Official Warriors Season Thread


His game the past few games was nasty.

Jackson HAS to play better ASAP or else we'll be out of the playoffs after Thursday. His shot selection has GOT to improve.
I don't mind open 3's at all, but those 1on1 moves that lead to bricks and/or turnovers....

It's not over yet tho. We just need to take care of Sacramento and come out ballin against Denver. We will probably have to go 5-1....but more than likely6-0.
A 6 man rotation isn't going to cut it Nellie! We are in April for crying out loud. Our team is tired with the way you ride our starters. All this"I'm trying to play Baron less" is BS! We have players that can produce/help in Brandan Wright, CJ Watson, Croshere
, and others. Nellie is agood coach, don't get me wrong. He didn't get all these wins by pure luck, but he's oblivious to his own flaws.
4-1 is very doable for them

but if Jackson doesn't get his head out of his *%#, it WONT happen.
We're definitely capable of running the table.

But with the way we're playing now (and the way Nellie is coaching...hey he has to be accountable as well)'s not likely
It's not even Nellies fault, it's the players, Jackson Harrington and Baron have been playing horrible
Yeah it's not ALL his fault....I think he just needs to be slightly accountable. But definitely, our vets are stinking it up right now.
If Monta is balling like crazy, why don't they keep giving him the ball instead of taking wild 3's -_-
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

It's not even Nellies fault, it's the players, Jackson Harrington and Baron have been playing horrible

In all honesty, Nellie does play his players way too much. In April, they have to have tired legs and what does Nellie do? Ride his players wayyy too long.Let me say again...

A 6 man rotation isn't going to cut it Nellie! We are in April for crying out loud. Our team is tired with the way you ride our starters. All this "I'm trying to play Baron less" is BS! We have players that can produce/help in Brandan Wright, CJ Watson, Croshere
, and others. Nellie is a good coach, don't get me wrong. He didn't get all these wins by pure luck, but he's oblivious to his own flaws.

So in a way, Nellie has to shoulder some of the blame.
Yeah some of the blame, but still, he's not the one shooting the rock or telling when Barron and Jackson should launch illadvised shots.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Yeah some of the blame, but still, he's not the one shooting the rock or telling when Barron and Jackson should launch illadvised shots.

thats what i'm saying. THey have to be more disciplined.
I feel you.

Some highlights of waking up to watch this game.

Turn the tv sees starting 5, gf says "Al starting again?". Sounds of disappointment clearly present in her question.

Why did Jackson turn away from the pick and roll from young andris>? That was like the only good thing he did today.
Buike did nothing. Barron started off well, then fell off. We just had no flow.
this man Jack is killin me!!!!! we're gonna need some help to make the playoffs and either go 5-1 or run the table, which is very possible....but we aredef gonna need some help...c'mon Warriors, we gotta make the playoffs
im getting nervous about the next 5 games..

Sac- very beatable, we have the upper hand with point guards and overall quickness W
Den- This game im not so sure about. Yeah we have a great chance in winning, but will this turn into a game like todays? (Hornets) L
LAC- The only thing im concerned about is Brand coming back. As we all know, this is gonna cause problems in the post. W
PHX- As long as warriors keep runnin them, this will be a win with no problem at all. W
SEA- common now.. 17-59?? hopefully warriors wont play at their level. W

^PHX is playin well right now....we are capable of winning but saying it's "no problem at all" is a stretch. Same with the Denver game.

And the other 3 are absolute must-wins. Our vets just HAVE to start playing with more intensity and passion if we're going to make the playoffs. It's a2-team race now....I'm not sold on Denver, but I'm not so sold on us either.
"The season's almost over, so there's no need to change anything," said Warriors forward Stephen Jackson, whose six points on 3-of-11 shooting were more than 14 below his average. "We just have to shoot better. We shoot better and we win. It's that simple."
(from the gsw-no game recap) me it almost seems like he's throwing in the towel.

and it's not just shooting's executing better, better ball movement, smarter bball....there are minor changes that can be made.
that comment blows...jackson thinks he can just shoot his way out of the slump

but anyways, MAN...w'sup with the rotation? Nellie follows up the grizzles game with a 6 1/2 man rotation. You got a decent bench, so use it please.
i think nelson just used that game to try and light a fire under the butts of harrington, et al.

unfortunately, that doesn't seem to have worked.
This team isn't going to make it. They don't play good under pressure. When's the last time the Warriors have actually beaten a team with a winningrecord? A change needs to be made. We can't do anything without a big man in the front court. Jermaine O'Neal, Elton Brand, somebody.
If we didnt let go of jrich, next year itll be "we shouldnt have let go of monta!"

I miss jrich terribly and i am sure he can help this team...but I'm sure we will sign someone BIG this off season.
[h1]Unsung Player Day: Kelenna Azubuike[/h1]
April 5, 2008

The word 'unsung' has a few meanings, albeit all fairly similar, but the one that really defines it is: having value that is unappreciated. There are numerous players in the NBA that give it their all in practice, do the best they can in the gym and always have their ears open when the coaching staff is making suggestions.

For those players, has pronounced April 5th as Unsung Player Day and my selection for this event is Kelenna Azubuike.

Azubuike attended the University of Kentucky and opted for the 2005 NBA Draft after three seasons as a Wildcat. He ended up going undrafted and found himself bouncing around the NBA and NBDL for the next 18 months. He started his NBA career as a Cleveland Cavalier, but that didn't last long as a year later he was signed by the Houston Rockets to their training camp roster. Again, that was short lived as he was waived after only a couple pre-season games. He had two stints in the NBDL during that year and a half with the Fort Worth Flyers where he posted great numbers and thus was signed by the Golden State Warriors in January of 2007. They then re-signed him in the 2007 off-season.

He started the season strong, averaging 13.5 PPG, 5.4 RPG and 31.6 MPG in the month of November, while starting 12 of the first 15 games for Golden State. Since then he's only started four more games, so his production has taken a bit of a hit. But, even with that said, he's still a guy who gets consistent minutes night in and night out because he does all the intangibles that coaches look for in a role player so well. He is now averaging 8.6 PPG, 3.9 RPG and 21.5 MPG for a Warriors team that is fighting for their playoff lives.

He's not someone that is on anyone's radar when it comes time to pick players for a fantasy team, although I may look at him more closely now for next season. With prime time, ego-filled players such as Baron Davis and Stephen Jackson already on the squad, it's nice for head coach Don Nelson to have a low profile player that will listen to his every word and do whatever is asked of him.

It wasn't an easy road to finally becoming an NBA regular, but it just goes to show that hard work, grit and determination pays off in the end no matter what you are trying to accomplish in life. There were probably many sleepless nights wondering if all of this was worth it. Ask any NBA player and I dare you to find one that says it wasn't.

Every professional sports team needs low profile athletes who come to the arena and just give it their all -we know the sports world is filled with ones that don't; every team needs an unsung player.

Every team needs a Kelenna Azubuike.
Warriors bench is too inconsistent and there is no 6th man that they can rely on for contribution night-in and night-out. It's just "we better praysomebody step up tonight" type of bench. There's no one that can run the 2nd unit effectively so that responsible is added to starters Baron, Monta,Stephen Jax, that's not good.

When the starters shoot like **** like today, it's an automatic L basically. Nellie just lives and dies by his starters this whole season, he ain'ttrustin nobody on that bench for help.

But really when I saw how this team plays during some of our crucial games, it's a joke. I'm disappointed at how they aren't fired up and step uptheir game.
They need games back on FSN, all these nationally televised games are whack. Give me Jim and Bob (even though Bob is whack 60% of the time
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