***Official Tattoo Thread: Inked-4-Life Vol.2***

Had my 4th session last week.. Here are some photos from the 3rd sesh (posted before) and 4th sesh to get an idea of progress.

Now my question to you guys, and I would really appreciate your feedback on this as I'm on the fence..  

What color should I go with for the Koi and the last Lotus???  :tongue:

I keep bouncing back and forth between blue & yellow for the Koi (though this isn't a color a real koi would ever be) or a nice deep red.

For the Lotus, I was also thinking about a nice deep red (the other 2 lotuses are pink/red and purple) but would that look bland with a red Koi also?  Don't know what to do...

Need your help fellas!  Fongstarr???  Picasso Swerve??  Anyone!

Pics from 3rd sesh - 

Most recent session pics below.  Kept my shirt on for you guys this time LOL

Suggest a color..!

And color for the Lotus... 

Go with a orange and black koi and for the lotus. I got one on me that's blue on the outside and yellow pink on the inside.


Bad photo
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I'm still looking up local tattoo shops for myself. It's becoming difficult, because there's a lot of great artists.

I'm also hesitant to pick one if they haven't tattooed black skin. I'm not dark at all, but certain colors might not look right.

Don't use yelp to look up reviews on tattoo shops. Go Into the shop and talk to the artists. And ask them about tattooing on dark skin. Great artist know how to make it work with color

I didn't use Yelp. I wouldn't use Yelp. Those reviews can be faked. I looked up the shop's websites, or IG pages. I figure if a shop doesn't have either in 2014, they're not worth a look.

I will email the artists once I figure out what design I truly want, and ask.
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Damn I wanna get tatted but have no clue whya to get

That could be the first mistake already. You should know exactly what you want to get before you get it. It should have some reason or meaning behind it, not just cause you want one. Do your research on what you want and who you want to do the work for you, then you're good to go. It's on you for the rest of your life so you don't want to be that person that regrets getting a certain tattoo. I somewhat did research on mine, but not enough i feel. Don't get me wrong, I like my tat but I felt like I could've made it a little better if I had done more research and been more decisive about it. 

I been wanting to get tatted for nearly 4 years now. That's basically the reason why I don't have any tats. I don't wanna put any Bs on my body just to "have" a tattoo.
I think I'm going to do with a Greek style, statuesque theme for my right sleeve. I still have to refine the idea, but it's dope to me. I'm giving it time to make sure it what's I really want as well.

I thought I'd share this one. By far the best of this idea

Strikes me as Photoshop tho. Not sure if it is a filter/adjustment of some sort.
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I didn't use Yelp. I wouldn't use Yelp. Those reviews can be faked. I looked up the shop's websites, or IG pages. I figure if a shop doesn't have either in 2014, they're not worth a look.

I will email the artists once I figure out what design I truly want, and ask.

definitely agree. i'm no tattoo connoisseur by any means, but after spending many hours in the chair and appreciating my own tattoos and those of others, i've come to understand that there's nothing like seeing an artist's work first hand. there's no amount of detailed writing/reviews that can replace seeing an artist's book and seeing if his/her work aligns with the style you're looking for.
Sorry I'm horrible at taking pics. Here's what I've got done this month. Mosquito is a little Friday the 13th banger I picked up today. cm rutledge did it. He's a beast. The all the color in my sleeve Mimi did at seawolf in Minneapolis and Jason did my bear from the same shop. Kick *** traditional there for the mn heads.




Can I go back using my regular lotions after the tattoo has been healed for over a month? (ie coco butter)
Can I go back using my regular lotions after the tattoo has been healed for over a month? (ie coco butter)

Yup. I think once it heals, there is really no infecting the tattoo anymore. I think from my understanding is when you get tattooed, the ink is on the surface of your skin but when it heals, it actually is sort of underneath it (if that make sense). I remember one of the tattoo artist telling me that.
How much would a good tip be for an artist? 10%? 15%?
Eh depends on how he charges (hourly/session) and his rate.

With my artist that ive gone to for years, he would hook me up anyway with the price, so for say a $300 piece (3-4 hours, he normally charges $150 an hour) id tip him $30-$40 bucks, $10 an hour usually.

My other artist charged $500 for a 2 hour session, id tip him $40 each time and he was cool with it.

All in all, $10 an hour IMO is cool. If its a flat rate, depending on how long it is, $30-50 bucks is cool if its not longer than 5 hours.
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