Official Warriors Off Season Thread

Hinrich is nice and I was definitely on the wagon but after knowing his contract numbers I'm not in favor of it anymore.
Al to NJ would be nice, it'd be good to get Laptop Thief and Sean Williams or some sort of combination. AS long as we get value for Harrington, it'sgood enough for me. Definitely NOT Anderson Varejao.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

In a perfect world, I would like to see...

- Baron shutting his mouth, playing out his final year here, and being productive.
- Letting him walk (though it will be tough for me and a lot of Warrior fans who when we think of our playoff run, we think of Baron Davis carrying us on his shoulders).
- Signing Deron (yeah right

Am I missing something else?

Just trading Harrington.
I haven't been on NT for very long, so I don't know, but what's with the Big Al "hate"?

Undersized, jump shooting, and no defense 4? OK, maybe I answered my own question.
Also it feels he's only a 3 point specialist at times, and he's inconsistent. Also, it feels like Wright would do more to help the team thanHarrington.
Mickael Pietrus is the one with stupid fouls. Am I the only one on this board that still thinks Harrington can help us out? If he isn't moved, then Iwouldn't mind having him stay, just as long as he improves in some aspect from last year.
I wouldn't mind keeping Harrington either. He just makes a lot of money for what he contributes. If he was reliable that is one thing, but he isn't.There is just a lot of talk just because he seems to be the most expendable asset the Warriors have.

And the stupid fouls, the foul on Odom to give him a chance for a 3 point play at the end of the Lakers game rings a bell.
Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

Mickael Pietrus is the one with stupid fouls. Am I the only one on this board that still thinks Harrington can help us out? If he isn't moved, then I wouldn't mind having him stay, just as long as he improves in some aspect from last year.

Nah, you're not the only one. I wouldn't mind keeping Harrington too for next year. I think that Harrington could help us out next year too. Ihighly doubt that he'll have two bad years in a row. And yes, Frenchie's stupid fouls piss me off more than Harrington trying to take a charge orwhatever. I just think if we could move Harrington for someone serviceable, then we should because we want Brandan to play more... add the fact that Randolphand Hendrix are here now, I'd like to see them get some minutes too.

Originally Posted by FRANCHISE 55

I wouldn't mind keeping Harrington either. He just makes a lot of money for what he contributes. If he was reliable that is one thing, but he isn't. There is just a lot of talk just because he seems to be the most expendable asset the Warriors have.

And the stupid fouls, the foul on Odom to give him a chance for a 3 point play at the end of the Lakers game rings a bell.

I agree with you that Harrington is our biggest trade bait. That's why his name is always being mentioned. He's expendable.

And about the stupid foul that Harrington had on Odom... Pietrus fouling Memphis' Damon Stoudamire in the backcourt at the end of the game was muchworse and much more of a mental lapse. I mean both may have their dumb moments, but Pietrus by far has more of them.
Move Diddy for Marion, move Monta to point. Monta, SJax, Marion, Wright, Biedriens

1. Monta will need at least 2 years to be on Baron'slevel as a PG.
2. Marion & Monta pretty much do the same thing, excluding some stuff that differs in their size.
3. Who is Biedriens?

4. Al Harrington just needs to be traded. I want the organization to focus more on Al Harrington & Fillers (Barnes, Pietrus, Watson, etc.) when it comes totrades.

5. Keep Baron Davis.

6. Hope for/ Get Brand or Atest.

I rest my case til Halloween...
Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

Mickael Pietrus is the one with stupid fouls. Am I the only one on this board that still thinks Harrington can help us out? If he isn't moved, then I wouldn't mind having him stay, just as long as he improves in some aspect from last year.

Nope, you're not alone.

As far as Baron for Marion, Pat Riley wouldn't do it, he's no fool, he knows Marion is the most versatile player in the L. And yeah, Montadoesn't have what it takes right now to be a PG.

As for Artest, he's going to get around 8-9m, I don't know if the Warriors can handle that.
Harrington is still a good player... inconsistent yes, but still can be productive. I think he needs a more definite role... and no, a 3pt specialist isn'tthe answer
Originally Posted by acidicality

Harrington can still help us out by being traded, yeah, if that's what you mean.

epic lulz.

i do agree. harrington is a hack. that kinda money deserves to be paid to someone else. if he really loved the warriors, he'd get himself traded.
if he stays, I hope Nellie puts him in a better position where he's more able to succeed and show his abilities. Like...just because he's tall and hecan shoot 3's doesn't mean that should be all he does

He does have a post up game right? Let him post against smaller dudes and he better score like 70% of the time. The thing is though, we have more than enoughoffense without him, IMO. So, we don't really need him to score all that much.So, he better be good in the other areas, like rebounding, playing smart,etc. Which is obviously why moving him just makes so much sense, he's definitely the odd man out right now.
Originally Posted by acidicality

if he stays, I hope Nellie puts him in a better position where he's more able to succeed and show his abilities. Like...just because he's tall and he can shoot 3's doesn't mean that should be all he does

i am curious as to what abilities he possesses besides being a chucker and a huge softie around the hoop. dude bricks lay ups like he's trying to builda house.
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