Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I could see chris Pratt pulling off a version of Indy.. Already under the Disney umbrella.. Maybe chris pine
Did some research and Indy 5 is already in the works. Spielberg directing; Harrison byke as Indy (at 80). 2019 release. But I bet they reboot after that.
han was cool in what they had him doing in the force awakens.. but I don't need to see dude in this, again.. thought we already go him halfa#@()# one already

going be like craig in that last bond movie

plus, you want indy to kinda be like the mommy and set during a particular time.. so gotta kinda star trek it, well not really like that.. but just set it way back when and have different adventures with Nazi's and other bad guys of that era thrown in
I will never forgive Sam Mendes and Co. for how badly they underused/misused Christoph Waltz' and his talent in Spectre.
**** was despicable and I'm a Bond stan. :smh:

Dude was a complete after-thought and they just made him look like a clown.
Im still sad about how disappointing Spectre was after Skyfall.

I don't blame Craig for not wanting to be a part of it anymore...

but 150 Million.... :nerd:
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I have no clue how they haven't thrown whatever they got after fassbender after first class..

would love to see edris elba, but you gotta hit it out the park with that one.. cause white folk looking for an excuse to roast that one

not sure if I see loki in it
Man I just saw Swiss Army Man and hated it. 4/8

Gets 4 points for the girl from Cloverfield being in it
Man I just saw Swiss Army Man and hated it. 4/8

Gets 4 points for the girl from Cloverfield being in it

Good to know. Guess if I want a movie about someone dragging a corpse around, I'll just re-watch Weekend at Bernie's.
I've still never seen a film with Radcliffe. He seems like a good dude from the interviews I've seen though and I might finally watch him in this Imperium movie.

Good to know. Guess if I want a movie about someone dragging a corpse around, I'll just re-watch Weekend at Bernie's.

For some reason, I was expecting your post to end with a shot at someone like Kristen Stewart or some other wooden actor.
I've still never seen a film with Radcliffe. He seems like a good dude from the interviews I've seen though and I might finally watch him in this Imperium movie.
For some reason, I was expecting your post to end with a shot at someone like Kristen Stewart or some other wooden actor.

:tongue: Yeah, that was a wasted opportunity
I loved aspects of it.. Watched the old a lil bit ago and agree, but they were kinda limited to that time

But it went off the rails a bit towards the end

Just need to start fresh.. Have someone "discover" the world and the mess it's in and go from there
Just finished rewatching.. Makes sense that the guy who did oblivion also directed this
Y'all chill with this Swiss Army Man slander. Movie was the goods. Mary Bae Winstead looked sooooo good :pimp:
Movie night Tuesday night.

Caught Blair Witch (don't, just don't) and Suicide Squad.

Was on the fence about Squad because Will Smith is in it, but... I don't know how you all felt, but I thought he did well.

The main problem I've had with Will over the last like 10 years or so has been that his roles are Will Smith in different movies. He hasn't sold me on a role since all the way back when he was Mike Lowry. I mean, I liked Hancock, thought he dove into that one. The movie itself was just... not the best.

But I feel like he became Floyd Lawton.

Blair Witch?

*deep inhaaaaaalllleeee*

*slow exxxxxxxhaaaaaale*
Movie night Tuesday night.

Caught Blair Witch (don't, just don't) and Suicide Squad.

Was on the fence about Squad because Will Smith is in it, but... I don't know how you all felt, but I thought he did well.

The main problem I've had with Will over the last like 10 years or so has been that his roles are Will Smith in different movies. He hasn't sold me on a role since all the way back when he was Mike Lowry. I mean, I liked Hancock, thought he dove into that one. The movie itself was just... not the best.

But I feel like he became Floyd Lawton.

Blair Witch?

*deep inhaaaaaalllleeee*

*slow exxxxxxxhaaaaaale*

Had no intentions on seeing this but this had me :rofl:
^^^ Did you see/like the original Blair Witch Project? Just curious. Not that I'm questioning your opinion on the new one since the reviews on it - from both critics and regular viewers - have been mixed at best.
Movie night Tuesday night.

Caught Blair Witch (don't, just don't) and Suicide Squad.

Was on the fence about Squad because Will Smith is in it, but... I don't know how you all felt, but I thought he did well.

The main problem I've had with Will over the last like 10 years or so has been that his roles are Will Smith in different movies. He hasn't sold me on a role since all the way back when he was Mike Lowry. I mean, I liked Hancock, thought he dove into that one. The movie itself was just... not the best.

But I feel like he became Floyd Lawton.

Blair Witch?

*deep inhaaaaaalllleeee*

*slow exxxxxxxhaaaaaale*

Harley Quinn was worth every single penny I've spent on the film. In fact, I owe the film more money.
^^^ Did you see/like the original Blair Witch Project? Just curious. Not that I'm questioning your opinion on the new one since the reviews on it - from both critics and regular viewers - have been mixed at best.
Did not.

I feel literally the exact same about the new one as I did about the original. The only reason I saw this one was because I thought it would be different than the first, and because I was so disappointed in the original that I thought there's no way they could dupe me again.

And yet they did.
Anyone watch Pitch last night? TBH I enjoyed it quite a bit

I did.
I thought it was a GREAT pilot episode for a series. Fox series usually dont grab me in their pilot episodes, they gradually get better.

But this was a very enjoyable first episode.

Sidenote: Zach Morris BYKE :smokin
Harley Quinn was worth every single penny I've spent on the film. In fact, I owe the film more money.
You ain't lying, bruh.

Need both of ya'll to back up.

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