Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Kimchi Papi Kimchi Papi I've got Mute on my watch list. Lemme know if you like it. Lately I've been just adding random Netflix
Movies and watching them at my own risk. There is some straight TRASH on there man :rofl:

Mute sucked in my opinion. I was excited for that cast too. There's something there but that flick doesn't deliver.

This movie had so much promise but ultimately fails. Apparently this is the first script Jones wrote & did it as is.

Was also a weird tribute to parenthood & was dedicated to his dad David Bowie & mom.

I liked some of the broad strokes Jones created, the Blade Runner like world, the photography. Loved how the cars were older 70s model Benz but made slightly futuristic.

He created nice characters but didn’t develop them fully. Jones missed a chance to fill in a lot of details.

I liked seeing Rudd in this kind of roll & Skarsgard did a solid job.

It was worth the watch since there was nothing else’s on tv...
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Dazed & Confused was incredibly snubbed

Clueless should have made it too

Dances With Wolves doesn’t belong on here

I thought the most obvious snub was Fargo :sick:

Filled mine out and ended up with Boyz n the Hood, Goodfellas, Lion King and Donnie Brasco.

Other notable snubs: Schindler's List, American Beauty
I really hate Jared Leto's poser band with a passion but aside from the awful monologging he did in Blade Runner 2049, he's a good actor. This looks interesting but from all the historical texts Ive read on the Yakuza, they would almost certainly never allow a black or white gaijin. They do have Koreans as well as some other Asians (last estimated at about 30% among their ranks) but no white or black members. Still might have to watch this from purely a fictional standpoint...
Yeah the appropriation is there. Has elements of the white savior trope as well.

But I feel like these creators really think the only way the show would be popular or gain a certain audience is if a white person is the main character. And it has some truth to it in a general sense.

I know I'd be a bit eager to watch if it was Mahershala Ali or Idris Elba starring.
Watched a bit of the review, seems like it is a much more harrowing story about a spy and lacks all of the fictional cool **** and no expert fighter skills after training.

Chanhed my mind, probably will see Red Sparrow and something else tomorrow.
Am I wildin for never hearing about wind river before tonight? Popped up on Netflix. Dope dope movie. 7.6/8

Renner killed it. Great visuals. Great story, then out of nowhere, solid action. Just don't know how I'd never heard anything about it, with a successful theatrical release and everything

Went with Pulp Fiction as the winner. It was by far in the easiest region. Basically cake walk to the championship game. Couple notes:

-Yes Schindlers list and LA confidential omissions were criminal. They would have been high seeds.

-Trainspotting deserved a spot

-Goodwill Hunting deserved no less than a 4 seed. To match it up with Goodfellas 1st round mean person either never watched, or really hated it.

-Toy Story/Jurassic park was the hardest matchup for me.

-It sucks Point Break was in the hardest region. My favorite action movie had a better run in them, but whaddya gonna do against Goodfellas?

-Big Lebowski got majorly screwed also.
Hearing that Red Sparrow is trash. I mean her accent is trash so I kind of saw this coming.
Seven Seconds

Regina King has always been so good at getting her point across and making you FEEL the scene, and she's had some good performances before.....but she absolutely nails, I mean nails this role. She's at her best here. In every way. She's never looked better, and she's crushed every line and every act of this script.

Episode 3 she really excels. I felt for a moment, that I was mourning. I had to share on it.

She looks amazing. Aging so well.
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