OFFICIAL : Zoom Kobe V (5) thread - Ace launch on 3/6

Vince: You got a pair of ASGs?!?! I'm still lookin' for one yo. But I talked to FTL and they said they should have em by this weekend!! My bad if I got you staying up at 2am on Friday.... I was pissed, and guess what time I woke up on Sat? 10:30, yup that is so late for us "old" guys. LOL
Dbl post:
and to the battle going on with nystatenisland.

I messaged him about price and he said $190, which is not THAT bad.. If you account for shipping and tax, that's only about $35-40 more and that doesn't include the hassle of trying to find a pair...

just sayin'   
I am not liking the USC colorway Vs....

Waiting on the inlines myself...Simple and clean....
so i keep calling a few ftl about the dk n sometimes they say they r rereleasing sometimes they say no or at times they dont know, im just worried that if they dont the current prices out there will go up an extra 50 bucks which would def b a deal breaker
Originally Posted by bigsupa



We need this to drop here in Manila
If I was in my prime.... Oh Lordy lawd. A fresh DS icey pair of Original Columbia XIs>>> your life lol.

Yo Vince did you get your pair?
missed out on the Bruce Lee's and will most likely the asg's because of money issues but i still got the white/red's with my discount and have fallen deeply in love.. I'm gunna go to $#!%'s tomorrow to get the Nike (red) laces to throw on em..
Originally Posted by nystatenisland

People in this thread sound so salty cause they don't got a pair, lol. And people talking about lil man I can GUARANTEE my collection is 100 times better than yours. Please call out a challenge. What is the point in talking peeps. Is it going to stop anything. Think not. See me in the streets not on the internet. Keep venting homies on the internet. Ya'll won't get another response from me. The people that have copped from me know my prices are very fair. Ya'll have no idea what I had to go through OR PAY to help people out that don't have them in there area. But I guess nobody cares that I had to drive 4 hours to do this. Now that I think about it why am I wasting my time responding to you losers that got something to say. Just keep your mouths shut.

LOL I got my pair kid, probably had them LONG before you did.  Shoe battle?  The hell?
   How about you post your collection in the sneakershowcase and give us a link?  I mean after all, you did cop alot of pairs on release day of a shoe...You must be ballin!

so the ASG'S got delayed.

is the release still a QS or limited to a certain amount.

Or can we expect a GR at the malls sometime soon??
dudes need to stop arguing about something nobody can do anything about. resellers will continue. you're not gonna stop them by flaming.
Originally Posted by abstractability

Ya'll hating at nystatenisland but then look at ballerdoc23's sig..... that's a straight smh..

Nobody was hating on the dude.

If you want to resell thats fine...people can decide to buy or not. He's was trying to say he just "picked them up" and Noblekane called him out on it and the dude got butthurt and started to talk about shoe battles and whine about having to drive 4 hrs to resell.

 lets get back on topic shall we?

wow the white/red/black kobe v look super nice with black or red laces. why nike didnt do a red with black or black with red laces on them is mind boggling..

i think the red laces are the best on them
white/red ZKV are growing on me, but they are at the bottom of the totem pole right now, if i can get them on discount...maybe
Yeah I wasn't too hot on the white/black/red's because I thought they were too plain but my footlocker actually got them and they are nice. The red has a metallic finish that is sick. Im suprised my footlocker got them though, they never get anything. Suprised they still sell Nikes....SMH
I swear, this shoe is gonna get every dude here broke, lol. I am actually anxious to see if everyone here is just keeping them deadstock, wearing them around for fun, or actually wearing them to ball in. From the looks of it unfortunately, a lot are just gonna be sitting around. Some dude posted a pic of his aways and Bruce Lees and I was happy to see the scuffs on the aways; shows he actually wore them in a game. Its just a bit sad to see such a performance shoe like this be sitting around and not getting used for the way its intended. Its like buying a Ferrari and then just leaving it in the garage to look at! I mean, my power to ya if you can afford to buy multiple pairs and not ever wear them on a court, but man, its a bit sad when so much R&D and Eric Avar's genius go into easily one of the most popular shoes (already) of this very young year and quite possibly in Nike Basketball lore.
Originally Posted by dpbulldog32

Does anyone know if they still have a size 13 at hoh LA in the Bruce Lees??

Nah man, I called for a buddy of mine at 11am this morning and they said all they had were 14 and 15 left.
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