Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

That Elementary finale :pimp:

This looks promising. I hate that Pedro Pascal keeps getting roles where he’s the morally ambiguous guy or bad guy. I wish he’d play a straight up good guy. :lol:


Giving me Annihilation vibes.

She used to be fine.
NOw she looks plastic. Like a young Zsa Zsa Gabor......
She was fine AF
Not a good before pic to me :lol:
The before pic is just a Natural looking Lady.
I’m good with improvements here and there, but it never stops with a tweak, ever....they end up going madd with the work....and it looks silly AF
Overall, very disappointed with the awards doled out last night with the exception of Regina King's. I don't watch West World (bcs I found it terribly boring) so I didn't feel one way or the other for Thandie's win (although I'm happy a woman of color won).

I honestly feel Cumberbatch was robbed. Anyone that is a fan of acting should check out the mini series for his performance alone. He hits the obvious high marks of a character hitting rock bottom but hits the subtleties of his characters ebbs & flows with such a deft touch.

Also think Atlanta should've won out over The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. I couldn't really get into Maisel & I thought S2 of Atlanta was the top choice among those nominated in the comedy series category by a large margin. I almost feel like the emmys felt like they gave Donald his due last year & didn't want to give him too much shine.

Lastly, really bummer Sandra Oh didn't win. She's a great actress that can do drama & comedy. The only show I didn't watch among the nominees was The Crown so I can't say one thing or another about Claire Foy winning but Oh was the stand out among the other nominees.

Edit - :rofl:
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Watched American Made and it started great and fast and died off half way thru.

Still a solid movie.

1. I will never understand when you have accumulated so much wealth, you still continue to want more (illegally).

2. How the government used a man and just left him out to hang. Not even a witness protection.

3. Seems like when he was caught he knew what would happened when he turned informant. He was also doing it for a lot longer than what the movie showed.

4. These stories never end well. Maybe because of 1.
Salty AF right now.
I bought that damn AMC Premium or whatever so I could catch the last 3 eps of Lodge49, and it's playable on every format except the 2 I have, Cox and Roku.....
Cancelled 5 minutes later when found out Roku wouldn't load, and these fools won't refund it.........have to jump through 9 hoops to get 5dollars back, and I don't have time for that cuz..........

AMC is trash aF
:lol: Master Zik Master Zik loves him some Nicolas Kim Coppola...

I'm glad Shooter ended their run on USA neatly. Too bad about what happened though. Also glad it ended bcs I wasn't going to continue watching it after the conclusion of the season.

Man, USA network has really gone down hill. The only thing they really have is "wrastlin".
Eh USA really just had Mr. Robot.

They tried to step their game up but nothing else is on that elite level. They just have a handful of entertaining shows.

Queen of the South has a compelling story but they from time to time have such cliche and cheese moments. Not to mention the cool action scenes they force.

The Purge show they have is bad.

So its just Suits and the Sinner left.

They aint step their game up to compete with Showtime or HBO.
Movie is :pimp:

Can't lie, I went on YouTube and had Nwil Degrasse Tyson fully explain the film to me.
movie is so damn good. you got a link to that?

on a side note, i watched some of destination wedding. after about 40 minutes, i had to start skipping through huge chunks of it. super tedious movie centered on dialogue that's less palatable than nails on a chalkboard. pulling nose hairs/8.
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