Official Xbox 360 Post: For those who CARE, COD4 patch is now available

ok i got a problem? when i was playing cod the whole thing shut down on me and i saw the rings. so i decided to turn it off and turn it back on. then when i was turning it on i decided il play later and there was a delay in the shutdown with a clicking sound. is my 360 going to rip soon?
same thing that happened to me when cod4 came out.
360 getsreally loud when playing cod4
Yea i just really wanna get some halo and bioshock on. I`m still keeping my ps3 for sports games tho
[h2]Target offering free 360 skin with GTAIV pre-order[/h2]
Posted Jan 10th 2008 3:45PM by Dustin Burg
Filed under: News

If you are one who likes to pre-order games and are all about getting Grand Theft Auto IV this Spring you may want to drive on over to your local Target for some free pre-order goods. Available now at every Target retailer are specially decorated $10 GTAIV pre-order cards that secure your game come launch day. But not only do you get the rather l33t pre-order card, but you'll also get a free Xbox 360 GTAIV skin pack to decorate your console when you pick the game up. We aren't sure what the skin looks like, but we have a hunch that it'll be black and feature the letters "IV" boldly inscribed somewhere. Again, we advise this only if you're a video game pre-order maniac who wants GTAIV and loves free stuff. Skins FTW!
dam nnarum23.. :pimp:
Team Philippines
.:GAMERTAG= diaBlo4tWenT:.​
Originally Posted by jae oh en

^^multiplayer is wild...its fast and hectic as hell and its fun...if it had a somewhat decent campaign, id keep it...but for 60 and tax, it needs to have a little bit more than just online deathmatches...that and the fact that the 360 controller kills the ps3 controller for FPSs...i just dont like it..haha..maybe when it drops for 360, ill give it another look...

and uncharted is wild...combat in it could use some work, but other than that, its amazing... done with the ps3 talk...ill stop now

where does UT fit in?

oh and has anyone else heard that assassin's creed is a trilogy? the next being either renaissance, civil war or something, and the last being in thepresent.
and mass effect + gears as trilogies =

but gears is gonna have to do somethin serious to top COD4.
^Yea, I can still take them to Walmart rite?
.:GAMERTAG= Goldar82:.​
quick question about online connection.....I think I have it right I just need someone to confirm it. I don't need a wireless adapter to play online, I just need to unplug my ethernet cable and and switch it with the xbox ethernet cable. Is this right? I'm not trying to spend 100+ on an adapter.
read it, it will tell you what it is on the right. I think that might be the one where you hold a grenade till it explodes and kill a person.
Originally Posted by ondadownlow

EY, I'm watching G4 right now (can't stay away from ninja warrior) and a little announcement thing was made about the 360 having downloadable xbox games in December, starting with Halo, Fable, Psychonauts, and one other one. Maybe they'll update Halo one with Live capabilities?

nope, they are going to be just the straight up games as if you put in the original disc...theres no extra features and no achievements...ive also readthat all of the games have small emulation issues...
anyway....people with guitar hero...the boss battle songs are available to download for FREE startingtoday...
Can't wait for CoD4....NT Clan will be :pimp:
The Only Sensible Way To Live In This World Is Without Rules....
"Conquest is made of the ashes of one's enemies."
And Tonight You're Going To Break Your One Rule.​
^Are you using an ethernet cable or a network adapter? I guess the main thing you want to do is make sure your router is allowing it.

I'm using a ethernet cable. I don't have a wireless router, if that makes a difference.

maybe its because live is still messed up, a lot of people cant even get on live right now
Maybe, but it's not even allowing me to sign up.

I have to head out to my cousins house now for dinner, but maybe you can still help me out nnarum (or anyone, for that matter). Thanks a lot.
My 360 is freezing and is starting to give me disk reading errors and brand new games
Can somebody help me?
Add my gamertag to the top of that list please
Gamertag = Swerv On You (props again to mayor) :lol:
.:GAMERTAG= Swerv On You​
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