:::[Official]World Cup South Africa 2010 Thread:::

First of all, Im not even a Ghana fan, i was rooting for them because i believed theywere outplaying Uruguay and were the more exciting team, but they arenteven in my top 10 of fav teams to root for but yes i was going for them in this game.

I cant believe some of you are asking me if ive played the sport because of my post. I know the rules, ive played soccer, i watch soccer, its not my most knowledgeable sport im not gonna lie and act like it is but i have been following it enough in my life to know the rules. i know he was red carded and i know he cant play the following game...you guys act like im blind or deaf. Yeah to some degree its 'smart' what Suarez did, im not naive i know he saved his team and what he did gave them the chance to move on. But its about integrity, yeah im not the perfect angel and ive done my share of selfish things in life but this is the world cup. This is the biggest sporting event in the world, and to the fans of both teams this game meant the world. How about win or lose with some integrity? How about at the very least get your shoulders or head in front of the ball? How can any of you act like straight up picking up your hands and slapping the ball like a little girl is admirable? Of course he saved his team, of course his teamates and country are happy, of course many of you 'would do the same thing'...but it doesnt make it right. It doesnt make for a good role model for kids, it does not make soccer look good, and it most certainly breaks the hearts of the ghana nation for all the wrong reasons.

Yes, i know...ghana had their chance, they blew their penalty blah blah...im not discussing the moments after that, im discussing that very moment and how much of a coward Suarez was for what he did. "If messi or god was in that position id still do the same thing"...good for you man, maybe to some of you winning means more than anything and you guys will cheat, manipulate, do whatever it takes to win every game you play in life...cool, you guys are champs. But for some of us, winning only means something when its done the right way, with integrity and honor. Yeah, i probably sound like a cliche and whatever i dont care, this is what i truly believe and there has to be one person out there who understands what im trying to say.

I just cant understand how he can celebrate and be happy with himself, i dont get how he can go around and *dap* his teamates and give them all the
face after the game. Yeah its natural to be happy your team won, but i mean the way he was celebrating...wow, so obnoxious and frustrating to watch as a fan of all sports. "Yeah guys i did it, i cheated and it helped us move on...win the next one and we'll play together in the finals!
"... give me a break, i cant believe some of you support that...
Originally Posted by Noskey

Y'all are mad at what Suarez did? Really? He blocked the ball with his hands, Ghana got a free kick. Be mad that the free kick missed. That was an easier chance than trying to get the ball past the goalie and 2 other players in front of the goal.

Congrats to Uruguay, I hope Suarez being out next match has an impact and the Dutch can actually keep the Uruguay attack suppressed.
Agree 100%. But if you were Ghanaian you'd be pissed as well I think. It's just a horrible way to go out. 
at the freakin' World Cup man. Nothing like it in the world. And we still have Germany-Argentina tomorrow. 
Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Originally Posted by Noskey

Y'all are mad at what Suarez did? Really? He blocked the ball with his hands, Ghana got a free kick. Be mad that the free kick missed. That was an easier chance than trying to get the ball past the goalie and 2 other players in front of the goal.

Congrats to Uruguay, I hope Suarez being out next match has an impact and the Dutch can actually keep the Uruguay attack suppressed.
Agree 100%. But if you were Ghanaian you'd be pissed as well I think. It's just a horrible way to go out. 
at the freakin' World Cup man. Nothing like it in the world. And we still have Germany-Argentina tomorrow. 

If I were from Ghana, I would still be more pissed at Gyan for blowing that penalty than Suarez. You had the friggin penalty. All you have to do is score. That's it. If you ask me, this anger at Suarez is just a lame way of letting out your frustrations because of Ghana's loss, when your frustrations should be aimed at Gyan. Like I said, if Gyan scores like he should've noone would even remember what Suarez did. There would be no controversy and noone would mention it.
Yes, i know...ghana had their chance, they blew their penalty blah blah...im not discussing the moments after that, im discussing that very moment and how much of a coward Suarez was for what he did.

I've said stuff that went against the grain on here before, so I know how you feel, but I think 99% of soccer fans would agree that what Suarez did was the right thing.

You're there to win the tournament. The rules of the game allow you to sacrifice yourself to give your team a chance to stay alive, and he did that.
Licensed....that's the most asinine logic I've heard....he cheated the game and ghana? are you for real?
Penalty calls get called all the !%*@!*@ time. Would you have said the same *@!@ if Gyan had a clear shot yards away and at the last second, got tackled from behind?
What was Suarez supposed to do? Sidestep out of the path of the ball? I cant even believe we're discussing this, and not the THREE penalty kicks Ghana missed.

Let's be real here....aside for the last 25 or so minutes in the 1st half, Ghana was OUTPLAYED and silent. If any team was going to score their 2nd, it was going to be Uruguay. and aside from the last 30 seconds of the game, Ghana did absolutelty nothing in the second half, and extra time.
^Dude, i agree...They missed their PK's and the deserved to lose because of that. That has nothing to do with my post. Im not making excuses for ghana's loss, because they had their chances...but cheating is cheating. His cheating didnt end the game, but it still helped them win. Just because Ghana had chances after doesnt take away from the fact that he cheated.

Suarez Cheated.
Ghana Missed PK's.
Ghana deserved to lose because of the missed PK's.
Suarez is a coward.
Suarez doesnt care that he is a coward and celebrates as if he is a hero.
Some NT fans celebrate Suarez's heroism and misunderstand my anger.

Im not angry at uruguay, they won...im not taking anything away from that, im just mad at Suarez...the individual, is that not clear.
as a critic of this so called sport in general and this particular world cup specifically, i must say that was one of the most exciting turn of events i've seen in a while ... and LMAO at anyone being mad and screaming "integrity" at what Suarez did ... GIVE ME A BREAK ... talkin about integrity when Ghana's players flop around the field getting a free kick that was complete +*%+!%*! to set up that hand ball ... they say the ball never lies in basketball, and i guess that holds true in soccer as well ...

when it comes down to it, EVERY team in the world cup would take the chance Ghana had ... a PK at the end of regulation to get into the semifinals ... gyan blew it, move on ...
I would be extremely pissed if I was a Ghanaian
But since I have ill-feelings towards both teams, I can only be happy that the team who advanced will be missing arguably their best striker.
I've realized that going against the grain is an understatement with my opinion on the matter in this thread. Maybe im wrong, maybe im right...maybe some agree, maybe some dont...i get it, im not gonna argue it anymore...i respect all of your opinions, i just wanted some to respect or understand mine. Good game nonetheless, very exciting and heartbreaking at the same time. Looking forward to tomorrows games, ill see you guys tomorrow. Good day fellas.
Suarez saved his team from getting eliminated at all costs, Gyan had a chance to seal the deal with the penalty but he didn't. It's just part of the game you can't blame Suarez for what he did because any of you would've done the exact same thing given the circumstances. He paid the consequences for what he did, he got a red card and will not play against Holland, but he's no cheater by any means he just prevented the ball from going in the net. Today was a great day in World Cup soccer, two very memorable games, this is the reason that no other sporting even touches the World Cup.
Originally Posted by moneyisthemotive

as a critic of this so called sport in general and this particular world cup specifically, i must say that was one of the most exciting turn of events i've seen in a while ... and LMAO at anyone being mad and screaming "integrity" at what Suarez did ... GIVE ME A BREAK ... talkin about integrity when Ghana's players flop around the field getting a free kick that was complete +*%+!%*! to set up that hand ball ... they say the ball never lies in basketball, and i guess that holds true in soccer as well ...

when it comes down to it, EVERY team in the world cup would take the chance Ghana had ... a PK at the end of regulation to get into the semifinals ... gyan blew it, move on ...

Quoting because Marley isnt bashing soccer
Originally Posted by LiCeNseD To BaLL

^Dude, i agree...They missed their PK's and the deserved to lose because of that. That has nothing to do with my post. Im not making excuses for ghana's loss, because they had their chances...but cheating is cheating. His cheating didnt end the game, but it still helped them win. Just because Ghana had chances after doesnt take away from the fact that he cheated.

Suarez Cheated.
Ghana Missed PK's.
Ghana deserved to lose because of the missed PK's.
Suarez is a coward.
Suarez doesnt care that he is a coward and celebrates as if he is a hero.
Some NT fans celebrate Suarez's heroism and misunderstand my anger.

Im not angry at uruguay, they won...im not taking anything away from that, im just mad at Suarez...the individual, is that not clear.

why is he a coward??
I mean Suarez didn't cheat, if it was your team you'd be saying thats a good move and rooting for them.

Suarez you're the player of the day IMO
Dribbling the ball like you're kobe on the block and ensuring your way to the WC is cheating.
Acting like you got your knees wacked by a mobster and getting a red/penalty call as a result is cheating.
But what Suarez did is not.
I was really pulling for Ghana, but Suarez didn't "cheat". That's just the rules of the game, he did what he had to do to keep Uruguay alive, and unfortunately, Ghana blew the penalty kick to win. It's unfortunate, but it's not cheating.
heeeeccck na i would have done the same if I was suarez. that cup is once every 4 years. would you just stand and do nothing? And hopefully argentina wins tomorrow but its gonna be tough
Originally Posted by moneyisthemotive

as a critic of this so called sport

And what would soccer have to do for you to remove "so called" when calling it in sport? Introduce padding, 30 second breaks between the plays and 2 minute long commercial-filled timeouts every 10 minutes?
@ saying he cheated

he got a red, Ghana were gifted a penalty and spot in the semis.... and he missed

blame Gyan not Suarez

great games today btw
OK bro, but the fact still remains that:

A. Suarez broke no rules, therefore he did not cheat
B. If it wasn't for his actions, Uruguay would've lost the match
C. You don't like he rules of soccer. You wish his actions merited an NBA-like "goaltending" penalty. They don't, so you take it out on Suarez.

Not his fault, he's not a "coward" for blocking a goal with his hand in a soccer match. Calm down.
Those 2 missed PK's by the Ghanaians was some of the sorriest I've yet to see.
After seeing Mensah kick that penalty I honestly thought that he missed it on purpose. I still think he did.
Kicking it 2-3 meters over the crossbar would have been more respectable.
Originally Posted by Oskar Kokoshka

@ saying he cheated

he got a red, Ghana were gifted a penalty and spot in the semis.... and he missed

blame Gyan not Suarez

great games today btw

if anything he gave Ghana a gift
I hate Suarez too BTW, and if it's any consolation Suarez and Uruguay are hated right now and everyone neutral hopes that the Dutch slaughter them. They might've won the game, but they certainly haven't won the people's hearts.
The hell are you talking about No body hates him or Uruguay.

Some people in here are clueless. calling Suarez a Coward. the same thing happens when a forward gets a break away the last defender will almost all ways take him down for the red card.

Ghana got the PK and they failed.
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