Official Umar Johnson Thread

Homeboy directly responded to me and said im
a straight clown. I have no idea who he is nor do I care. The worst is when these kids on NT quote me for no reason other than to be on my meat. Boy don’t quote me anymore going forward.

As for @Diego Pasta did you DONATE to the school? Why are u so concerned about a school that you clearly didn’t try to support or would never even send you kid you? The people who support him like me and others are dumbfounded that people who never donated that there are black people who just want a brother to fail off the strength that he is going at it alone with no backing from any religious group or other political organizations with other agendas but yet y’all take a lot of time to hate on him just because he speaks STRICTLY BLACK POWER.

I donated a while ago $200 and I don’t even have kids. People who donate are helping funding him going around the world and speak
on the condition of black people worldwide. I was in Kenya 🇰🇪 couple years ago for vacation and I missed him by 2 days. THATS WHY WE DONATED. Because we love his global impact on black people worldwide not some little school that may never be opened (because opening a school isn’t as easy as y’all think). Please examine going forward why y’all put toward that’s much hate towards him and question if y’all really love the black world. That’s all I’m saying my brother.

now I’m leaving before some little kid put a laugh icon on here because he don’t understand black global politics or quote me saying something like “OmG ur a Clown lol”
You could have just answered my question but instead you just deflect. I'm supposed to support a black man just because he's black? Umar is supposed to be building the foundation. Instead he's just going on telling cats that decalcifying their pineal gland will help them achieve riches they couldn't imagine. How much 'impact' is he having on the world if he can't even get the school off the ground? Man's already a couple Mill in and all he has is an abandoned building to his name. Why would I donate my hard earned money to a project that has no intention of being completed? You're drunk if you think I'm paying for pep talks from the Black Tony Robbins. I'm not paying no MF to go on vacations to the Homeland just to tell other black people what they already know.
@Diego Pasta then don’t donate like you always down 🤷🏾‍♂️
The only ones who complain are the ones who don’t donate. PEOPLE ARE DONATING TO THE MOVEMENT NOT THE SCHOOL
what about pan Africansm and global black consciousness says it’s okay to take money from black people and not deliver on promises? At what point does character factor into this? Sounds to me like some people have tethered their consciousness to a person and not a movement or a set of principles. In which cases there’s really nothing to talk about. I’m never gonna be someone that separates lip service from actual actions especially if those actions are contradictory to the message.
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If Umar “here is an invoice, pay it and a school will be built on xxx date”

then everyone has a right to complain.

homeboy said “people if y’all want to DONATE to this cause I’m trying to do by building a school from the ground up”


who gives you the right to complain off other people’s donation?!

y’all in here complaining that I donated and I’ll gladly do it again because in reality it was NEVER ABOUT A SCHOOL.

please do not mask your disdain for black power and Pan-Africanism by saying “oh I hate Umar because he didn’t build the school”

just say you’re not a fan of the movement. Simple
The day one of y’all create a NT thread titled

“the black church been scamming our families for hundreds of years and most of them are being financed by white banks thread”

then I will take y’all exaggerated critique of Umar seriously.
Umar is liar. And allegedly his girlfriend who he tricked off the donation money to, buying her an art gallery in PA, is half white. (Her mom is Caucasian) They say he is now living in his car, but there's no way to verify that. (He no longer posts anything indoors, just at fdmg outside or in a vehicle or at a speaking venue). He doesn't pay child support, but yet he's gonna save black boys. ( This is a nuanced subject but that still looks bad). Nobody perfect but 4 baby mother's with the rhetoric he spits is obsurb. Other than provide information, he hasn't done anything . There is no movement. Just him moving state to state like a nomad tickling ears, making false promises, misallocating funds and smashing single moms. That all there is and there is no evidence that will ever change.

A leader not only leads by words but by example. Outside of eloquent speech, there is nothing positive Ifantunde is a good example of.
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Umar not delivering on a school is probably the least of my issues with him as an individual and a leader and the thing that I’ve spent the least amount of time speaking on in the thread. What has the 10+ years of grandstanding yielded other more grandstanding? Who is Umar linking up with nationally or internationally? Pan Africanism and global black politics are at the root of this movement right? What are the plans? Where are there strategies? What institutions are being built as a result of his work? What’s the point of all of this is the goal is not to rid the diaspora of dependency of white systems and white supremacy? Umar doesn’t need to be the person that comes up with all of it, I wouldn’t expect him to. But I don’t seem him linking up and partnering with people capable of doing these things on any scale. If he’s not bringing any of that into fruition why should be forced to stomach any of the negative ish that comes along with him? What about black consciousness can Umar only bring to the conversation? Why are we acting like the only route to black consciousness is through Umar Johnson via the breakfast club?
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Black people don’t love black people if they don’t fit into the frame work of white supremacy (RIP Kobe but I’m sure 99% of y’all love Kobe more than Umar)

if y’all can’t stomach Umar so much name me a better speaker on black issues WORLDWIDE than him.

(I Caped the worldwide part, cause a lot of y’all don’t realize how big the black world is than America)
if y’all can’t stomach Umar so much name me a better speaker on black issues WORLDWIDE than him.

better at what? What has clicks and views on social media amounted too? Quantifiably? What has he done locally, nationally or internationally? What has he set up or helped set up that has lead to the development of systems that are pushing forward the black agenda? How does someone become the best at something with out anything to show For it?
better at what? What has clicks and views on social media amounted too? Quantifiably? What has he done locally, nationally or internationally? What has he set up or helped set up that has lead to the development of systems that are pushing forward the black agenda? How does someone become the best at something with out anything to show For it?

Ok, let’s make it simpler for you. Whatever he is “bad” at, name me someone who is “good” at it.

I’m waiting
htg designs htg designs so Umar and us brothers shouldn’t date mixed black women? They gotta be 100% African?
Based off his own messaging, the blacker (in heritage), the better.

With all the statistics pointing to how black women are the least likely to marry, I would think based of his professed ideology, that he would hold 100% black women in the highest regard.

Remeber, he says you shouldnt be with a white woman as a black man. Despite how you may feel, your allegiance should be to your people. Without that union tho, his girlfriend wouldn't exist.

Based off his own messaging, the blacker (in heritage), the better.

With all the statistics pointing to how black women are the least likely to marry, I would think based of his professed ideology, that he would hold 100% black women in the highest regard.

Remeber, he says you shouldnt be with a white woman as a black man. Despite how you may feel, your allegiance should be to your people. Without that union tho, his girlfriend wouldn't exist.

You’re reaching on that one. He has to take a DNA test to find out she is 95% + African?

I’m 81% African and as long as a woman is at least half black im down with her.

its silly to say only 100% dna from Africa is worthy of being apart of the conversation
Alright I spent enough time in here. My brothers go hate on the black church ⛪️ if you’re gonna hate on anything, not this little old man that’s preaching black power.

jesus, it’s black history month too lol.

those 4 videos have like aggregately 8 million view.

y’all should stop watching those little Umar hater videos with a bunch of no names trying to get famous off him. Their videos be have 978 views lol.

stop hating on Umar fellas. Love black ✊🏿 and let’s move our people forward.

it’s disgusting when your whole agenda is to tear down one man instead of tearing down white supremacy, mass incarceration, etc.

Ok, let’s make it simpler for you. Whatever he is “bad” at, name me someone who is “good” at it.

I’m waiting

I don’t understand this fascination with calls to authority that you keep making . As if one person can amount to some supreme black thought leader black people don’t need a president, they need systems and institutions. Who is Umar linking with and lifting up to get these things accomplished? there are literally thousands of black organizations civil, political, stem, educational that empower black people world wide. They’re on local, state, national, and levels. They do that work everyday. Im asking you how Umar plans to get anything done with out engaging those groups If he’s the leader you say he is. You keep pointing to views as some kind of metric for success, but who’s the breakfast clubs audience? People ready to mobilize? If he had $1 for every view he had on the breakfast club he’d have that school done and on to the next. So how valuable are those views?
htg designs htg designs there are many black grassroots local organizations out there on different levels right? Why aren’t you focusing on building up those instead of hating on Umar.

the simple man goes around and give speeches on black politics and get some donations from his followers and that’s your big concern?
I posted his Breakfast Club interviews as a response to you posting some no name who can’t get views on his YouTube without mentioning Umars name.
htg designs htg designs there are many black grassroots local organizations out there on different levels right? Why aren’t you focusing on building up those instead of hating on Umar.

the simple man goes around and give speeches on black politics and get some donations from his followers and that’s your big concern?
I posted his Breakfast Club interviews as a response to you posting some no name who can’t get views on his YouTube without mentioning Umars name.

let me know when Umar dismantles white supremacy with breakfast club youtube views. Meanwhile organizations like the center for law and social justice and NSBE are actually in these streets changing communities in which black people actually live. i live right outside Philadelphia btw, in umars backyard. His local level game in his own community is nonexistent.
let me know when Umar dismantles white supremacy with breakfast club youtube views. Meanwhile organizations like the center for law and social justice and NSBE are actually in these streets changing communities in which black people actually live. i live right outside Philadelphia btw, in umars backyard. His local level game in his own community is nonexistent.

Hold up. So NAACP, NSBE, Center for Black Law have they dismantled white supremacy?

oh exactly, thought so.

brothers, all I’m saying is focus your attention on the bigger issues instead of hating on one man who is at least highlighting these bigger issues.
Hold up. So NAACP, NSBE, Center for Black Law have they dismantled white supremacy?

oh exactly, thought so.

Strawman. Where did I claim that? I said they’re doing real work in Actual communities. Setting up real systems for black people so they don’t have to rely on white systems that Favor white people. How is Umar leveraging views to mobilize people or groups in an equivalent way? Outside of more speaking engagements where he speaks on things he’s not qualified to.

and if you’re concerned about panafricanism how about spending more time sharing it’s ideals instead of defending a man that contradicts those very ideas. Notice no one here said they hate Umar because he loves black people
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layziegunts layziegunts I already said the same about Umar in this very thread.

It IS possible for someone to agree with

A. Think he is a great speaker
B. Agree with many of his points regarding The Public School to Prison Pipeline
C. Agree with Black Love being a POLITICAL stance

1. Wondering where the school is
2. Thinking he is a goofy clown at times

All things can be true, but again, all or nothing for many
layziegunts layziegunts I already said the same about Umar in this very thread.

It IS possible for someone to agree with

A. Think he is a great speaker
B. Agree with many of his points regarding The Public School to Prison Pipeline
C. Agree with Black Love being a POLITICAL stance

1. Wondering where the school is
2. Thinking he is a goofy clown at times

All things can be true, but again, all or nothing for many

you dont have to rock with everyone that says 2+2=4 and that sky is blue simply because theyre stating facts. same goes for any thought "leader". a rejection of umar isnt a rejection of black consciousness. as much as some might claim otherwise hes not the gate keeper of some secret information or code. unless your consciousness is only rooted in what you find on social media
layziegunts layziegunts I already said the same about Umar in this very thread.

It IS possible for someone to agree with

A. Think he is a great speaker
B. Agree with many of his points regarding The Public School to Prison Pipeline
C. Agree with Black Love being a POLITICAL stance

1. Wondering where the school is
2. Thinking he is a goofy clown at times

All things can be true, but again, all or nothing for many
The irony of him quoting that particular post of yours is just gorgeous :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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