Official XBOX 360 Thread: Tekken 6 on 360!

A few questions for the xbox gurus...

1. Is it worth buying NBA 2k9? I mean 2k10 or whatever is gonna come out soon but not for a while but 2k9 is still $50 for brand new.

2. I bought a used xbox 360, What if it catches the ring of death? Do I have to throw that *%$# away and get a new one or I can just send it do microsoft?
Just like a lot of people, I got a 360 for xmas, from my girl. My gt is nn226, add me! I'm on COD4 most of the time..... Is there an NT clan tag?
microsoft only gives you a 1 year warranty????
i thought it was 2?

So i gotta pay 100 dollars for them to fix the one red light problem.
Dammit, is there anyway around this, im pissed.

Ive been thinking it was 2 years.
For refernce on RROD repairs:

I sent my xbox in on December 9th and got it back the 28th, BUT they sent it out the 21st and the holiday is what made it take a week to get to me. So reallywas only like 2 weeks gone, which wasn't too bad especially since it was during finals week for me.

Fallout is fun but i find it kind of hard so far, maybe b/c i'm such a low level still.
I read that the 3RROD extends your warranty. Is that true?
Because i have the one light E74 messege and when i called they said its gonna cost 100 dollars my one year warranty is up.

Is there anyway for me to give my 360 the 3RROD? rap it in towels or something? Will that work?
Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

A few questions for the xbox gurus...

1. Is it worth buying NBA 2k9? I mean 2k10 or whatever is gonna come out soon but not for a while but 2k9 is still $50 for brand new.

2. I bought a used xbox 360, What if it catches the ring of death? Do I have to throw that *%$# away and get a new one or I can just send it do microsoft?
I still play 2k8 because I don't like Clark Kellogg announcing games, and it's cheaper.
If it breaks, you have 3 years to cover the 3 red lights. Anything else is out of pocket. If it's hot I'dthrow it away and not even bother if it breaks.

BTW, baseball fans have you seen this? I wish MLB would just say enough to 2k... I think 2k9 is going to suck like 2k8 did since they are also focusing on thisGM game. It might even be better than the actual 2k9 series game...

I'd think about picking this up if it were under $20 though...
nnarum wrote:
Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

A few questions for the xbox gurus...

1. Is it worth buying NBA 2k9? I mean 2k10 or whatever is gonna come out soon but not for a while but 2k9 is still $50 for brand new.

2. I bought a used xbox 360, What if it catches the ring of death? Do I have to throw that *%$# away and get a new one or I can just send it do microsoft?
I still play 2k8 because I don't like Clark Kellogg announcing games, and it's cheaper.
If it breaks, you have 3 years to cover the 3 red lights. Anything else is out of pocket. If it's hot I'd throw it away and not even bother if it breaks.

BTW, baseball fans have you seen this? I wish MLB would just say enough to 2k... I think 2k9 is going to suck like 2k8 did since they are also focusing on this GM game. It might even be better than the actual 2k9 series game...

I'd think about picking this up if it were under $20 though...

its for 3 years, but its used so it depends on when the first�owner purchased it, so the 3 years mite be up already

Originally Posted by Jehlers02

Can anyone help me on my warranty E74 error problem?
Id appreciate it.

Not sure, I had the same problem but mine was under warranty. You could look to get it repaired elsewhere if you don't want to pay MS.
Ok so does anyone else know if i can give my 360 the 3RROD if it already is broken with 1 ring?

Im about to throw this thing in towels to make it overheat but dont know if it can break twice
Biggest Disappointment = Fable 2 (First time I felt insulted by a videogame and first time trading one in...This game is just a big demo. There is no GAME here.)
I disagree. Quality game. If you dont like the length, rent it.
Can someone school me on the HDMI thing on the xbox 360? What is it suppose to do? Is anybody else using it?
Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

A few questions for the xbox gurus...

1. Is it worth buying NBA 2k9? I mean 2k10 or whatever is gonna come out soon but not for a while but 2k9 is still $50 for brand new.

2. I bought a used xbox 360, What if it catches the ring of death? Do I have to throw that *%$# away and get a new one or I can just send it do microsoft?
I still play 2k8 because I don't like Clark Kellogg announcing games, and it's cheaper.
If it breaks, you have 3 years to cover the 3 red lights. Anything else is out of pocket. If it's hot I'd throw it away and not even bother if it breaks.

BTW, baseball fans have you seen this? I wish MLB would just say enough to 2k... I think 2k9 is going to suck like 2k8 did since they are also focusing on this GM game. It might even be better than the actual 2k9 series game...

I'd think about picking this up if it were under $20 though...
damn son. hopefully 2k9 doesnt turn out to be trash. i was considering copping since my dude tim lincecum is on the cover.
so what game should I get first? GTAIV, or NBA2k9? I know I'm madd late on gettin these games, its cuz my xbox has been broken since march so I haven'tbeen buying any games lately. I'm gettin my xbox back from microsoft tmo, and just wonderin which game I should go with first
I got both...definitely gta 4...not that nba 2k9 is a bad game but gta 4 will hold you down 4 a good while...
so what the hell is up with my xbox gettin red rings when i havent used it for about 3 days? when i finally turned it on.. boom red +%@#*%* rings..

what the hell do i do know? how do i contact microsoft? is it free shipping to send my %%## to them?

yes im mad
Fallout 3 is the truth, cant wait for the Pittsburgh expansion. Never have I loved and hated a game so much.

"Oh your selling schematics....for 1120 caps...hummmmm well I see you only have one body guard, and my combat shotgun here says your gonna give me allyour goods."

so I finally got my xbox back from microsoft this morning, just to find out that its STILL broken. its exactly the way it was before I sent it to them, theydidn't even fix it at all.
Anyone need a 3 month XBL card? I can PM you the code for $13 through Paypal. Hit me up, I don't need it.
so what game should I get first? GTAIV, or NBA2k9? I know I'm madd late on gettin these games, its cuz my xbox has been broken since march so I haven't been buying any games lately. I'm gettin my xbox back from microsoft tmo, and just wonderin which game I should go with first
you might be able to get both. GTA IV has been on sale frequently recently. For example, its 29.99 new at Amazon. Blockbuster has it used for14.99 - In-Store. Lastly, theres a $10 off 2K games coupon going around thats "valid at most major retailers."

It says its valid on sale games so if you can find NBA 2k9 on sale for 39.99 (I believe Target had it for this price not too long ago) or so, you'd be goodto go.
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