Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Chips, Baywatch, all of them movie remakes of old TV shows have been very meh but my 14 year old loves 'em so what am I going to do... My wife & son crack up every time the bath rub scene comes on from Chips like they've never seen it before...

Oh lord oh lord, CBS is rebooting Magnum PI... Can't they leave well enough alone please?!?!?!
Took a while for me to get into the new Starz show Counterpart with JK Simmons but 3 eps in, I'm intrigued. First ep (for me) meandered a bit & I was about to turn it off & delete it off my dvr. I appreciate the subtle sci-fi aspect along with the cloak & dagger stuff. JK plays both roles very well.

3? :nerd:
Ladybird was hella meh. Extremely overrated. Typical coming of age film. Couple funny parts but pretty bland.


You mean Eps? Oh I did say 3, I guess I meant 2.

Also, I kinda like the fact they haven't explained everything about the alternate universe & the differences from nice JK & mean JK. I think mean JK thinks he's succeeded more in his universe because of his drive but I don't think nice JK lacks that.
Watched Manchester by the Sea for the 2nd time on Friday. Movie is so damn good but so harrowing, while cutting some of the tension with well placed humor between Casey Affleck and Lucas Hedges. The scene between Casey Affleck and Michelle Williams is :nthat:
Hmmm I wasn't impressed by that movie, I wasn't impressed after hearing so much hype about it. I thought it was good I don't remember what it was up against. I just didn't understand how he was so clueless as an adult regarding his nephew. I don't know maybe the wife and I will watch it, because it was meh for me.
You mean Eps? Oh I did say 3, I guess I meant 2.

Also, I kinda like the fact they haven't explained everything about the alternate universe & the differences from nice JK & mean JK. I think mean JK thinks he's succeeded more in his universe because of his drive but I don't think nice JK lacks that.
Alternate universe peeked my interest might check out the show, trailer looks good.
Alternate universe peeked my interest might check out the show, trailer looks good.

Yeah, everyone has an opposite in the other universe. Nice JK Simmons & mean JK share the same DNA & childhood memories but their lives turned out very different. The show hasn't gone into details about how & why the alternate universe exists yet but I kind like it that way (for now). They didn't get into too much back story (yet). Mean JK comes over needing help from the other universe & nice JK to carry out a mission. The nexus for both worlds seems to be Berlin where the story takes place.
I missed a couple of things because I was folding laundry & playing with my dog who kept laying on top of the laundry I threw on my bed to fold...

Anyone know if frickin' fx will rebroadcast Atlanta leading up to the 2nd season? My wife never got to watch it & they had them for free on VOD the weekend before last. We got through the first 3 eps but they went back to charging to view them the following Monday... We were heated. My 14 yr old liked it too. They cracked up laughing so hard at this scene...
no im saying putting her with a black man would better highlight the "white privilege" that was the villain of the movie.

I really thought that's the direction they were gonna go with the movie honestly. You had the imagery of the civil rights protests on TV, then she was making such a big deal with her "IF WE DO NOTHING, THEN WE ARE NOTHING." freak out moment (which came DIRECTLY before the scene of 2 black people not being able to be seated at the diner.)

It's like the director wanted to go there, then decided not to. Wonder if that was an early draft of the script, because it certainly could have easily worked, given the setup of the movie. I see your point though.
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Loving the different viewpoints with The Shape of Water.

One of my favorite things about movies. Trying to see and understand them from different viewpoints. Someone is like, "but did you think about THIS?!" Then I go back and watch and my mind is blown :lol:
Hmmm I wasn't impressed by that movie, I wasn't impressed after hearing so much hype about it. I thought it was good I don't remember what it was up against. I just didn't understand how he was so clueless as an adult regarding his nephew. I don't know maybe the wife and I will watch it, because it was meh for me.

He was a dead man walking. Played it spot on. He really didn't have the ability and had no intention of getting over the tragedy. I think that's why he was sort of damn-less regarding his relationships with everyone. He was completely broken.

That was Kenneth Lonergan's intention. He essentially wanted to write a screenplay showing that not every tragedy has a happy ending. Not everyone can grieve and move on. Sort of unconventional. I think most people sort of expected a resolution, including myself.

If you give it a 2nd shot you'll probably enjoy it more. I did.
I missed a couple of things because I was folding laundry & playing with my dog who kept laying on top of the laundry I threw on my bed to fold...

Anyone know if frickin' fx will rebroadcast Atlanta leading up to the 2nd season? My wife never got to watch it & they had them for free on VOD the weekend before last. We got through the first 3 eps but they went back to charging to view them the following Monday... We were heated. My 14 yr old liked it too. They cracked up laughing so hard at this scene...

HULU or Kodi
lets be real no white man was going to desire her

but for her to be "disenfranchised" and not even think to look at a black man in that time period imo says a lot

im saying for who she was a black man would not have been out the realm of possibility

but it was, because as the film and white supremacy will tell you, the lowest white person is above black people

like this could have easily been a movie where she wants to help fish man but falls for an actual human who can relate to her ostracization
Not in one point in the movie does it show that she considered or rejected the idea of being with a black man.

This movie wasn't about this woman searching for a companion. Its your typical save a wounded animal tale. Guillermo freaky *** just made it wild sexual.

You say you see what you see but this entire angle is bogus.

Look how you deflect, "lets be real no white man would desire her". What makes you think any black man would desire her? This whole tangent is something you're making up in your head.

Then you start talking about what the movie easily should've been. Sound crazy :lol: Thats not the movie that was being made.

With your agenda approach I'm sure somebody obsessed with lbgtq issues could've said she also could've easily discovered she was a lesbian and got with Spencer's character. If we go back to race why didn't she consider an Aisan cat? Hispanic cat? Albino cats? Why didn't she consider an actual cat? Could've became a cat lady.

******* crazy.

BTW, the majority of movies are made without a lot of audiences in mind. Not just black audiences.

Movies aren't required to be all inclusive. If they were it would lack or dilute messages and portrayed experiences. Sometimes that's the entire point. A specific movie about a specific type of ppl so ppl on the outside looking in can get a better idea of those ppl.

Shape of Water isn't some common movie flick put together to make money. This ain't Geostorm.

Guillermo, like with all his movies, had a specific vision and story to tell and executed/told it.

Loving the different viewpoints with The Shape of Water.
Outside of the whole black man thing, despite not liking the movie I'm enjoying some other interpretations about the movie and its characters.

Wasn't lost on me as I watched just didn't care for it.
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this is why i dont engage in civilized discussion anymore

You're not blocked but you can think of it as that

You jus seen on this page (!) dudes see a different interpretation

Maybe that's what burns you up that your takes aren't gospel or that Ppl actually consider what i say

Either way all the attacks are unnecessary so I won't be responding to the content of your post
A little too perfect.

Should've cast Steve Buscemi.

Yeah, everyone has an opposite in the other universe. Nice JK Simmons & mean JK share the same DNA & childhood memories but their lives turned out very different. The show hasn't gone into details about how & why the alternate universe exists yet but I kind like it that way (for now). They didn't get into too much back story (yet). Mean JK comes over needing help from the other universe & nice JK to carry out a mission. The nexus for both worlds seems to be Berlin where the story takes place.
From what I recollected, their lives are the same up until a point. Something happened like 30 years ago. Nice JK had a wedding, mean JK eloped.
Just finished season one of Mindhunters Good Lord this show I'd amazing. The dialogue, the character portrayals, the story, the musical score, etc., etc...it's captivating to watch a show about dissecting the mind of serial killers(and the investigators to a certain extent). They do so without glorifying violence nor do they hang on run-of-the-mill tropes such as showing the act of murders, making the characters seems overly crazy, nor do they portray the protagonists as the typical "knight and shining armour". Everything feels organic realistic and honestly it reminds me of "Emily Rose" because they keep things analytical and rely on characterization. It sucks that episode ten had such a cliff hanger though, but I guess they gotta make the audience yearn for season two.
You jus seen on this page (!) dudes see a different interpretation
Wait what? My argument is not movies or the Shape of Water specifically can't be interpreted differently.

You have to stop being so damn sensitive and taking things personally when someone disagrees with you. Its amazing and pathetic how quick you'll abandon your stance to make it about how you're being attacked or that a civil argument can't be had.

Who on what pg also agreed with the main character specifically rejected black men to be with a fish man? Who? WHERE SWAY?

The rest of your post is just you making it about the person disagreeing with you and not whats being disagreed with. Something you love to jump to as some sort of defense mechanism. Bull ****.

Claiming that the character rejected black men in this movie is ridiculous. You made it up to fit your bogus argument and didn't have anything to support it with other than you thought the movie was going one way that it did not.

That's ridiculous.


*The lack of marketing behind Taraji P. Henson’s ’70s-inspired “Proud Mary” has many fans screaming foul and wondering why Sony’s Screen Gems lacked faith in its ability to perform in the marketplace.

Alissa Wilkinson of vox.com has one theory, “The answer seems pretty obvious. I don’t think Henson is wrong in her presumption that studios aren’t interested in marketing movies about black people overseas, and that logic spills over into their domestic release too.”

She also notes that “Proud Mary is a movie starring a black woman, with an almost entirely black cast. But evidence continues to mount that conventional Hollywood “wisdom” about box office and audiences needs a serious refresh. The world is so often bigger than Hollywood thinks it is. And Proud Mary may turn out to be yet another piece of evidence to throw onto that pile.”

“And frankly, it boggles the mind that we live in a world in which Proud Mary wasn’t screened for critics, but The Snowman — truly one of the worst-made films I’ve ever seen or expect to see — was,” Wilkinson writes.

Adding, “No studio has to show a film to critics before releasing it, but choosing not to do so usually signals that it’s expecting bad reviews, which creates a narrative around the film in question before anyone has even seen it.”

The basic plot of “Proud Mary” is ripped right out of the pages of a John Cassavetes script, a la his 1980 crime thriller “Gloria,” which starred “Geena Rowlands as a former gang associate who goes on the run with a little boy being hunted by the mob, and the former stars Henson as Mary, the aforementioned hit woman, who takes in 12-year-old Danny (Jahi Di’Allo Winston) after discovering him passed out in an alley with drugs and a gun in his backpack. Oh, and she killed Danny’s father, so it’s her fault that he ended up on the streets in the first place,” perAV Club.

And while the “Hidden Figures” star has a box office record that proves she can carry a film on the big screen, there are some whispers that Sony/Screen Gems failed on their marketing duties because Taraji “turned down the advances of the person who has the money to spend” on promoting it.

Do you believe that rumor or nah?
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