Really interested in learning more and learning. Last semester of college. Grabbed william oneils book to read. Anyone else got any good info for a newcomer wanting to learn?
i told my boy ABX was forming a cup and handle the other day, i hope he bought some.

How applicable are these chart trends to mining companies? I would've thought the VAST majority of the price of the shares depends on the price of precious metals
It does the trend I saw made me feel comfortable enough coupled with their impending earnings report (figured it might run up some) to think it would pop another dollar from when I discussed it with him at 15.87
medical marijuana stocks

all in for SKTO
Anybody else keeping an eye on this upcoming Sprout's IPO? Great place to grocery shop here in Phoenix, like Whole Foods but not ridiculously overpriced. They currently have 157 stores and are aiming for 1,200 stores in the near future.
^ AMD is donezo. I'm surprised that they've been scraping by for as long as they have and even making a little come back this year.

Gold is going berserk right now


NUGT +46% in 3 days :smh:
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I feel like there's still a great opportunity w/ apple. They are going to unveil new products in the fall/winter and going forward they'll have to release something new and exciting to the marketplace whether in 4Q 2013 or in 2014 (whether its the watch, tv, midrange phone, whatever). It'll probably dip back to the low 400s at some point before then too

Dell on the complete other hand is an absolute disaster right now, not that I'd be interested but just reading the news with that company it's not good in any way at all.
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bought into F (ford) 10k before earnings and fb (facebook) 10k today. FB was up 20% in after hour trading I hope price holds tomorrow during trading.

I really want to get into option trading. Any advice for beginners?
Lawd that Facebook quarter was incredible, that jump might hit 38 soon, I honestly thought it was dying off none of my friends really use it they jumped to twitter :lol: just floods of candy crush and that damn FarmVille
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