Official Stock Market & Economy Thread

Excited to see how gold reacts this week. Looks like the gov is taking a large share of citi over, the market may react positive tomorrow. Thoughts on oilanyone?
^ im looking into it now....

what site do you use for trading? i have this fidelity account that is terrible.
Originally Posted by wizards23

what do you think is going to happen to C ?
Government seems to upping their stake, and it looks to be the 40%, so further shareholder price dilution.
Damnit I knew I should have bought some Wells Fargo, I hope someone out there followed my advice.
i sold my srs position for a nice 9% profit ... i'm going to prolly wait until the end of the day b4 i make my next play ..
Hmm, what to play now.....I think we'll see a little bump here. Am looking for some good value in an ETF right now.
DkY can i get a link to your blog and a quick synopsis on what you think is going on in the currencies market now and over the next couple months...i'mslowly working my way back to keeping track and then ease my way into trading again...
Originally Posted by andycrazn

whats going on. its been red for the past few days.
And will continue to be in the red.

First it was 8,000.... then it was 7,500..... next is 7,000..... after that, likely 6,500
NT bankers or anyone who works in the financial industry right now, especially any of you who work for a firm on "the street".

Lets be optimistic for 5 minutes and assume a best case scenario where the banks don't become completely nationalized and we gain some economic stabilityand possibly start the upswing, are there any jobs you recommend someone coming out of college take in the finance industry by say 2011? Or should i just stickto engineering.

Is Investment Banking done...forever? 2007 bonus season was crazy. Goldman Sachs 1st yeat analyst/i bankers coming through with 90-100k like it was nothing. Isthat era over? Hedge funds? Anything? Where is the bonus money going to be? Predictions?

Got out of SRS at 76 last its at 82...

When's the damn rally going to begin so i can get back into position...
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