Official Xbox 360 Post: For those who CARE, COD4 patch is now available

^ yeah i posted that preview a long while back and asking if anyone knew any info about it.. ive tried to do my research and nothing.. all i get is that itscoming out march this year and other say 2009 and others say its coming out for the next gen console.. but the preview is great.. cant wait
Talking with very reliable sources, and seeing evidence ourselves, Xbox Evolved believes that Microsoft, Rareware, MGM Studios (studio that makes the James Bond 007 movies) and Activision (holds the license for James Bond 007 titles right now) have come to an agreement to bring the Rareware developed Goldeneye 007 out to Xbox Live Arcade shortly before the new game developed by Activision is released.

The title will feature updated graphics, and of course an all-new Xbox Live multiplayer. Not only that, but we have found evidence that Rareware is planning on releasing even more of their back catalog onto Xbox Live Arcade, specifically, Perfect Dark and the original Banjo-Kazooie. Expect more on at least Goldeneye 007 later this year.
now we're talkin
Can someone plz help me. For some reason my controller will disconnect at random times. Its not the batteries the batteries were brand new and when it says 4bars for how much is left on them. The controller is wireless. Il be playing madden and all of a sudden when im playing my running back will jsut stop and gethammered as it says plz connect controller i turn it back on and then who knows when it comes back again sumtimes 5 minutes sumtime and hour sumtimes 3 hours.Anyone have this problem before or know why?
Which one was Damnation? Its been a while since I played Halo 1
Eduardo-Van Persie​
More news from nnarum....even if banned he still helps here....

[h2]Crysis coming to 360; 2other new games too[/h2]
Posted in PC, Games, Xbox 360 by Ross Hayward on January 13th, 2007 at 22:31

You've all read the heading, so now you have to calm down and read. Crysis has been announced to be coming to the 360 on the 1UP show. A developer talking to the 1UP guys when they were at CES revealed several details about the 360 version. Two other games also announced are Warhound and CrimeCraft.

The big news first is the PC game Crysis is coming to the 360. However, that PC game won't be the same game as what we will see on the home console. Because Crysis will be running at DirectX10, the game would look inferior since the 360 can only do DirectX9 (as mentioned before). So, the developers are using the same universe that the PC game is set in, with some similar story elements, but the gameplay will be entirely different. The developers told the 1UP guys that they weren't even going to try and replicate Crysis. This would be because the PC version will be running so much more stuff that the 360 couldn't handle, and would be disappointing. They stated that the game needs to run deeper, with the physics and world needing to be constructed differently. They admitted that the 360 version may not be as "wow" as the PC version in terms of graphics. It's not a port in any way, so if you bought both versions, you would still get two different experiences with the game. The developers Crytek are the same developers responsible for FarCry, so we could see a game similar (but hopefully better) to that.

There will be a big debate no doubt between the PC fanboys and the 360 fanboys about this one. Everyone knows that the Crysis on the PC will look stunning on a top end PC. But can the console version be just as good, even if it doesn't look anywhere near as pretty? Only time will tell, but graphics don't make everything. This confirms earlier rumblings last year of a possible port, although as already mentioned, it'll be a different game. Skip to the 22:30 mark on the 1UP podcast to hear the chatter about the 360 version.

There is currently no news of when the game will be released for the 360.


Warhound is another PC game coming to the 360, and is again another shooter, adding to the already slightly crowded genre. The game sees you attempting to make a career out of an elite mercenary, and work for everyone; be it the President, a man in the street or a high powered businessman. The game will feature the following:
  • SOS messages come from many places. Freely plan you way of a mercenary.
    Gain the license of an Alpinist to climb harder and harder rocks, learn to operate new vehicles - from jeep to tanks and boats; practice shooting and test weapons on your own firing ground.
  • Each mission has a number of ways to reach the goal. The number depends on your abilities.
  • Enemies are like weed which revive in uncultivated soil. Many missions can be repeated many times.
  • Buy better weapons and trade the equipment found on the battleground.
  • Buy information that will allow you to learn more about your enemy.
  • By completing tasks of given type you become a specialist. Build your reputation which will bring you new orders and will open the way to the top of the ranking.
The developers Techland are yet to reveal a release date.

Finally, the third game to be announced for the 360 is CrimeCraft. Touted as a MMO game, it will see you take the role of a businessman and run a variety of different shops. Taken from Vogster:
The game is set in a modern world. Players will take part in the political, economical and social life of a big city. They will run businesses, engage in commerce, and suffer the consequences of confrontations with criminal groups and shadowy law enforcement figures. Powerful AI will support the constantly changing atmosphere of the streets and enable players to feel the live pulse of the Megapolis.

The game sounds really interesting, something similar to Monopoly Tycoon only far more in-depth. Features of the game include:
  • Ownership of real-estate and cars
  • Possibility to run shops, warehouses, banks, productions
  • Fight over territories and clan wars
  • Combat system unique for MMO
  • Developed social system. Possibility to solve conflicts without a single shot
    or possibility to choose law-obeying, criminal or financial professions and changing of those throughout the game.
The game's developers Vogster Entertainment have announced a 2008 release for the game.

So there we have it. Three new games coming to the 360, and only one port. Not a bad deal. Hopefully Crysis will steer clear of being anything like Far Cry: Instincts Predator, and hopefully Warhound will bring something fresh to the FPS genre, such as a free roaming element. CrimeCraft sounds like it could be a great game, and one I will personally be keeping an eye on!

Thanks narsil for the podcast link!
Quick question, anyone know how to remove their credit card from their profile. I've been all over the menus and even went to, stillno dice? I would call but their offices are closed.
Is it just me, or is ANYONE ELSE LOSING THEIR FREAKING MIND TRYING TO DECIDE WHETHER TO GET IT FOR PS3 OR XBOX360?!?!?!? I mean I have a bunch of games on 360, like Halo, Cod 3, Rainbow Six, Gears of War, and so on, and I only have Motorstorm on PS3. I used to prefer the PS3 controller, but now I kind of like the 360 controller better (at least until the DualShock 3 comes out).

I can see myself in gamestop tomorrow:
Me- Yeah, can I get CoD4 for Playst, er .... Xbox360
Dude: Sure *reaches for XBOX 360 Version*
Me: NAH WAIT, Playstation, PS3.
Dude: Okie Dokie *puts back XBOX version, reaches for PS3 version*
Me: AARGH! No wait!.....
Dude: Ok look dude...

I figure more people will play Call of Duty 4 on PS3 and for longer into the games life, just because of the lack of other games on PS3. Since there are more choices right now on XBOX 360, people on XBL will be split between Halo 3, Gears of War, and Call of Duty 4 when it comes to shooters. Eh, i got a few hours to decide.
Naruto is pretty dope and this is coming from someone who has never ever seen the show
Anthony, Blake, Camby, Diawara, Evans, Iverson, Johnson, Kleiza, Martin, Najera, Nen, Sampson, Smith​
Costco has the superior warranty. "Lifetime" warranty. The price is 400 is because youre getting another controller//play&charge kit.

Whereas at Bestbuy, you'll be paying 350 for the system + extra for the replacement plan.
Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by xblaze23

yeah thats fine. Im sure it'll work out. Im thinking of going back for a third. Maybe another wireless controller.


This is a really sweet deal.
it is but once more people know about it. its OVER!
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

So i filed my xbox repair online last week... should they be sending a box to my house to ship it? It said free shipping, and now it says waiting on device to arrive, but i never got an email or anything saying they'd send one out or anything...

yeah there going to send you an empty box and you just ship your xbox back to them free of charge.
Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

I just got COD4 for xbox 360 and i was wondering can u split screen online?If so how?

You can't.

Unless you do what I did.
Had a homie who doesn't have internet at his pad. He brought his 360 over and his COD4. We ended up running two 360s on twoseparate tv's on the same router in the same room.

Of course two separate live accounts.
Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

I got the 3 rings of betrayal, and I called xbox and it turned out to be my hard drive. I am procrastinatin' so much to purchase a new one. Can't play Halo or 2k8 or anything that requires wack.

I've got a new 20gb HDD sitting around that I don't use. You want to buy it? I'll go $60 shipped.
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