^ That Red Ferarri has to be Hot Rod (atleast I hope so). It probably is one of those ploys Bay puts out.

Like when he said Megatron wasn't going to be in the last one, and how he said the Twins aren't in this one...they are
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Transformers 3: More Details Unveiled

If you were wondering the identity of Rosie Huntington, look no further: As her name in the upcoming film is confirmed as Carly. But that's not all, Nelson, administrator on Shoot for the Edit also confirms the name of that red Ferrari we've been seeing, who's to be known as Rush! To view a detailed report from Nelson on the filming, click here. Also see more photos on Shoot for the Edit by clicking here

bummer, but there's still hope that that's part of the mis-information Bay always says he gives out

was rush a original character in transformers? i cant find anything

not that I can remember.  Maybe one of those dumb minicons from the Armada series, but I never watched that crap
Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

People are really still excited about this after that awful second movie?

What does it matter though?    Fans are still fans.  I don't understand why people are so inclined on critiquing a movie about transforming robots.

It was not as bad as people make it out to be. 
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

**UPDATE**the red ferrari is NOT named Rush

Nelson : The NASCAR Trio Are The Wreckers

Glad there's still hope for that ferrari to be Hot Rod and am pretty excited to see the "Wreckers" in the movie, although it's too bad it won't be Kup, Springer, Drift and that crew. They were a badass crew and it looks like these boys don't play neither.
Originally Posted by rillo561

Hated the first one, didn't bother with the 2nd one, no way I'm I watching this one.

not sure I understand the point of coming into a thread following the progress of something just to voice your disapproval..

almost like you though most people in said thread felt the same way...interesting behavior....
lmao...this was prob the worst time of the year to film transformers with the recent plague of citywide violence...saw mad people duck for cover a few weeks ago downtown during filming cause it sounded like someone was spraying michigan & wacker with a ak-47
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