Official Warriors Off Season Thread

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

I don't understand the notion that cohen won't pony up the money; I think he'll spend the money up till the salary cap and I'm ok with that too. Plus it makes our GM and executives work harder to find good players worthy of contracts than slanging endless dollars to lackluster players.
I would normally agree with you on this one LazyJ10. I understand what you're saying though in not signing busts to big deals (word to Dunleavy and the like). It was hard to get out from under those contracts but we did... and boy was it a relief when we did. Now we have the financial flexibility we haven't had in a while. But then again, it wouldn't hurt to spend a little more cash to help your team get better too. If a player is out there that we know can help us but we can't sign him/acquire him because we're worried about the cap, then that just hinders us from getting better too.

Personally, I think we need a good mixture of both good scouting and smart spending without worrying about going a little over the cap.

I see what you're saying Paul, and definitely agree too. Who in this free agent class is worth it though? Given our chemistry, as is, right now. Next year when Baron most likely moves on and we're Al-less, we've set ourself up NICELY to grab a good free agent. I mean, I don't think Bron would come here (although he did moonlight for the Oakland Soldiers....) but with a young cheap nucleus we'll be compeitive which isn't anything to take for granted given our history in the 90's and early 00's.

I think some writers (TK, I see you) try and label Cohan as Sterling, and that's not true. I don't blame the man for not wanting to go over the Cap, but its not like he's been cheap. I mean, we'll resign Monta and young Andris...that shows you something....etc

Oh I wasn't necessarily talking about last night's draft
. Actually, I was thinking about the FA market
. I agree, who from the draft couldreally help us? The draft is kind of hit and miss sometimes especially from the 14th pick.

I like the fact though that once Harrington moves on and when in all likelihood Baron does too, we have cap space to definitely get a good FA, especiallywith Baron's money off the books.

On another note, I read that Deron Williams will be a FA in 2009. Damn I wish we'd make a move for that guy. He's awesome. With Baron's andHarrington's contract gone, I think we can make a serious push for that guy. Give him what he's worth and convince him that living in the bay area>>>>>> living in Utah to convince him.

And did I hear Miami interested in Boozer? Haha, maybe it was just a rumor but if Boozer does indeed leave, then Deron would have to leave Utah too becausehe lost his sidekick. This is all my speculation though and what I've read... but damn wouldn't it be great to land Deron? A guy can dream


Ahh nevermind. That Boozer rumor to Miami was for the #2 pick and now that the draft passed... it's whatever now
All I know is the rumor mill is saying that Utah is willing to part with Boozer to free space to sign Deron...interesting, he's basically they're montain that regard.

We'll see how it pans out...

I'm still excited for next season even if the following is true:

>>Mullin said the team has not received the paperwork from Baron Davis that would officially indicate that he is not opting out. Of course, that'sexpected-all Baron has to do is let Monday's deadline pass and he will be officially un-out and on the $17.8M final year of his contract.
I'd expect some interesting things involving Baron and the Warriors, also very quickly. Maybe by mid-July, I think Baron and his agent will make amove-either a trade request or a public denunciation or something, because Baron is antsy. He wants his deal now. He tried to play it quiet, and got nothing.
I think he's about to start playing it loud.<<
I understand that it's his way of forcing his way out of here and still keeping his $17 mil contract for this year, but damn, I hope Baron doesn'tdemand a trade

By any chance, does anybody know how much Cohan offered Baron for his extension? And how much does Baron think he deserves to get paid?
I heard low ball offers....not sure what that number is.

Also, like my buddy and I just discussed....its in his best interest to shut up and play the contract out.

He had no leverage (in my opinion) because if he tanks it because we don't give him a trade, then his next contract will be worse off than it currentlystands to be.
Teams haven't forgotten about the way he was with Char/NO so he should continue to try and prove he's not that same type anymore.

God, I can see us resigning him and he blows up in weight again. Great.
In a perfect world, I would like to see...

- Baron shutting his mouth, playing out his final year here, and being productive.
- Letting him walk (though it will be tough for me and a lot of Warrior fans who when we think of our playoff run, we think of Baron Davis carrying us on hisshoulders).
- Signing Deron (yeah right

Am I missing something else?
I think you forgot trading Al.

I agree w/ Baron, unless he has a realistic vision of his worth and would sign with us, I'd let him bounce...I don't want him hindering ourorganizations growth, as much as I like him.
I agree about Baron, I really get the feeling our team's future is not going to be with him on our roster. There's no question he's our bestplayer, and still is, but like mentioned in some posts in the previous pages, I think Mullin is attempting to just remain competitive now, and bank that theteam can turn into serious championship contenders sometime in the future, when some of the other teams start to fade a little, and maybe we can have astarting 5 of Monta, Stephen, Randolph, Wright, Andris...

In a perfect off-season, we would trade Baron for Beasley.

but in all seriousness, the main things are obviously to re-sign Monta and Andris, shopping Al for the best available deal, and keeping Baron around OR gettinga can't-miss deal for him.
Remember when we had a logjam at the 2-3 positions
? Now we have a logjam at the 3-4 positions
. To me, this is a sign that we're going to get ridof Al. But what other teams besides Cleveland are interested in him? And what players do we want for Harrington? We all know how much JapanAir loves Varejao, but we hate the guy's guts. Hell no to Anderson! Cleveland has no useful piece that we canrealistically acquire for Harrington. Are we stuck with this guy?

Oh wait, I did some thinking on Wally Szczerbiak and think that we can definitely use him off the bench. Let's face it, for a team that jacks up 27 threepointers a night, we have no real shooters. I think Wally off the bench would help correct this. Sure Wally's vastly overpaid so that might stop this tradescenario that I came up with. Wally's got roughly $12 mil owed to him for each of the next two years. Al's getting roughly $8 mil owed to him for eachof the next two years. We might have to add another player in that deal to make it work... say a Michael Pietrus S&T? Or a Matt Barnes S&T? AndWally's $12 mil comes off the books in 2010
. What do you guys think?
Having a shooter like Wally, or even a Kapono-type would be nice, but I think some of us are thinking Marco is supposed to be that guy. We can even try to getVujacic

LeBron's not coming here since he's going to the Nets
We tried the shooter thing with Croshere, and that didnt pan out.

We'll probably still move Harrington, he's obviously the odd man what we get in return is questionable....

I'd rather have a logjam at the forward position, any day over the shooting guard spot.

When does summer league start?
We don't want to turn into the Knicks though (during the earlier 2000s), having like 10 small forwards on the roster, haha

I think summer league starts in 2 weeks, maybe 3.
I agree with that too, definitely....but we have a mix of young/old...and they won't all develop into the same type of forward either.

Remember when BWright was playing against the Lakers and wound up actually effecting shots? That'll be night and day difference (assuming he can play likethat, this year, consistently) difference between Al and Wright, for instance.

If we grab(ed) Lopez (either) or get Varajao, my season tickets go byebye.
You know what I just thought of, there isn't really going to be a huge market for Monta. The only teams under the cap are I think Philly and Memphis.Philly will resign Iguodala, and they have Louis Williams. Memphis, now with OJ Mayo don't need another guard since they already have a ton of them. Soundslike the Warriors won't have to overspend to keep Monta.
I don't recall if it is this thread or just talk in genreal, but after Mayo went to Memphis we may be able to save a couple mil on Monta. Also, I'veheard (again, don't recall where) that Biedrins will sign with us at a "discount", or whatever.

Between those two, if we can save a few million off of "market" value, I'd be really happy with that.

Of course it'll never be reflected in seat prices, but can't cry over spilled milk.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Of course it'll never be reflected in seat prices, but can't cry over spilled milk.

word. damn resellers. i still haven't paid off my card from buying lakers + sonics tickets.
Harrington to NJ??

For Marcus Williams and Nenad Kristic/Sean Williams/Josh Boone?

I don't know if the numbers would work but I would trade Harrington for Duhon and Thabo/Gooden
I'd LOVE Sean Williams, mainly because I wanted him to be drafted by us last year...I'd just be content to sending Harrington to his homeland area andgetting something serviceable in return....
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