Official XBOX 360 Thread: Tekken 6 on 360!

Heads up, Zellers (chain store in Canada... unsure if there are locations in the US) have all 360 and PS3 games 2 for $30. I grabbed Far Cry 2 and Prince ofPersia for $31.50...
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Heads up, Zellers (chain store in Canada... unsure if there are locations in the US) have all 360 and PS3 games 2 for $30. I grabbed Far Cry 2 and Prince of Persia for $31.50...

u serious? when does this promotion last till
I've posted this problem time and time again, but it keeps happening to me.

My Wireless Network Adapter is connected (Green light is on and steady). However, I cannot connect to Live. The last time I could, was last week (the day afterThanksgiving actually). I went to get the NXE update, and it connected fine to Live and I downloaded it. From the next day (and on), Live has not connected.

I've taken the Network Connection Test, and failed (red X on the 360 console logo). I've even restored the system to Factory Settings, and from thereentered the WEP Password (I've had it written down from this problem when I had it a few times before) and it still has not worked.

Someone, anyone, please help me out. I'd greatly appreciate it.
Source: A teaser page on the English-language version of the Konami Web site.


What we heard: Rumors of an Xbox 360 version of Metal Gear Solid 4 have been bouncing around for years. (Remember this one?) More recently, the last few months have seen whispers of the first Metal Gear Solid, released for the original PlayStation in 1998 and PC in 2000, making its way onto Xbox Live.

Now, both rumors have been restoked with a vengeance by a teaser page on the Konami site. Posted just as the Friday workday ended--a common publicity tactic by publishers to "build buzz" over a weekend--the teaser page bears a single line of text saying, "A next Metal Gear is…" Above the garbled English is an equation of sorts that has an upside-down exclamation point being added to a right-side-up exclamation point.

The sum of the two symbols appears to be a power button that looks extremely like Xbox 360's on/off switch, and the entire equation is the same neon green as the Xbox 360 logo. The resulting spectulation has many-a-fanboy apoplectic, since Final Fantasy XIII and Tekken 6's multiplatform moves make MGS4 one of the few remaining third-party PS3 exclusives. However, a close look at the PS3 will show it has the same symbol on its power button, just above a green (and blue) light when the console is turned on. Given that it is, in fact, the universal logo for power switch on electronics, the Wii has one as well.

The official story: As of press time, US Konami reps had not responded to requests for comment.


Bogus or not bogus?: Not bogus that some sort of new Metal Gear project is being teased. However, the fact one of the exclamation points is upside down may point to a third, non-Xbox 360 possibility...that the game in question is a third Metal Gear Acid. The PSP spin-off series uses an exclamation point as a substitute "i" in its title, just like the one in the equation.

Originally Posted by aubstuh86

Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Heads up, Zellers (chain store in Canada... unsure if there are locations in the US) have all 360 and PS3 games 2 for $30. I grabbed Far Cry 2 and Prince of Persia for $31.50...

u serious? when does this promotion last till
deal is pretty much dead,
it was good well it lasted, there was also a CND website selling all the latest games for 34CND ( which is like 25 usd) and they ship to the US

Does anyone know if there is or will be a skate 2 demo im dying to test it out
Left 4 Dead is way to repetative... No aiming, limited variety of weapons and all you do is just shower the hurde. COD:World at War is where its at. When youlock the Zombie mode. Its mad sick!!!!!!!!!. Gotta use that back to back tactics like in Army of 2 to survive. gotta cop it!
So here's my story. You might have read my post a few pages back about my RROD. Well I got my XBOX on the release date, and now they are telling me that mywarranty is up (as of about 2 weeks ago). This is some bull %#++. I am not paying 100 bucks to get this %#++ fixed, when there dumb @%%+@ $#*$@% up. What can ido?
Got my 2nd RROD yesterday... good times, about to send the stupid thing out here a little later today. What a joke...
I just received my 360 on monday (first system, since the 8-bit nintendo). i've played it, went smooth till this evening. everytime i play COD: WAW, abouta min or 2 in, it will freeze. i took out the harddrive, and swapped out COD with a diff game, same results. tried playing SF2 (i thought it could have been aCD problem) freezes 2 mins in.

it's in a well ventilated area, in front of my tv stand. standing, laying down, it'll freeze. any ideas? i'm considering returning it. but since ibought it from Dell, should get at them first or go straight to microsoft?
Originally Posted by ricer yo

I just received my 360 on monday (first system, since the 8-bit nintendo). i've played it, went smooth till this evening. everytime i play COD: WAW, about a min or 2 in, it will freeze. i took out the harddrive, and swapped out COD with a diff game, same results. tried playing SF2 (i thought it could have been a CD problem) freezes 2 mins in.

it's in a well ventilated area, in front of my tv stand. standing, laying down, it'll freeze. any ideas? i'm considering returning it. but since i bought it from Dell, should get at them first or go straight to microsoft?
Retern to dell and never buy a 360 from dell. bad experiences with them and 360s
Damn, can't wait for the Fallout 3 DLC... Over 70 hours of playtime already!

On another note, anyone play Geometry Wars 2 or Street Fighter 2 HD? I'm looking to compare rankings.
Originally Posted by llcooljunr

Damn, can't wait for the Fallout 3 DLC... Over 70 hours of playtime already!

On another note, anyone play Geometry Wars 2 or Street Fighter 2 HD? I'm looking to compare rankings.

I play streetfighter if your looking for a couple of beatings.
If you guys need your 360s fixed check your local craigslist for people who fix them. Usually 35-50 dollars. The guy i went to had VERY good service and i evenhad to wait in line because he had other clients.
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