Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Did he just call this NT's white thread? :lol:

Get lost.
I was going to quote him about that cuz it was super ignorant but then I read the rest of his post.

He has his head up his *** deep.

You can tell he never bothered once to read a couple pgs of this thread before getting on his bull **** or lurked for a while like many have before.

To even imply racism in movies haven't been discussed and criticized in this thread is insulting to all of the regulars.

This fool acts like he brought the discussion of racism to NT :smh: He's a ******* clown.
I was going to quote him about that cuz it was super ignorant but then I read the rest of his post.

He has his head up his *** deep.

You can tell he never bothered once to read a couple pgs of this thread before getting on his bull **** or lurked for a while like many have before.

To even imply racism in movies haven't been discussed and criticized in this thread is insulting to all of the regulars.

This fool acts like he brought the discussion of racism to NT :smh: He's a ****ing clown.

And when it is brought up, it's discussed, points made, and move on with life.

He's got like 25 posts in here recently, all 25 on that bull ****. :smh:
Been trying to start up with this awards season movies but they all look super uninteresting. Even with Shape of Water starting off with hairy box.
well let me start by saying a-friend a-friend you think youre making fun of me imitating me but i find it sad really

and whats more sad is that you wrote it as joke and dude still took it seriously because before even making fun of me it was accurate

but i guess when you put making jokes at my expense above the actual disrespectful representation (or lack thereof) of your own people what can you expect?

i get that this is nt's "white" space for movies and anything that points out the racism ruins the experience for you guys

but lets not pretend like its the difference between "my original thoughts" and "an article i posted" that has yall upset

its the fact that no one can respond to the criticisms of the movie

no one has responded to the content of not one article i posted in here why?

oh that is except to say "thats not the movie they were making" or "thats not the story they were telling"

regardless a-friend a-friend you played yourself more than me

cuz i know i dont know know any of what yall post to imitate so accurately, that being the sincerest form of flattery
Ah man it's not that serious. I was just messing with you. I mean, I was watching the "White" film and I thought about how few Black people there were more than a few times. It's because of people like you, specifically you tbh. ....and that's not exactly a bad thing, or a good thing or anything.

You've caused me to atleast see it.
But for real, I was just busting a funny in boredom more than anything, not really trying to Dogg you out or anything.
I read 100% of what you post, I F's with you.
I mean, I think a lot of your posts and your stance is not my cup of tea...but aside from just busting balls..I'm not trying to diss you or anything.
Damn this Timothee´ kid is even Hostiles. Seems like Hollywood has chosen its new it boy.

Been trying to start up with this awards season movies but they all look super uninteresting. Even with Shape of Water starting off with hairy box.
Its honestly been a low point for great films or great Academy worthy films imo. Especially compared to last year.

A handful of great individual performances. That's about it.
Loved I, Tonya. Solid 6.7/8

Story was super entertaining from beginning to end. Some great acting by the entire cast. One thing I felt bad about is I found myself sympathizing with Harding. Had to remind myself that she was way more horrible of a person than the movie made her out to be, and at the end of the day I'm still watching fiction.

I could def see this movie picking up some awards this season. I laughed my *** off through most of the movie, then the ending really drove home my emotions.

Still have 5 best picture nominees to peep before I make my final predictions. Been putting off Ladybird, but it's time.

I, Tonya reminds me of The Wolf of Wall Street a lot. Hilarious dark comedies with main characters you shouldn’t like and know are bad people in real life but you still kind of root for them though you know they are going to fail eventually.
Just randomly caught the Blacklist after giving up on it like 2 or 3 seasons ago. Like right after they revealed Liz wasn't dead and the whole thing with the baby and Red lost all his money.

The last other thing I recall is a damn spinoff show with that lame Tom.

So is Tom finally dead? Is that spinoff cancelled?
Spinoff cancelled and Tom was killed in the spinoff but they will probably bring him back. I make fun of my wife so bad because she watches that horrible show still, it is such trash.
Hostiles 6.2/8

Pretty good western. Sad topics and themes though.

My girl Rosamund Pike was stellar in this. Bale was solid. Foster is good as usual playing that scumbag-ish kind of character in a smaller. Beach and Studi were good but they were both speaking another language most of the movie.

Its a western so you kinda know how the good ones go. Very quiet, some too stoic, then moments if violence and action. The score was real good so that really helped. The story really hits its beats throughout.

Revolves around a lot of anger, tragedy, PTSD, the spectrum of morality given the time period we're talking about, some honor, guilt, forgiveness.

Handled some touchy things real well.

Wait for others to see to discuss.
High-Concept Satire Downsizing is Dwarfed by Its White Saviour Narrative
Alexander Payne’s ambitious new comic fantasy has ideas to spare but a condescending tone and a disastrous racial caricature leave a bitter taste in the mouth


There was a time when Alexander Payne was, as far as the critical majority was concerned, close to unassailable in the ranks of modern American auteurs. His 1996 debut, Citizen Ruth, earned only a niche following, but the five features that followed, from 1999’s sourball classroom satire Election through to 2013’s mournful father-son comedy Nebraska, earned him a reputation as a kind of jaundiced observational poet of sad-sack America, a body of work bound by grim-faced humour, mundane tragedy and white male heroes with scarcely any heroic virtues at all. It’s a run that has netted him two Oscars, a flood of other honours, and repeated critical comparisons to Billy Wilder, Preston Sturges and even John Updike. David Thomson himself gushed: “Payne is one of America’s quiet and persistent treasures, like maple syrup, the St Louis Cardinals or the apparent tranquility of our deserts.”

Yet all hot streaks must come to an end, and Payne’s first film in five years, Downsizing, has landed him in unfamiliarly tepid territory. It looked promising from the outset. Payne’s first foray into fantasy is his most conceptually ambitious work to date, its absurdist premise – what if ordinary people could permanently shrink themselves to Mrs Pepperpot proportions for financial gain? – giving way to a host of more substantial questions about community, social consciousness and economic desperation.

Reviews started strong: it opened the Venice film festival to a raft of raves and “masterpiece” claims, though the opposition formed early. When it travelled to Telluride and Toronto days later, the temperature of the reception plummeted several degrees; the dreaded word “problematic” started getting thrown around by critics doubtful of the film’s liberal political integrity. The chill steadily sapped away at the film’s awards buzz: when the Golden Globe nominations were announced earlier this week, it scored but a single bid for supporting actress Hong Chau, failing to place even in a best comedy/musical field that found room for the Hugh Jackman campfest The Greatest Showman. What did Downsizing do wrong?

Once again, the film itself is a case of promising beginnings, swiftly undone. As someone who hasn’t been in the Payne fanclub for several years, I found myself unexpectedly tickled by the first act of Downsizing, which sees the director – beginning proceedings in the dun Nebraskan nowhere that has backgrounded most of his films – laying out his lunatic sci-fi premise with a dry, droll matter-of-factness and attention to daft visual detail more akin to Spike Jonze. Matt Damon and Kristen Wiig’s gormless suburbanites observe the growing national trend for “downsizing” (a medical shrinking procedure that leaves patients inches high, with vastly reduced costs of living) before taking the plunge themselves; Payne illustrates the dreary practical concerns behind their decision, and the prefab luxury of the miniature midwestern McCity that awaits them after the procedure, with a ruthless specificity that plays to his coolest instincts as a middle-American satirist. We laugh at the vulgarity of “downsizing” culture, which as oddly recognisable as it is fictionally outlandish, even as we wonder, fleetingly, if we’d follow the same herd for the sake of 9,900% increase in the value of our assets.

A natural misanthropist, Payne is at his best when dwelling on the craven weaknesses of consumerist society – masculinity, in particular – that sets its material goals higher than its spiritual ones, gleefully taking in the spectacle of people literally wasting themselves away to gain a lifestyle of dream kitchens and country clubs. (There are environmental benefits to the shrunken life too, but no one seems especially excited about those.) It’s as dispassionately perceptive and witty as the war of petty institutional power structures that fuels Election (still Payne’s greatest film by a country mile) or About Schmidt’s doleful dissection of a life lived in pursuit only of comfortable retirement.

It’s when Downsizing attempts to go warmly humanist on us that it becomes sorely unstuck. Damon’s schlubby everyman Paul finds downsized life no shorter on ennui or existential aimlessness than before: his romantic and professional circumstances take a drastic dip alongside his property portfolio. Yet when his path crosses that of a disabled Vietnamese refugee Ngoc (Chau), a political dissident shrunk against her will as punishment for her liberal provocations, his problems are put rather bluntly in perspective; cue a moral awakening dramatised with a sledgehammer touch, as Paul, his eyes opened to a downsized but nonetheless sprawling underclass, is invited to heal the world one charitable gesture at a time.

Which is all well and good, but for a film hinged on one man’s realisation that the world doesn’t revolve around him, Downsizing itself never shifts on its axis or allows another character to come fully into focus. The enlightenment of Damon’s privileged white hero is supposedly inspirational, but Payne and Jim Taylor’s dense, shaggy-dog screenplay is so wincingly ungenerous to Ngoc – a strident ethnic stereotype, embodying little more than victimised goodness, whose pidgin English is milked repeatedly for laughs–— that his new perspective is never meaningfully tested or challenged. Chau, evidently the film’s last Oscar hope, essays the role with valiant good humour and flashes of salty wit, but can’t bring it to complex, conflicted life: Ngoc is written as so selfless that her self never entirely emerges. What’s left, against its most noble impulses, is a white saviour narrative with no vivid human world to save.

This turn towards insincere condescension – the barbed cynicism that was once Payne’s trademark awkwardly swaddled in a cosy, synthetic blanket – is not, from where I’m standing, a new development in Payne’s work. His most recent films have been startlingly disingenuous in their emotional uplift: The Descendants, a widower-reborn story hailed as a celebration of family and legacy, had a bitter undertaste of misogyny and cultural lip service throughout; his last film, Nebraska, attempts simultaneously to draw sneering comedy from the uncouth lifestyles of midwestern yokels, and to elegiacally mourn the passing of a simpler, purer America.

The tricky, acrid bait-and-switch of Downsizing is not a world away from these films in theme or tone, despite its more extravagantly wacky premise, yet its mild reception thus far is in stark contrast to the universal hosannas and honours that have greeted those previous works. In Trump’s America, does Payne’s particular brand of human satire ring less true than before? Is it no longer enough to obsessively scrutinise the weaknesses of America’s Average Joe without seeking to tell other people’s stories? Or is the film just an odd duck, too eccentric and narratively hobbled to reach its expected fanbase? Either way, the worldview of one of America’s premier auteurs has never seemed quite so, well, downsized.
And when it is brought up, it's discussed, points made, and move on with life.

He's got like 25 posts in here recently, all 25 on that bull ****. :smh:
hey if yall want him outta here im sure it wouldnt take much. im sure ***** *** wuchi was the only guy who reported me for calling kelly marie tram a walrus and i was banned from the sw thread just like that

and this guy is doing way more in here than that

like it wouldnt even be such a distraction if he was posting HIS opinion on the movies but every article posted seems random as **** like hes trying to incite a riot and not a discussion

i want opinions on movies from yall. trailers and upcoming movie info.

all these racist movie articles posted and he aint eem post a racist gremlins post :lol:
Man, first of all, the Story could have/should have been given to the best writer, best director, best eveything. This is an Epic tale. Period.

You can see and feel the Soap Opera tone from the push of play, but the Man and story is too Big to be overshadowed by infancy and inferior touches. I read Roepers article praising it followed by the New York Times writer completely trashing it, both were right.

Tupac overcomes any bad touch you feel when the Film starts or the Articles are finished.

I'm an hour and thirty seven minutes in, and I'm eating it up.

Back to it.

Edit:Yea man, damn.........I'm left with an overwhelming sadness, words I have none now.
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I appreciate the existential aspects to a well done western especially since they riff off of Samurai movies (even the modern westerns).

What I don't like is how Hollywood portrays scalping since it's always been portrayed historically inaccurate.

I wanted to watch Hostiles but heard there's a scalping scene... Not sure I want to watch it...
I appreciate the existential aspects to a well done western especially since they riff off of Samurai movies (even the modern westerns).

What I don't like is how Hollywood portrays scalping since it's always been portrayed historically inaccurate.

I wanted to watch Hostiles but heard there's a scalping scene... Not sure I want to watch it...
Damn you're not gonna watch over that?

You say they're usually portrayed inaccurately. Then you assume Hostiles will portray it inaccurately.

Is the issue with scalping altogether or portraying scalping inaccurately?

FYI, there is 1 scalping scene.
All Eyez on Me: I'm about to do it
Let us know cuz I wasnt about it just off what I knew, Had a said it was fake trash, and others told me it was butt.

I caught like the tail end of it on tv but wasnt much to form an opinion on.
Man, first of all, the Story could have/should have been given to the best writer, best director, best eveything. This is an Epic tale. Period.

You can see and feel the Soap Opera tone from the push of play, but the Man and story is too Big to be overshadowed by infancy and inferior touches. I read Roepers article praising it followed by the New York Times writer completely trashing it, both were right.

Tupac overcomes any bad touch you feel when the Film starts or the Articles are finished.

I'm an hour and thirty seven minutes in, and I'm eating it up.

Back to it.

Edit:Yea man, damn.........I'm left with an overwhelming sadness, words I have none now.

I’m a Pac fan but I didn’t like the movie at all. The guy who played him did a good job but they did so many things that bothered me and took me out of the movie, I just couldn’t rock with it.
The Pac movie was ok, but not as special as it could/should have been. Like 5.5/8 range. Maybe 5.

The dude lived one helluva full life, and only made it to 25, that's astounding to me.

I didn't know the stuff about his mom or his dad, I just remember him coming up with Digital Underground and then the movies, and of course Death Row and his court cases, etc.

I loved that they had the same guy from the Biggie movie come in and be Biggie again, I thought that was awesome, but using the actual Snoop as voice overs over the other actor, really? :lol:

Suge Knight is the one I can't fathom his stories. Dude was crazy. His detailed books :wow: The way he's been portrayed in both NWA and Eyez is hilarious to me. Not to mention his real court issues, hanging Vanilla Ice over a balcony, dude is friggin insane. :lol:

Pac in today's era would have run the world. Him on Twitter? C'mon, he'd have people eating up every word. Him goin after Trump...... :lol: We saw his life unfold, but in the early stages of cameras everywhere and all that, today, he would have been king in the entertainment world. It truly is sad both he and Biggie are gone. Whatever their differences, I wish they would have been left alone and gotten thru it. :smh:
Hostiles was just ok for me. Probaby like 5.5/8. Too drawn out and too many slow parts for my liking. I feel like they could have given the chief some more backstory instead of just having the viewer assume all the bad things he'd done before being jailed. Some flashbacks would have helped.
It was over many years he did all the stuff he was accused. I can see why you'd want flashbacks but the whole movie seemed to be about the results of all that war.

I just felt cheated not seeing Yellohawk and Blackhawk kill the Comanche crew. That aftermath looked sick. 2 against 5 or 6 at night.

And yeah the movie had its drawn out parts in between events but it reminded me of most westerns.
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