Whoever has sense is gonna make a lot of money on AAPL by the time Fall comes around.

said by every analyst every quarter

Digging tesla today :smokin should hit 128 tomorrow depending on the volume

Anyone here in the futures market?
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bbry's dead but idk something about this yhoo ceo i like. just dont know what that company can do to get to where it was.

What ive made so far this year excluding taxes. A lot of my trades have been short term trades. I told myself I want to average 1000 a month in profit. I hope to exceed it!!
Anybody here use/have used MB Trading as your online broker? I'm looking to jump ship. I just need something that's no frills (no minimum monthly trades, no subscription fees, etc.), just low cost stock trades.


What ive made so far this year excluding taxes. A lot of my trades have been short term trades. I told myself I want to average 1000 a month in profit. I hope to exceed it!!

Nice! If you don't mind me asking, how much $$$ are you playing with?

Whoever has sense is gonna make a lot of money on AAPL by the time Fall comes around.

It's all I have bought in the last 4 months.  No matter what screen I run, whether it be for profitability, margins, ROE, FCF/market cap, etc. AAPL always shows up.  Their valuation is and has always been crazy.  In the last 10 years of remarkable returns, aapl has NEVER traded like a growth company.  Why, I wonder. 

Of course, I'm thinking long-term, so what happens in the fall is of small consequence right now.  I'm hoping there is a significant drop in price after earnings release on July 23rd, so that I can pick up some more at discount.

What price are you looking to get in?
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Nice! If you don't mind me asking, how much $$$ are you playing with?

Thanks, I have 15k in long term stocks w/ dividends COP

and I have 20k to play with short term.
^^^ (Based mod)

As far as AAPL goes, the price doesn't matter to me.  I consider it, even at today's prices to be the best value based on p/e, p/s, fcf/market cap, dividend yield, future earnings prospects.

So even if the needle doesn't move on the price, I'd still buy more.

But every morning I wake up (and this is gonna sound ******ed, given that I already have a moderate sized investment in AAPL) I pray for a good old market crash.

I mean AAPL is already valued, somewhat insanely I might add, like its a lackluster cyclical.  Can you imagine buying AAPL after a 15-20% market crash.
Rightguard any upcoming plays you want to share? Nice work.
Rightguard any upcoming plays you want to share? Nice work.

nothing at the moment, a lot of earning reports...... today was really bad for the tech sector but you could smell it from a mile away. I may buy into microsoft if the price goes down to mid 20's.

Apple, at&t, panera bread report next week earnings calendar :
Read how to make money in stocks by William O'Neill.

Ordered that on Amazon and it got lost in the shipping process.

Gotta order it again.

Made out pretty good buying July 20th GOOG $880 Calls a couple weeks ago now I want to catch them on the way down.

I am absolutely sick right now.

Sold my $910 GOOG puts earlier this week. Would've made half my yearly salary this morning if I had remained confident in my play.

S I C K.
Soo... I just started my 401k investment profit sharing thing with my employer.

Every week a certain %come outs towards it and they also match it a prty good amount. I forget the actual %.

Since this money goes into stocks.. Is there anything I can do with it to make some more money?

And yes I don't rly know what I'm doing.
Anybody use the CAN SLIM method to select stocks? I'm thinking of ordering one of William ONeils books on it just to learn some more. I've heard it works really well but might take a year or two to learn completely :lol:
Anybody use the CAN SLIM method to select stocks? I'm thinking of ordering one of William ONeils books on it just to learn some more. I've heard it works really well but might take a year or two to learn completely :lol:

Every methodology has its strength and weaknesses. O'neil's methods is no better or worse than any others. Think of it like Rock Paper Scissors. In order to be successful you need to find the one that fits your personality and goals. It's much easier said than done of course.
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Anybody use the CAN SLIM method to select stocks? I'm thinking of ordering one of William ONeils books on it just to learn some more. I've heard it works really well but might take a year or two to learn completely :lol:

Every methodology has its strength and weaknesses. O'neil's methods is no better or worse than any others. Think of it like Rock Paper Scissors. In order to be successful you need to find the one that fits your personality and goals. It's much easier said than done of course.

Very true, I'm just a beginner so I'm still trying to learn as much as I can and try to figure some of this stuff out :lol:
Interesting indeed. I hope tsla falters hard so I can get back in :lol:

Smh at me for getting out of NUGT wayyyy too early and missing out the last two days
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