Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

This feels like Fincher from the get.
I absolutely LOVE the fact that I don't know any of these faces in Mindhuter.
I wish I had the week off.
Finch upside your head.
Didn’t know Shannara Chronicles was back already. Started the premiere and gonna finish it later.

Good Behavior back tonight at 10.
Has anybody ever seen the movie Ladyhawke? I'm reading Ready Player One and they mention that epic movie with Rutger Haur, Ferris Bueller, and classic director. Basically the most 80's movie of all time and I've never even heard of it.
Has anybody ever seen the movie Ladyhawke? I'm reading Ready Player One and they mention that epic movie with Rutger Haur, Ferris Bueller, and classic director. Basically the most 80's movie of all time and I've never even heard of it.

We watched it in my high school class about literary heroes and their quests. Never heard of it before that class and might’ve seen it airing on tv once or twice after.
Finally, somebody depicts a move I've been waiting to see in fight scenes.

Good Behavior.

When a dude is choking you out after a few seconds pretend like he put you to sleep and then when he lets go strike!
Yall should checkout White Famous premiering now on Showtime

His eyes were still open and looking alert. Had me wondering if he was playing possum.
Yeah, something was up. Usually when I see ppl get choked out on shows they close their eyes. He kept them open and I was like well when someone dies they don't always close their eyes.
Showtime know what they doing.

Had the premiere on demand 2 weeks early but not the 2nd episode.

Funny ****. Michael Rappaport :rofl:
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This just feels, NEW.
Refreshingly fresh.
It's pinnacle.
I'm just on episode 3 and it's slow, I mean real slow, and that works well.
I'd be interested in the kind of research Fincher did before and during this creation.
What I saw of Marshall was pretty good.

The boy Boseman does his thing. Gad repped correctly too. Typical story of two unalike outsider underdog lawyers who initially have friction teaming up to get justice for an innocent man.

It is another of those terrible stories where the white woman accuses the black man of rape though. So brace yourself. Gets even worse when the truth comes out and looks even worse for dude.

Did hit home how the American legal system is suppose to be about getting justice.
Another year, another NYFF review:


The Square: Even though I was a bit disappointed by this movie overall, it was still laugh out loud hilarious especially the "condom" scene. The film has an interesting perspective on classism as well. 7.04 / 8

Lady Bird: Easily my favorite film I've seen at the festival. Greta's directorial debut is a joy to watch from start to finish. Also loved the way it was edited, sharp cuts w/o ruining the film's pace. That 100% rating on RT is justified. 7.6 / 8

Mudbound: The movie I anticipated to see the most at the festival and it certainly didn't disappoint. Unsettling depiction of prejudice in the south during WW2. The performances from everyone in the film was excellent. I could watch the scenes w/ Jason Mitchell and Garrett Hedlund for hours. My only gripe is that the film does lag slightly for the first 1/4 of the movie. Other than that, I highly recommend everyone to see it when it hits theaters next month 7.52 / 8

Call me by your name: And lastly, the film that all my critic friends have been raving about for months. Personally, I felt the film is a bit overrated but there are some great scenes riddled throughout and the monologue by Stuhlbarg at the end of the film is inspiring. That said, I'm not buying all this Oscar talk is a bit overblown, imo. 6.4 / 8

I received tickets for "The Florida Project" but was unable to make it. Hoping to see it after I'm done with midterms this week.
Black Panther has to have the illest Trailer that I have ever seen.

You know how you see that One SPecific Trailer in the Theatre before your Feature Film starts, and it just gets you going...makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up?
Well Blank Panther does that from home.
DOesn't even need to be in the Theatre, that **** is F'ing Fire man.
Sleeping with Other People 6/8 - I laughed a lot. Sudekis is crazy funny to me.

The Foreigner 5/8 - Jackie Chan still got it...
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