Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

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Okay this is the show for me. Schwimmer though!
Has anybody ever seen the movie Ladyhawke? I'm reading Ready Player One and they mention that epic movie with Rutger Haur, Ferris Bueller, and classic director. Basically the most 80's movie of all time and I've never even heard of it.
I literally just read that part in the book :lol:
Caught Kingsman 2 last night. Muddled *** plot and action scenes were hella over the top but I enjoyed it. 5/8
just watched dark tower. wowwwww they did stephen king dirty. turned his magnum opus into syfy channel fodder :lol:
it's as if they condensed the lord of the rings trilogy into a 30 minute network tv holiday show. if you didn't read the book, maybe the movie was just blah but if you read the books, the movie is a personal affront. idris was pretty good in the role of gunslinger but that's the only decent thing i can say about it. horrible, horrible adaptation. genital herpes/8
I spent the past week watching all of the Fast and the Furious films.

I'll just say that Fast Five is the only F&F film that I'd watch a second time.
Need to see Blade Runner again. That atmosphere with the sounds and imagery is exactly what cinema is all about
1922 5/8

Visually striking and pretty good acting, but just not good of a payoff for a movie that dragged as much as it did. I was waiting for a "The Ring" moment that never came.

Thomas Jane was pretty unrecognizable in this role, which was cool to see for about half the movie. Then he starts sounding like this guy
And it honestly gets to be too over the top :lol:

Forgetable predictable movie that was kinda a letdown if you are expecting much.
Javier stay with the convienent marks.

Kills a rapist and you happen to catch him in the act about to rape ya girl.
I would’ve tried to finesse a threesome with Letti and Caren. Milf housewives party hard.
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