Official Warriors Season Thread

well since it's full of offseason talk already might as well join in.

I hope we don't resign Pietrus for some absurd amount due to how he's been playing a couple games ago. just let him go, but if we can get him for thesame contract we did, I wouldn't mind it at all.
I'd love to have Brand on the team but it all depends on how much we can get him for, plus I don't think the Clips would give him up for someone in thesame division.
Marion would be a nice addition too, even if dude is unhappy he still puts up numbers. But I'd hate for him to end up at the 4 and him having to end upagainst other dominant 4s like Duncan.
IMO the W's really need a good PF even if they can't run all that well, just someone who grabs boards and plays solid D, we can't keep stickingBarnes/Pietrus in at the 4.
As for Al, if we can get someone good for him I wouldn't mind if they trade him. If he were more consistent with at least his shots we could really use himto spread the ball.
Originally Posted by Andrew630

Sign and trade Pietrus for Yi, straight-up.

[Warriors fan/Hey if we got the Pacers, we can get the Bucks too/Warriors fan]
Brand is out of reach, he's committed to LA. As for Marion, I don't know, possibly, but I think he'd like to try the whole Beasley/Wade thing.
We're probably gonna sign and trade Pietrus.

And whose to say that Miami is gonna get the number one pick...look what happened to Boston...
We can definitely beat the Kings....but it's more of a matter of if we show up and play. hopefully artest/miller don't play.Come on Dubs!

And the Clippers could surprise man EB is back

So hopefully...if all things work out, we have a cushion goin into Thursday's game, which is essentially a play-in game (not quite...butit'lldefinitely have that feel to it)

and boston got ray allen and KG.
but yea, i think some random team willwin the lottery.
ron artest is back already.

and i'm not kidding about the pietrus for yi deal straight-up...the money can match up somehow...throw in a bit of cash here and there...only problem isthat yi's potential is within the A-/B+ range whereas Pietrus is stuck in limbo as of now. maybe yi's rookie season is enough to give the bucksmanagement a bit of a scare to get another swingman they don't need (take desmond mason for example)
u also have to kindof take into consideration the bucks get some publicity from yi and generate some extra $$$, although if he played for us the Chinese govwould love that. but i don't think they give up on a lotto pick for pietrus. MAYBE if we throw in someone else and say a round 2 pick, maybe, butthey'd have to be kind of dumb to do it.
Originally Posted by Andrew630

ron artest is back already.

and i'm not kidding about the pietrus for yi deal straight-up...the money can match up somehow...throw in a bit of cash here and there...only problem is that yi's potential is within the A-/B+ range whereas Pietrus is stuck in limbo as of now. maybe yi's rookie season is enough to give the bucks management a bit of a scare to get another swingman they don't need (take desmond mason for example)

There's no way possible a Yi for Pietrus deal will go down within the next 2 years.

Guy just got drafted, there's way too much stock put into him. With Pietrus, GM's don't see the same potential, plus hes been around for a fewyears so that works against him.
@ these "trade proposals"... they aren't realistic

I know there are times when steals happen, but I honestly don't see any steals associated if the likes of Pietrus and Harrington are involved.

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Brand is out of reach, he's committed to LA.

Thank you JapanAir for pointing that out... I knew Brand was out of reach, I just wanted someone to confirm it.
Same thing with Haslem and Miami. Haslem's committed to Miami. He was born in Miami and went to Florida for college. Now he's in the MiamiHeat. He took a freakin' pay cut just to stay in Miami. Sorry offbad but Haslem isn't going anywhere. Dudeis never leaving Florida
There absolute NO way in hell there is going to be a Yi for Pietrus sign-n-trade. Yi has the potential to be very good, and they wont give up on their lotterypick that quickly.
[h2]New Orleans 108, Warriors 96: Not quite Baron Davis' greatest moment[/h2]
By Tim Kawakami
Sunday, April 6th, 2008 at 12:57 pm in NBA, Warriors.

Baron often doesn't play any defense, almost never draws tough assignments (like Paul), and today Davis gave up even trying to fake it at the crucial moment.
You saw it, let me re-play it: Warriors on a 12-0 roll to tie it at 90 with just over 8 minutes left to play, Paul gets the ball on the perimeter vs. the Warriors late-game zone, BD is the closest man and…

Baron just stands there. Won't/can't move his legs, doesn't try to distract Paul. Paul takes his time, lines it up… SWISH from 3pt.

That's not excusable out of a D-league import. For the Warriors' MVP, in a game of this magnitude, that's very, very bad.

That made it 93-90. Baron tried to answer with a quick deep 3 clang, and there, basically, was your ballgame in a two-possession Paul vs. BD blink.

By the way, Chris Paul is about 10 times better than Baron now and will be 20 times better next year and 30 times better in another year…

Again, I think Baron is a game-changer and difference-maker. Best Warriors player in a long time. He's also not playing very well right now, either because he's tired or he's in a funk or he just can't play defense any more.

All the people crying about him missing the All-Star team? Go back and watch that play, that defensive give-up, and Byron Scott will give you a knowing nod.

Or consider: Davis and Ellis are so regularly poor on defense that Don Nelson has to put SJax on any good offensive guard, which isn't good for the overall match-ups.

For instance, because neither can guard Paul, Baron had to guard Mo Peterson and, at times, David West (on switches), and Monta had to guard Peja today. But Peja and West combined for 50 against BD and ME, anyway, and Paul went for a triple-double, while wearing down SJax.

Now let me repeat: Baron and Monta are great offensive players. Awesome. Usually capable of out-scoring whoever the opponent tosses out there.

And this was always going to be a tough game for the Warriors to win. This doesn't mean they won't make the playoffs.

But a victory today was possible-and would've been enormous for the playoff race-if Baron, Jackson, Al Harrington and maybe one other player (besides Ellis, who was great offensively and terrible again defensively-Pargo 15 points, hello!-and Andris Biedris, who was OK) had a good game.

This was the kind of game Baron owns when Baron is playing great. This was the kind of game he dominated last year. Not happening so far this season.

Is he just on cruise control to keep himself healthy? I mean, maybe he shut down the hyper-activity back in December because he was playing so many minutes… and now he can't get it back.

I don't know. I do know that he'll have to play better over the next 10 days, or he'll have a very long rest to contemplate the whole development.
I don't know what's been up with Baron also. I mean offensively he's there, defensively, dude just seems to give up on plays.
Also Monta too, everytime someone makes an open shot at the other team it's most likely to be Monta's man. Dude looks lost whenever he tries and helpout on the post even when there's no need to. I know that the W's usually just go for tip passes and taking chances on em but there's hardly anyonewho can guard man to man which is why we're always in a zone.

IF the W's do make it in the playoffs, we don't match up well with any of the possible 1 seeds anyways which is between NO, SA, and LA. We may win somegames but I doubt we can pull off another upset.
Monta has always been horrible defense. Baron just tries to steal the ball on every play and he lets his defender get ahead of him. If only we had a coach thatwould fix these problems
Josh Powell is averaging 11 rebounds in 26 minutes a game over the past weeek
. It's not even the defensive rebounds, he grabbed 7 offensive rebounds in23 minutes
Its hard to compare his stat line and think he can automatically contribute for the Warriors. It's not as easy as insert _________ to the Warriors and dudeis going to grab 15 board, etc.

And some of ya'll getting real giddy with trade proposals that have virtually no chance to even be talked about let alone actually executed.
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