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This post is mostly nonsense
What other developer with the funding 343 gets has this many technical issues? People rightfully shame CD Projekt Red for Cyberpunk but the Master Chief Collection was indisputably far worse. At least CD Projekt Red ****ed up their own game, not someone else's work.
It doesn't seem like 343 is some kind of hellish torture dungeon like Blizzard, so at some point questions need to be asked about how they managed this franchise.

I can't think of a single gaming developer, let alone one with the funding of 343, that had/has major issues adding a playlist to a multiplayer shooter in the year 2021-22. Playlists that've been staples throughout Halo's entire lifespan and should've been there in the first place. When basic features turn into major issues, it's no surprise that the roadmap looks the way it does.
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What other developer with the funding 343 gets has this many technical issues? People rightfully shame CD Projekt Red for Cyberpunk but the Master Chief Collection was indisputably far worse. At least CD Projekt Red ****ed up their own game, not someone else's work.
343 made three mainline Halo games since they took over. H4 has a 87 metacritic, H5 has a 84 and infinite has a 87. Infinite won some Game of the Years awards. Hell their worst fumble the MCC has a 85 metacritic. But somehow, they are the worst AAA dev out there?

Look what DICE did with Battlefield and Battlefront, Bioware with Anthem, Fallot 76,Apex Legends launched with tons of issues and lacking content, Destiny 1 was lacking for content too. Destiny 2's community was pissed at Bungie for a good while too.

You claiming they are a unique bad developer when their games review well, Infinite won Game of Year awards, and other devs has had issues with their game is just plain silly IMO

It is fair to complain about Infinite's issues, what you are doing is just hyperbolic reaching.

Microsoft owns Halo, Microsoft owns 343, Halo is theirs. No one else's. Hell Infinite's creative director is someone who was a lead on the first three games
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I had a feeling that was gonna summon Rusty.

Idk how much more this man can defend treefortree . Sounding like an addict not admitting they have a problem at this point.
If y'all would make reasonable takes I wouldn't need to post.

And I admitted their games have issues multiple times, so spare me.
Did you just cite MCC’s meta critic score as a reason why that game is even a remotely acceptable experience as an overall title? You’re using that score to gaslight us about the first however many years of that game’s life?

That game was unplayable for months, and terribly horrific for years until they reworked it. A GAME THEY HAD THE SKELETON AND CORE FOR ALREADY.

If you can look me in the eyes and say that 343 did well with MCC as an overall title, you are farther gone that I realized. Jesus Christ.
Did you just cite MCC’s meta critic score as a reason why that game is even a remotely acceptable experience as an overall title? You’re using that score to gaslight us about the first however many years of that game’s life?

That game was unplayable for months, and terribly horrific for years until they reworked it. A GAME THEY HAD THE SKELETON AND CORE FOR ALREADY.

If you can look me in the eyes and say that 343 did well with MCC as an overall title, you are farther gone that I realized. Jesus Christ.
What the **** are you even talking about

I cited the score to push back on the the claim 343 is the worst AAA dev in the business. It wasn't to excuse any of it's problems. I even called it a fumble.

Miss me with whatever nonsense this is. You are not responding to what I am typing. But the strawman in your head
It’s not “a fumble”. It is THE fumble.

MCC’s launch and majority of its life is the equivalent of a football player alone running to a TD with the ball, tripping on air, fumbling the ball and the team settling for a field goal instead of a TD.

I’m not arguing 343 is the worst Dev in history, but I will reiterate that I don’t understand why you’re so hell bount on defending them and lightening their “fumbles” and slaps in the face to the Halo community. :smh:
It’s not “a fumble”. It is THE fumble.

MCC’s launch and majority of its life is the equivalent of a football player alone running to a TD with the ball, tripping on air, fumbling the ball and the team settling for a field goal instead of a TD.

I’m not arguing 343 is the worst Dev in history, but I will reiterate that I don’t understand why you’re so hell bount on defending them and lightening their “fumbles” and slaps in the face to the Halo community. :smh:
I called it their worst fumble, implying there have been more than one. So what are you trying to correct me on, the fact that the MCC was their biggest misstep? Ok, I already said that.

If don't have to explain my post to you though Especially when I wasn't even engaged in a back and forth with you.

You wanted to call me out for **** I didn't say all to clutch your pearls because I don't **** on 343 with the same level of hyperbole as you like.

So again, spare me.
Disrespecting 343 is Rusty’s bat signal. He not trying to hear any of that
343 made three mainline Halo games since they took over. H4 has a 87 metacritic, H5 has a 84 and infinite has a 87. Infinite won some Game of the Years awards. Hell their worst fumble the MCC has a 85 metacritic. But somehow, they are the worst AAA dev out there?

Look what DICE did with Battlefield and Battlefront, Bioware with Anthem, Fallot 76,Apex Legends launched with tons of issues and lacking content, Destiny 1 was lacking for content too. Destiny 2's community was pissed at Bungie for a good while too.

You claiming they are a unique bad developer when their games review well, Infinite won Game of Year awards, and other devs has had issues with their game is just plain silly IMO

It is fair to complain about Infinite's issues, what you are doing is just hyperbolic reaching.

Microsoft owns Halo, Microsoft owns 343, Halo is theirs. No one else's. Hell Infinite's creative director is someone who was a lead on the first three games
When the MCC has an 85 on Metacritic, what more needs to be said? Corporate game journalist reviews should never ever be taken seriously.
They eventually fixed it for the most part, across a far longer timespan than their closest competitor (Dice) in that regard.
I don't think they're quite uniquely bad but the magnitude of their funding compared to their issues is kinda ridiculous. Dice is certainly giving them a run for their money but they don't have the funding 343 does and have a better track record. Fallout 76 is a borderline MCC trainwreck and Bethesda obviously also has massive funding, though I think you can argue their track record is also better.
You also have to take into account that MCC was only partially 343's own work.

Given their funding, the only thing that explains the magnitude of 343's incompetence is cutting every possible corner at the executive level.
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If don't have to explain my post to you though Especially when I wasn't even engaged in a back and forth with you.

You wanted to call me out for **** I didn't say all to clutch your pearls because I don't **** on 343 with the same level of hyperbole as you like.

So again, spare me.
I don’t think I need to remind you that you’re on an open forum. there’s a reason I can quote, reply and even @ you if I desired.

Cuss and censor all you want, it doesn’t make you any less lost (for whatever reason) in defending what 343 has done to the Halo franchise. I hope you wake up someday.

Also, 100/100 metacritic score to you for dismissing any opposing opinion to yours regarding 343 as “hyperbole”.
When the MCC has an 85 on Metacritic, what more needs to be said? Corporate game journalist reviews should never ever be taken seriously.
They eventually fixed it for the most part, across a far longer timespan than their closest competitor (Dice) in that regard.
I don't think they're quite uniquely bad but the magnitude of their funding compared to their issues is kinda ridiculous. Dice is certainly giving them a run for their money but they don't have the funding 343 does and have a better track record. Fallout 76 is a borderline MCC trainwreck and Bethesda obviously also has massive funding, though I think you can argue their track record is also better.
You also have to take into account that MCC was only partially 343's own work.

Given their funding, the only thing that explains the magnitude of 343's incompetence is cutting every possible corner at the executive level.
This reads like a lot of back tracking and recalibrating of your argument.

Metacritic is a decent comparison because all AAA games get one. If their is a bias, then the bias would apply of all games, and in turn still makes it a valid metric to comparing games. So you can be dismissive, doesn't change the fact that compared to the industry as a whole, 343 seems to make decent enough games. Which undercuts your claim of them being the worst dev out there.

This seems like a bunch of conjecture thrown into an argument to somehow defend the claim that a dev that makes well reviewed games, whose problems are not unique in the industry, is somehow the worst dev out there.

Just seems like a flimsy argument to me
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I don’t think I need to remind you that you’re on an open forum. there’s a reason I can quote, reply and even @ you if I desired.

Cuss and censor all you want, it doesn’t make you any less lost (for whatever reason) in defending what 343 has done to the Halo franchise. I hope you wake up someday.

Also, 100/100 metacritic score to you for dismissing any opposing opinion to yours regarding 343 as “hyperbole”.
Dude, you can quote and respond to whatever I post.

But when you strawman me, I am not obligated to response to your strawman. You didn't even look at the context of my post before calling me out for it.

And if waking up means agreeing with the hyperbolic whining people do regarding 343, I'll hit the snooze button.

Their are reasonable criticisms to make about 343, dudes just go beyond reasonable IMO.
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This reads like a lot of back tracking and recalibrating of your argument.

Metacritic is a decent comparison because all AAA games get one. If their is a bias, then the bias would apply of all games, and in turn still makes it a valid metric to comparing games. So you can be dismissive, doesn't change the fact that compared to the industry as a whole, 343 seems to make decent enough games. Which undercuts your claim of them being the worst dev out there.
How is it a valid metric when a scam on the scale of MCC has an 85 and other 'critically acclaimed' games that actually functioned well are even anywhere in the same ballpark? Cyberpunk 2077 has an 86. For outright fraud to be excused, let alone praised, should really just said it all. A lot of those corporate game journalists have to be either outright bribed or barely have functioning brains. Whether it's positive or negative, no one should give much credence to Metacritic, particularly just the scores.

We're talking about one of the biggest gaming developers, running a flagship series, that turned adding a playlist into a major issue. For the first time in their career, they managed to make a Halo game with solid gameplay at its core, but then they of course managed to release it with a shockingly low amount of content and major issues adding basic features, let alone fixing the major issues like desync.

Technical issues aside, Halo Infinite is dying of thirst and at this point 343 won't even piss in its mouth.
How is it a valid metric when a scam on the scale of MCC has an 85 and other 'critically acclaimed' games that actually functioned well are even anywhere in the same ballpark? Cyberpunk 2077 has an 86. For outright fraud to be excused, let alone praised, should really just said it all. A lot of those corporate game journalists have to be either outright bribed or barely have functioning brains. Whether it's positive or negative, no one should give much credence to Metacritic, particularly just the scores.

We're talking about one of the biggest gaming developers, running a flagship series, that turned adding a playlist into a major issue. For the first time in their career, they managed to make a Halo game with solid gameplay at its core, but then they of course managed to release it with a shockingly low amount of content and major issues adding basic features, let alone fixing the major issues like desync.

Technical issues aside, Halo Infinite is dying of thirst and at this point 343 won't even piss in its mouth.
Because if you would take a Econometrics class it is taught that if an estimator is bias in the same direction, at the same magnitude, you can use it to compare two groups. You can't do that is every score had a unique bias, but you are clearly making a general statement here.

Cyberpunk has a 86 on PC, where there were way less bugs at launch. The game was completely broken on console, and the PS4 and Xbox One have metacritic scores of 57 and 61 respectively. You call people bought and insult their intelligence but you couldn't do a couple more clicks to see that that the metacritic scores do signal something being wrong with the game. Ummmm, ok.

And you have switched you argument. I took issue with categorizing 343 as one of if not the worst devs out there. But you have seemingly given up on that claim without acknowledging you have done so, and are now fallen back to just complaining about the same old issue.

343 deserves valid criticism, what y'all doing is throwing a ton of extra sauce of it.
Because if you would take a Econometrics class it is taught that if an estimator is bias in the same direction, at the same magnitude, you can use it to compare two groups. You can't do that is every score had a unique bias, but you are clearly making a general statement here.

Cyberpunk has a 86 on PC, where there were way less bugs at launch. The game was completely broken on console, and the PS4 and Xbox One have metacritic scores of 57 and 61 respectively. You call people bought and insult their intelligence but you couldn't do a couple more clicks to see that that the metacritic scores do signal something being wrong with the game. Ummmm, ok.

And you have switched you argument. I took issue with categorizing 343 as one of if not the worst devs out there. But you have seemingly given up on that claim without acknowledging you have done so, and are now fallen back to just complaining about the same old issue.

343 deserves valid criticism, what y'all doing is throwing a ton of extra sauce of it.
I don’t think me being wrong about a particular metacritic score invalidates my argument. If anything, the comparison with the MCC’s Xbox/PC scores and Cyberpunk’s console and PC scores show that the bias and/or bribery is being applied very inconsistently. And those scores for console Cyberpunk are still shockingly high for outright fraud.

I stand by my original opinion that 343 is the worst AAA gaming dev in terms of development. Of course they have close competitors, being a bad gaming dev has unfortunately never been a unique thing. I do think however that the ratio of funding and track record to issues ratios is unique and that’s what makes them the (imo) the worst. At best, they’re a very strong competitor.

The reason I keep referencing the playlist issue is because that is a whole new level of incompetence for almost any developer. And even that level of incompetence is nothing compared to the complete fraud that MCC perpetuated for many many months. People at the very top of completely broken releases, who spread malicious lies to the public to make sure as many people as possible buy what the execs know to be a complete scam should really start being prosecuted.

If there were any real consequences for scams like the MCC, Cyberpunk, Fallout 76, … then maybe 343 would’ve successfully revived Halo instead of what looks like a potential final nail in the coffin.
I don’t think me being wrong about a particular metacritic score invalidates my argument. If anything, the comparison with the MCC’s Xbox/PC scores and Cyberpunk’s console and PC scores show that the bias and/or bribery is being applied very inconsistently. And those scores for console Cyberpunk are still shockingly high for outright fraud.

I stand by my original opinion that 343 is the worst AAA gaming dev in terms of development. Of course they have close competitors, being a bad gaming dev has unfortunately never been a unique thing. I do think however that the ratio of funding and track record to issues ratios is unique and that’s what makes them the (imo) the worst. At best, they’re a very strong competitor.

The reason I keep referencing the playlist issue is because that is a whole new level of incompetence for almost any developer. And even that level of incompetence is nothing compared to the complete fraud that MCC perpetuated for many many months. People at the very top of completely broken releases, who spread malicious lies to the public to make sure as many people as possible buy what the execs know to be a complete scam should really start being prosecuted.

If there were any real consequences for scams like the MCC, Cyberpunk, Fallout 76, … then maybe 343 would’ve successfully revived Halo instead of what looks like a potential final nail in the coffin.
Famb I simply don't rock with your argument given how your argued it, and the more you explain yourself the less convincing it becomes.

I think generally that 343 like most game devs are good people trying their best and their what causes their missteps, no matter how criticism worth they are, makes sense. Especially with how Microsoft's management have trip them up too.

They make good games mostly, they have had missteps, they have a tiny margin of error generally, but their fumbles are not unique to the gaming industry.

Your argument just seems like somewhat petulant gamer hot take hyperbole to me. Just overly reactionary, and with most reactionary takes, there is a grain of truth in there somewhere.

The media are fraud, devs are simply incompetent, sure I was dead wrong on my data point but you are still right.

Ok famb, sure. :rolleyes
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Famb I simply don't respect your argument given how your argued it, and the more you explain yourself the less convincing it becomes.

I think generally that 343 like most game devs are good people trying their best and their what causes their missteps, no matter how criticism worth they are, makes sense. Especially with how Microsoft's management have trip them up too.

They make good games mostly, they have had missteps, they have a tiny margin of error generally, but their fumbles are not unique to the gaming industry.

Your argument just seems like somewhat petulant gamer hot take hyperbole to me. Just overly reactionary, and with most reactionary takes, there is a grain of truth in there somewhere.

The media are fraud, devs are simply incompetent, sure I was dead wrong on my data point but you are still right.

Ok famb, sure. :rolleyes
I agree that 343 consists mostly of good people. I assume the programmers, creative designers, …are doing what they can under the circumstances they’ve been given and that funding should be able to attract enough talent across the board.

You seem to equate me calling 343 the worst AAA gaming dev (in terms of development) with me calling their employees bad workers.
I think that in virtually all cases of bad gaming devs, the issues are at the very top and the workers are left to do their best with the hand they’re dealt.
Judging by that playlist issue, some truly horrendous coding was done there. But I think that shows the development team isn’t managed properly.

On the last point though, does my mistake and the clear discrepancy between the MCC Metacritic /score and the (updated) Cyberpunk console scores not reinforce instead of refute my argument with a completely inconsistent application of bias? The bigger fraud from a bigger company was highly praised. The lesser fraud from a smaller company was a mixed bag. So there’s no fundemental change in my argument there: inconsistent application of inexcusable bias.
I see what you trying to say Belgium Belgium thats why im confused.

Halo is owned and the bread and butter of M$ there shouldnt be staffing, financial issues, patent issues or cancelling stuff when halo is M$ cash baby. But somehow its being mismanaged as if this was CP2077. I mean come on for crying out loud M$ bought activision for billions. They putting Halo on Xbox boxes and treating it like its fortnite/destiny.

i got a SX just for halo split screen and im sure others did as well, they even announced it 5 years ago! and i bought a SX a few months ago just to get hit with no Split screen a few months later smh, how could you botch split screen this badly when its been on Halo 1.

and i dont even want to get into how disappointing the online MP has been feels like im playing the same 3 maps over and over smh

i could only imagine if PS did one of their first party games like this GOW or last of us to name a few
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I see what you trying to say Belgium Belgium thats why im confused.

Halo is owned and the bread and butter of M$ there shouldnt be staffing, financial issues, patent issues or cancelling stuff when halo is M$ cash baby. But somehow its being mismanaged as if this was CP2077. I mean come on for crying out loud M$ bought activision for billions. They putting Halo on Xbox boxes and treating it like its fortnite/destiny.

i got a SX just for halo split screen and im sure others did as well, they even announced it 5 years ago! and i bought a SX a few months ago just to get hit with no Split screen a few months later smh, how could you botch split screen this badly when its been on Halo 1.

and i dont even want to get into how disappointing the online MP has been feels like im playing the same 3 maps over and over smh

i could only imagine if PS did one of their first party games like this GOW or last of us to name a few

Have you seen The Last of Us Remastered?
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