, anything can happen.
Whoever has sense is gonna make a lot of money on AAPL by the time Fall comes around.
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$yhoo looking very good today, I thought their earnings report was below expectations?

I have not kept up with this one. But sometimes a stock can move the opposite direction of a miss or beat on earnings. AMZN has a tendency to do this. Their earnings disappoint then they unveil some news about a new acquisition and shoots up 15% in after hours.
My girl's step father got to ring the bell yesterday; got a tour and meet with the senior vice president of the nyse.
$yhoo looking very good today, I thought their earnings report was below expectations?

I have not kept up with this one. But sometimes a stock can move the opposite direction of a miss or beat on earnings. AMZN has a tendency to do this. Their earnings disappoint then they unveil some news about a new acquisition and shoots up 15% in after hours.

Yeah I was just checking bc it's one of the few stocks I have in my small investment portfolio. But it's up almost 9% today, and all the analysts I saw and read yesterday were sounding quite bearish. You're right on the after hours trading though, the alibaba revenue news is also playing a big part I guess but this seems like a lot of momentum solely on that.
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i thought about buying yahoo the other day and didn't. oh well. i like what this ceo has done so far but how bright can yahoo's future really be? does anyone even go on there aside from fantasy sports or financial news?
Whoever has sense is gonna make a lot of money on AAPL by the time Fall comes around.
It's all I have bought in the last 4 months.  No matter what screen I run, whether it be for profitability, margins, ROE, FCF/market cap, etc. AAPL always shows up.  Their valuation is and has always been crazy.  In the last 10 years of remarkable returns, aapl has NEVER traded like a growth company.  Why, I wonder. 

Of course, I'm thinking long-term, so what happens in the fall is of small consequence right now.  I'm hoping there is a significant drop in price after earnings release on July 23rd, so that I can pick up some more at discount.
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Got squeezed out of ABX this morning. Went from 16.30 to 15.70 in a matter of two minutes. Stil made a healthy +5% (

i thought about buying yahoo the other day and didn't. oh well. i like what this ceo has done so far but how bright can yahoo's future really be? does anyone even go on there aside from fantasy sports or financial news?

I personally don't buy into companies that I think will not last. Yahoo is one, BBRY is another.
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