Official World Series Thread: Texas (3) @ St. Louis (4), CARDINALS GRAB THEIR 11th

This game not missing a beat from last night
gonna be a crazy game. These bullpens are running on empty. Time to pitch to pujols cause Berkman and freese are hot
This has continued straight from last night. Gotta love October. Im hoping the rest of the game keeps up like this.

Exciting for the casual fan, thats for sure.
Craig is back on his MVP bid. No Holliday in the game...huge advantage to the Cards

Furcal 2-2
Yup that's game
Probably would have pinch-hit for Carpenter.

A knock gives you a three-run lead, he wasn't pitching great and you pretty much have everyone available out of the pen.
Glad the strike was called a ball to walk in a run you have got to be kidding me...this is beyond devestating.
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