Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

As Jurassic World 2 nears the start of production, details have slowly began to be revealed about the upcoming movie. The director of the Jurassic World sequel recently sat down for an interview with the spanish language magazine 'El Pais Seminal'. In this interview, he disclosed that some new details about the upcoming sequel:

Bayona confirmed that the Jurassic World sequel does have an official title, however the formal announcement will be at a later date. He also described Jurassic World as being in the 'Champion League' of cinema, and that he accepted due to Spielberg and Frank Marshall's involvement.

Notably, Bayona confirmed that the budget for the Jurassic World sequel would be 260 million dollars. This is a massive increase from Jurassic World's production of 150 million dollars. Bayonne did not give a specified reason for this large budgetary increase.

The budget increase is a very positive sign, and could indicate that production is willing to spend more on CGI or practical effects. The budget could also go into casting, as more well known Hollywood stars would require a substantial salary. Lastly, it is possible that Universal could utilize the added budget as a means of marketing the movie at a increase rate.

Jurassic World 2 will be released on June 22, 2018. Bryce Dallas Howard and Chris Pratt will return to play Claire Dearing and Owen Grady in the film. The movie will be directed by Juan Antonio Bayona, who has directed 'The Impossible.

Source: El Pais semenal, credit to JurassicWorldES for the translation and magazine scans!
Read more: http://www.scified.com/news/jurassic-world-2-will-have-a-budget-of-260-million-dollars#ixzz4KhnVNgLc  
I'm pretty sure the number announced is strictly just the production budget.

Including advertising, budget should probably end up in the 400's
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Wait y'all really think Emma Roberts has a too-young looking face? She looks like she's in her 20s, as she should. Just look at her in Scream Queens or something. Chloe Moretz, yeah, she looks younger than 19; looks like a freshman or sophomore in HS tbh, and she doesn't do anything for me.

Emma though :evil:

Emma looks like a 20yo crazy white girl who'd physically attack you in public.

Oh wait -- she actually did that to her ex irl  :lol:
Meh, that's fine with me. Crazier the better :nerd: :evil:
Wait y'all really think Emma Roberts has a too-young looking face? She looks like she's in her 20s, as she should. Just look at her in Scream Queens or something. Chloe Moretz, yeah, she looks younger than 19; looks like a freshman or sophomore in HS tbh, and she doesn't do anything for me.

Emma though

Emma looks like a 20yo crazy white girl who'd physically attack you in public.

Oh wait -- she actually did that to her ex irl 
Meh, that's fine with me. Crazier the better
@Noskey is a covert savage -- dude is into fecal fornication, choking, etc.

Wait y'all really think Emma Roberts has a too-young looking face? She looks like she's in her 20s, as she should. Just look at her in Scream Queens or something. Chloe Moretz, yeah, she looks younger than 19; looks like a freshman or sophomore in HS tbh, and she doesn't do anything for me.

Emma though :evil:

Emma looks like a 20yo crazy white girl who'd physically attack you in public.

Oh wait -- she actually did that to her ex irl  :lol:
Meh, that's fine with me. Crazier the better :nerd: :evil:

is a covert savage -- dude is into fecal fornication, choking, etc.

Well if you want to start at the basics. Anything else is boring amirite?? 8)

I bet Emma into the fun stuff :nerd:
Back on track, The Age of Shadows comes out in The US on Friday. From Jee-woon Kim, the director of "I Saw the Devil" and "The Good, The Bad and the Weird" (two fantastic but completely different types of films).

It's at the top of my must see list at the moment. The trailer gives away a lot I think, but knowing the director and the way his stories go, I'm sure nothings given away.
Interesting concept ^ but I like feel like Pratt and Lawrence just don't fit at all :lol: gonna pass on that in theaters.
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I've waited 3 years for this film to be made into fruition and it's finally happening.

Having read the script years ago, I pray the film focuses more on the relationship between Pratt & JLaw vs the impending doom they're facing.

Unfortunately, the trailer is trying to sell the movie as some action/romance which is a bit disappointing but they have to sell the movie so I get it.

Either way, I'll be the first one at the theater come Christmas morning.
Interesting concept ^ but I like feel like Pratt and Lawrence just don't fit at all :lol: gonna pass on that in theaters.

That's how I feel. Not reall excited about it right now. But could change my mind if the word of mouth is positive.
Not interested in watching Pratt and JLaw alone for 2 hours at all.

I like them both more in ensemble roles.
Saw Snowden over the weekend. JGL and Woodley were great in it but the movie overall was underwhelming.
Didn't know unfunny hart was in it. Him and the dwayne in a movie means it'll be twice as bad as I expected.
Said this in the other thread but I'm not sure about an all grown up cast and having them stuck in the game.

Will probably still watch in the theater.
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