Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T


You could smash a girl from Original or North and the only proof you had was the smell you brought back West, on your hand. That was the selfie, there was no tweeting about it. Maybe you'd run into her at a weekend party and she'd let on about it but the homies just had to take your word for it most times if you said you slid into 3rd
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This stuff you guys are mentioning are from the 90s though. This stuff wasn't happening when you were 5. :lol:

But I think I get it. You guys just miss the good ol days in general.

I'm just being anal.
My whole childhood was 80's, and those are the imprints I carry for life man. Never shake them, imprinted.
The first 10 years is the build. Everything else is accessories
This stuff you guys are mentioning are from the 90s though. This stuff wasn't happening when you were 5. :lol:

But I think I get it. You guys just miss the good ol days in general.

I'm just being anal.
good and bad. I don't miss going to video stores to rent movies. Listening to songs on the radio or waiting hours for music videos. Information not at your finger tips. Not being able to shop for better prices online.
T Yeah good ol days I guess but lots of things I don't miss.
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Obviously there are great things about being alive/going strong today..

But the show gives you a window into a so much simpler time.. Even though my childhood was the 90s, I was out on my bike all the damn time or playing sports.. Yea we had Saturday morning cartoons (word to xmen on fox) or couple cartoons in the afternoons (batman series, power rangers, anamiancs) but even that has changed significantly.. And even video games have evolved signifigantly

I'd say just after 2003 or 2004-ish shhhh really really changed

the movie jaws exemplifies this point to me or silence of the lambs, both all time great movies.. But I doubt there is any way in hell those movies are made that way today.. The actual shark and Hannibal lecter are both in the film for very short periods

With the shorter and shorter attention spans and being just inundated with shh there is no one they allow those films to be as slow paced.. Jurassic park too.. Which like jaws had technological limitations of the times and dudes got creative
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Sometimes I miss the pre cell phone days. Times before social media.

I actually do miss going to the store to rent movies.
^^^ Its funny - I think if I asked my parents whether they thought of the 80s as an "innocent" time, they'd say no. Especially as compared to the 50s, when they grew up. Yet, they had no problem letting me and my little brothers roam around our neighborhood unsupervised by the time I was around 9. No parents I know would allow that now. Things are definitely different now. Like, during my entire childhood, I was specifically aware of maybe 2 mass shootings. Same with terror attacks. That's been eclipsed for my son in 2016 alone. Can get depressing if you let it.

So, 80s nostalgia is kind of a double-edged sword for me. Brings back good memories and makes me appreciate growing up in a simpler time, but also makes me sad my son's probably will never know a time like that.

-- end Debbie Downer moment --
I wouldn't let my kid roam around unsupervised at age 9 in any decade.

Unless you live in a cul de sac in a gated community or some ish like that :lol:
I wouldn't let my kid roam around unsupervised at age 9 in any decade.

Unless you live in a cul de sac in a gated community or some ish like that :lol:

Yeah. This was in Santa Monica, CA, which is not a small town by any means. But I guess because there were 3 of us and we were always together, they figured it was ok.
When did everyone first start using AOL instant messenger? 97?

Man. Those early days.

IMing someone then is not like now. When you IMed someone back then you knew you were going to get into a conversation.

You text or hit someone up in whatsapp today and you might get a response in a couple hours or the next day, if ever.
When did instant messenger die out? Around the time more smartphones were being released?
I'm going to guess 2006.

I think I was still using aim via a sidekick in 2005.


No my years are all wrong. I think I was using a sidekick all the way to 2008.




I can't believe 2006 was ten effin years ago [emoji]128517[/emoji][emoji]128517[/emoji][emoji]128517[/emoji]
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When did everyone first start using AOL instant messenger? 97?

Man. Those early days.

IMing someone then is not like now. When you IMed someone back then you knew you were going to get into a conversation.
cause you had to be on the damn computer to actually hit someone up.. and you weren't leaving that shhh signed in on a public computer or someone else's computer

msn messenger was huge too for a min
When did instant messenger die out? Around the time more smartphones were being released?
BBM and blackberries were huge in killing off real instant messaging.. I mean people texted before that, but shhh was kidna expensive

there were 2 way pagers and sidekicks

but I would say bbm/blackberries was the real killer.. or was it iphones
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Blackberries was definitely a good alternative to IMing on the sidekick.

But what definitely killed instant messenger was the iPhone.
^ yea.. whatever one came first was the killer.. then blackberries had their time.. then iphone upgraded and blackberry just couldn't keep up with the tech, brand new phones had crap batteries
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It was funny in that episode of mr robot when Dom bae was on her computer and it looked like she was on some internet messenger having cybersex and trying to masturbate. She went very basic and old school with her method. Surprised she didn't use one of her lollipops.
Heads up. They're having a 9/11 week on history channel.

There's a new special called 15 Septembers Later which is getting replayed in an hour.
This stuff you guys are mentioning are from the 90s though. This stuff wasn't happening when you were 5. :lol:

But I think I get it. You guys just miss the good ol days in general.

I'm just being anal.

I experienced the 80s stuff in the early 90s. All the classic
80s movies were finally on video, all the classic 80s cartoons were still poppin. only 90s vibe I associate with is ninja turtles and Nickelodeon :lol:

Has anyone seen this trailer already? bold plotline that's for sure. starring Jude Law
Has anyone seen this trailer already? bold plotline that's for sure. starring Jude Law

Bold indeed. Guess HBO is OK with the inevitable protests and threatened boycotts, etc. that are going to come from the Catholic Church as a result of this show.

Why they have to hire a British dude to play the first American pope though? :lol:
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