official sweat your VirgilMalloy in the Main Event thread

Well I got into the Stanford MBA program when I was a senior at Cal, but I deferred for two years (Start in Fall '10) to basically live in SF, do sportsbetting and poker work at startups and generally kick it with college friends who live here and try to enjoy being 23 to the fullest extent possible.

I think I am going to spend next April - July in Vegas and travel next August before I go to school.

Right now I actually work for Dr. Bob (, and I'm his only employee. Not really doing a whole lot though since it's the off season,but once the new site launches in a week or so I'll be pretty damn busy - perfect timing with the whole WSOP etc. I also worked for a pre-launch peer topeer betting startup for 6 mos which is about to launch and is a pretty cool site. Learning as much about running business ops at a startup as I can.

In the short term (next year and a half) I'd like to keep grinding sports betting and poker and see if I can bink a big score or two a or run super hot athigh stakes and get up to the 1m mark before I go to school.

In the long term, I'm focusing on tech startups... I guess my goal is to become a startup management expert (since I don't have the tech skills to be adesign or engineer guy) and become really familiar with launching and running them, and hope I meet some smart people at Stanford and join up with them and gobig with it

What about you, you still back east?

PS - PSU nonconf, *%@ gives?
I would buy into some of your action but I'm trying to build a bankroll my damn self... Gonna buy back into fulltilt for $1,000 at the end of this monthand just grind... My buddy is gonna hookup pokertracker on my new comp and I got a sweet rakeback deal going with my fulltilt account so it's on!!!

If your back in the WSOP main event next year then I'll buy into some of your action then.

Good luck once again tho!!!
Originally Posted by VirgilMalloy

Well I got into the Stanford MBA program when I was a senior at Cal, but I deferred for two years (Start in Fall '10) to basically live in SF, do sports betting and poker work at startups and generally kick it with college friends who live here and try to enjoy being 23 to the fullest extent possible.

I think I am going to spend next April - July in Vegas and travel next August before I go to school.

Right now I actually work for Dr. Bob (, and I'm his only employee. Not really doing a whole lot though since it's the off season, but once the new site launches in a week or so I'll be pretty damn busy - perfect timing with the whole WSOP etc. I also worked for a pre-launch peer to peer betting startup for 6 mos which is about to launch and is a pretty cool site. Learning as much about running business ops at a startup as I can.

In the short term (next year and a half) I'd like to keep grinding sports betting and poker and see if I can bink a big score or two a or run super hot at high stakes and get up to the 1m mark before I go to school.

In the long term, I'm focusing on tech startups... I guess my goal is to become a startup management expert (since I don't have the tech skills to be a design or engineer guy) and become really familiar with launching and running them, and hope I meet some smart people at Stanford and join up with them and go big with it

What about you, you still back east?

PS - PSU nonconf, *%@ gives?
Damn... sounds like you are living the life I wish I was...

I graduated PSU in December with an Economics degree... applied for about 100 different jobs, 2 or 3 of which I actually think I would've enjoyed... nowI'm realizing that I don't want to work in an office, and I'd really like to do the startup type of route that you're messing with. However,trying to do that in central PA still is not going to work out very well for me

Really - I'm looking to do a few of my own startups if I can ever get some capital saved up. Eventually I'd like to get back into poker andsports/horses someday, but I just can't afford it right now.

As far as PSU... man... they'll claim the schedule was set so far in advance that they couldn't help how it's ended up, but it's a joke. Ireally can't even claim to be much of a fan of the football program anymore, the whole thing is such a comedy of errors at this point... Joe's runningaround here like some kind of God while 95 percent of the fans want him gone, the AD does whatever he says, even if most of it is just crazy 95 year oldtalk... and now we get incredibly bad scheduling 2 years in a row where we have a team that could've made some noise both years had they played anybodydecent OOC.

It's whatever really - but it sucks not having a team I can really call my own anymore.. i disagree with so much they do, and it's all just for thesake of an old man's feelings that they do most of it. Kind of pathetic.

Anyways - good luck again in the tournament, and let me know if you need any help with any of your startups.
u can play online poker for money in california? i thought it was illegal you still got to be 21?
Originally Posted by Derek916

u can play online poker for money in california? i thought it was illegal you still got to be 21?

Yes you can, yes it's legal, and no you only have to be 18 (I'm 23).

Government has realized that they have no legal jurisdiction so they've resorted to scare tactics and misinformation. Sadly, the Obama administrationhasn't proved to be any friendlier.
Haha, damn I didn't realize so many of you were still on here. I think I'm going to go buy a pair of air maxes just to remind myself what buying kicksfeels like.
good luck. I'm hoping to make it out there one day. I was a novice a year ago but have been making big strides online.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

VirgilMalloy wrote:

Actually I won't be playing until Monday, on Day 1-D.
you have a choice in the matter?

Yeah, they have to prepare for a ton of players, and they can't really accomodate more than 2000 or so at once so they split Day 1 into four Day 1'sand Day 2 into two Day 2's. You can play in whatever Day 1 that you want, and then you play in the corresponding Day 2.

You start like 300bb deep, and they play 2 hour levels instead of 1 hour levels, so the structure is super slow, so you don't end up hitting the moneyuntil Day 3 anyway..

They also cap each Day 1 at 3k.
Ughhh might be over extending myself lol. I now own small shares of 7 other different players in the ME. Hope somebody goes deep.
Originally Posted by VirgilMalloy

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

VirgilMalloy wrote:

Actually I won't be playing until Monday, on Day 1-D.
you have a choice in the matter?

Yeah, they have to prepare for a ton of players, and they can't really accomodate more than 2000 or so at once so they split Day 1 into four Day 1's and Day 2 into two Day 2's. You can play in whatever Day 1 that you want, and then you play in the corresponding Day 2.

You start like 300bb deep, and they play 2 hour levels instead of 1 hour levels, so the structure is super slow, so you don't end up hitting the money until Day 3 anyway..

They also cap each Day 1 at 3k.
Not sure but I think Craftsy understands the Day 1'syou just misunderstood him.

You do start with 30K this year as opposed to the 20k starting stack the last two years but i'm pretty sure levels are 90 minutes and not 120.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by VirgilMalloy

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

VirgilMalloy wrote:

Actually I won't be playing until Monday, on Day 1-D.
you have a choice in the matter?

Yeah, they have to prepare for a ton of players, and they can't really accomodate more than 2000 or so at once so they split Day 1 into four Day 1's and Day 2 into two Day 2's. You can play in whatever Day 1 that you want, and then you play in the corresponding Day 2.

You start like 300bb deep, and they play 2 hour levels instead of 1 hour levels, so the structure is super slow, so you don't end up hitting the money until Day 3 anyway..

They also cap each Day 1 at 3k.
Not sure but I think Craftsy understands the Day 1's you just misunderstood him.

You do start with 30K this year as opposed to the 20k starting stack the last two years but i'm pretty sure levels are 90 minutes and not 120.

Yeah it's all good though - i was just wondering if they made you switch or something, like if a session got filled already or something alongthose lines.

Anyways - day 1A is today, hopefully some good pro's and Galen make a deep run in this thing... i kinda lose interest after all the big pro's are out.
Blind levels are 120 mins. DAMN.

I mean it would have to be a SICK cooler for me to go out on day 1. I just don't see how you can donk off ESPECIALLY in the first level.
galen whats your seat and table #? might stop by i know a few other people playin day 1-d

you on any of the poker forums either?
Goodluck... will be following you along with a few other buddies on twitter... be sure to post who is at your table and any interesting hands... How will youadjust your play since it is such a deep and well structured MTT as opposed to most online mtts... btw any results or key hands in your previous wsop prelimevents?
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Blind levels are 120 mins. DAMN.

I mean it would have to be a SICK cooler for me to go out on day 1. I just don't see how you can donk off ESPECIALLY in the first level.

Yeah, it would have to be a pretty sick cooler to go out when you're 300bbs deep, but I mean in the 5-10 game I usually play most people are sitting with100-500bbs so it's not like it never happens.

By the end of Day 1, your starting stack is only 100bbs though, which is basically one big hand and you're done.
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