I came close to buying some TWTR calls. Didn't wanna take the chance tho.

I woulda thought BWLD would've been positive with football season looming.
TWTR finally paying off for me
someone refresh my memory..

there was a book recommended, about a guy who came to america with nothing and earned $1M from investing in stocks...

anyone know what book that is?
Was it that Nicholas Darvas book Wiz mentioned a while back?

Took a couple of AAPL 99 weeklies earlier today. Just a handful at .26 so it's low risk with a decent reward if it gets that 100 magnet tomorrow.

Also picked up 2 Aug 16 $37.50 FEYE calls at 2.15. Risk to 35.68 (got in around 36.15). Thinking it might find some legs heading into earnings.
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Was it that Nicholas Darvas book Wiz mentioned a while back?

Took a couple of AAPL 99 weeklies earlier today. Just a handful at .26 so it's low risk with a decent reward if it gets that 100 magnet tomorrow.

Also picked up 2 Aug 16 $37.50 FEYE calls at 2.15. Risk to 35.68 (got in around 36.15). Thinking it might find some legs heading into earnings.

yea, i think it was that. thanks
been getting a nice feel trading UVXY these past 2 days. Always good to have a go to stock when the market is showing weakness. I feel the momentum is shifting but
Yellen :lol:

Looks like we're gapping down today. Still early, so we'll see how things progress, just wish I didn't take anything o/n in hopes of a gap up. Glad it was small size, but more of a learning experience, not worth anticipating a gap up with weeklies unless I'm already green on the trade.

YELP had some crazy price action after reporting yesterday.

John Welsh negative on GPRO and LOCO this morning. Thinks GPRO could be single digits next year. Believe they report after the bell today. Same with TSLA.

Adam Feurstein positive on AMRN :nerd:

Stopped out on FEYE. Market's tough today.
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Decided to move $10k from savings into a trade account today. I'll probably invest it gradually in five $2k increments over the next couple months. I'd like to see a strong correction of 15-20%, at which point I'd put a larger amount from savings into IVV and ride it back up over the next year or two. 

Put a buy order in for UNFI. I like their position in the natural & organic industry long term. Their client base is more than just the pure natural & organic retailers that have been getting crushed (WFM & SFM). I'm also long SFM though too ; /

Cummins (CMI) is a head scratcher since they reported. They beat revenue and earnings estimates and increased their forecast, and are down like 7-8% since. I don't get it. I'm very long on them though so maybe I should cop some more...
These smack downs are wondering buying opportunities. Cop now before the Indian wedding season starts
Was it that Nicholas Darvas book Wiz mentioned a while back?

Took a couple of AAPL 99 weeklies earlier today. Just a handful at .26 so it's low risk with a decent reward if it gets that 100 magnet tomorrow.

Also picked up 2 Aug 16 $37.50 FEYE calls at 2.15. Risk to 35.68 (got in around 36.15). Thinking it might find some legs heading into earnings.
Debating on scooping on the Apple pullback, I still think 100 is the new target.
Redler posted this chart this morning, oviously AAPL has violated the 96s. I got screwed cause it's a weekly, on a monthly, maybe I catch a break next week, but then again, I would've been paying a bigger premium.


I'm watching AAPL here over/under 95. Always a little hesitant when a big psychological number like 100 can't be broken through, but this is probably just a pull back before the next leg up. Just have a plan if you wanna trade this 1.

Ex Dividend date is 8/7 here as well. Not sure how that will influence the stock.
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Redler posted this chart this morning, oviously AAPL has violated the 96s. I got screwed cause it's a weekly, on a monthly, maybe I catch a break next week, but then again, I would've been paying a bigger premium.


I'm watching AAPL here over/under 95. Always a little hesitant when a big psychological number like 100 can't be broken through, but this is probably just a pull back before the next leg up. Just have a plan if you wanna trade this 1.

Ex Dividend date is 8/7 here as well. Not sure how that will influence the stock.
Screw it, just bought in 10 mins ago. Will hold until around 99.
Me too :lol: Picked up a few Aug 16 93.57 calls. Like the way it's been holding .50 and this perk to .60 here.

It should be fine going forward, it needed a breather. My whole thing is, can I get it cheaper?

broke through .70 hopefully we get a r/g push would be sweet

96 push now. nice job dude.
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Sea of red today. Haven't seen that in a while. WFM resilient as hell today. DDD looking like garbage.

LNKD, TSLA, GPRO reports this afternoon.

Still holding 25 shares of TSLA.

No position on LNKD, but I'm bearish.

GPRO's IPO was only a month ago. Wondering if expectations are too high.
Me too :lol: Picked up a few Aug 16 93.57 calls. Like the way it's been holding .50 and this perk to .60 here.

It should be fine going forward, it needed a breather. My whole thing is, can I get it cheaper?

broke through .70 hopefully we get a r/g push would be sweet

96 push now. nice job dude.
:pimp: so far so good hope it continues. Anything else on the horizon? I've been looking at few Asian tech options
Adam Feurstein positive on AMRN :nerd:

More like saying there's nothing to lose but something to gain...I have a small stake in AMRN so this is good to hear. The stock is practically dead with no trades or news but glad to hear some positive.
Yeah that's basically what he said. I took 20 Dec $2 calls this morning at a .27 average. More of a bet than an actual trade though since it's rolling the dice here that they get that pill back.

This little sell off in the market here :smh: Gonna swing these AAPL calls into next week unless it gets going tomorrow.

Trade working against me now. Might take a call or two off, may not. Risk to the low of the day. Plan to swing 1 for sure.

Looking good again if we get through 96. This market is gonna be volatile 2nd half of the year.
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