Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Originally Posted by CP1708

Retype that @#$% Dirk, just do it.
We've all done it.
If you haven't seen First Class, DO NOT READ.

This was basically an Origins film for X and Magneto. And in that regard, it killed it.

Not better than X2? Really? What more did you want to know about the mutants that didn't get much screen time? Why waste time on backstories and development for small-time characters? We got a load of backstory and development on the big players, and I'm more than happy with what we got on X and Magneto, and for the most part Mystique and Beast.

Doesn't feel like there would be a lot more they could do with this if it weren't meant as a prequel to the previous trilogy? I really wish this project was meant to stand on its own. Some of the sub-plots felt kinda rushed and unnatural. The whole thing with the cure for mutant appearances came to an oddly abrupt end and Mystique ending up in Magneto's bed naked in the middle of the movie was kinda odd to me. "Beast thinks I'm ugly. I'm gonna go lay in Erik's bed naked!" Um... What? Why Havoc and not Cyclops?

Overall, I'm very happy with it. I enjoyed the hell out of it, though in the past I've never been a huge comic book guy aside from Batman so I'm a sucker for backstory and development on big-time heroes and villains when I don't know a ton about them... I wanted development of Magneto and X, and I got it. I loved the casting. Fassbender was incredible and he steals the show, but the casting of this film was near flawless. I liked McAvoy's Professor X and thought the kid that played Beast was rock solid as well. Jennifer Lawrence is great in everything she does and I actually like Kevin Bacon's turn as Shaw, too..

Magneto's stuff was dark. The movie itself was edgy and it didn't look like a Michael Bay film, which is always a concern with me on superhero films. It's a well done Origins story and I think they can build from here... If their goal was Batman Begins, I think they got what they wanted. The stage is set from here for a nice run with this cast and I think there's a ton of potential with this cast and Matthew Vaughn.  

A lot of reviews have linked it to past Bond films in style and direction, and I like that connection a lot. But we'll touch on that and Fassbender later.
If you haven't seen First Class, DO NOT READ.

This was basically an Origins film for X and Magneto. And in that regard, it killed it.

Not better than X2? Really? What more did you want to know about the mutants that didn't get much screen time? Why waste time on backstories and development for small-time characters? We got a load of backstory and development on the big players, and I'm more than happy with what we got on X and Magneto, and for the most part Mystique and Beast.

Doesn't feel like there would be a lot more they could do with this if it weren't meant as a prequel to the previous trilogy? I really wish this project was meant to stand on its own. Some of the sub-plots felt kinda rushed and unnatural. The whole thing with the cure for mutant appearances came to an oddly abrupt end and Mystique ending up in Magneto's bed naked in the middle of the movie was kinda odd to me. "Beast thinks I'm ugly. I'm gonna go lay in Erik's bed naked!" Um... What? Why Havoc and not Cyclops?

Overall, I'm very happy with it. I enjoyed the hell out of it, though in the past I've never been a huge comic book guy aside from Batman so I'm a sucker for backstory and development on big-time heroes and villains when I don't know a ton about them... I wanted development of Magneto and X, and I got it. I loved the casting. Fassbender was incredible and he steals the show, but the casting of this film was near flawless. I liked McAvoy's Professor X and thought the kid that played Beast was rock solid as well. Jennifer Lawrence is great in everything she does and I actually like Kevin Bacon's turn as Shaw, too..

Magneto's stuff was dark. The movie itself was edgy and it didn't look like a Michael Bay film, which is always a concern with me on superhero films. It's a well done Origins story and I think they can build from here... If their goal was Batman Begins, I think they got what they wanted. The stage is set from here for a nice run with this cast and I think there's a ton of potential with this cast and Matthew Vaughn.  

A lot of reviews have linked it to past Bond films in style and direction, and I like that connection a lot. But we'll touch on that and Fassbender later.
If you can get passed the idea that the storyline is the same, The Hangover 2 was enjoyable.
If you can get passed the idea that the storyline is the same, The Hangover 2 was enjoyable.
Same for me, if you have not scene X-Men First Class, do not read this. 

I LOVED the X/Erik angle.  Was really well done as everyone has already mentioned.  I too am not big on McAvoy but when your go to "action" move is lifting your fingers to your temple, it's hard to portray that effectively really. 
  Erik was flawless.  That role was so well done and acted perfectly.  We heard rumors of a Magneto Origin movie did we not?  Color me in for that please. 

I struggled with Bacon as the main bad dude.  I did love his scene with Erik at the end when he asks him why he's fighting for these people, that scene was freaking terrific, but every other scene I kept thinking of his role in Beauty Shop and it just pained me. 
  One other gripe, dude can swallow up nuclear blasts within the palm of his hand, and yet dude comes in and punches him in the face? 
 What, your fist got more than a nuclear bomb got? 

I really liked Mystique/Jennifer Lawrence.  If this Hunger Games is as big as people are saying, and she's the lead, her star bout to blow the hell up.  That said, I was not to sure about the whole 15 years with X, and in 5 minutes she just decides, hell with it, I'll ride with that bad guys now. 
  I get that Erik was always nice to her, and accepted her, great, but 15 years was 15 years.  Heroes flipping in the matter of seconds was very Anakin-esque and we all #@$!@%% about that so it should apply here as well imo. 

Some of the stuff they used for "powers" were,
  Dude had hands for feet......ok.  Other dude, blended in or some @#$%.  Other kid screams.  What in the hell was all that mess? 
  I didn't worry about it, I just went with the flow, but still when you look at that, it's very strange.  But maybe that's the power of X-Men, they take all that stuff and put it together to make one strong unit. 

I know people have said this is the best of the best so far.  That's fine, I can see where they are coming from, but I don't just hand it over that easily.  The first X-Men in 2000 completely started this trend of going serious with comic movies.  Batman 89 did too, and then it went to hell over the next few years.  X-Men came straight and stayed straight til they started losing people by X3.  X2 was incredible, and people were going NUTS over Wolverine at the time.  Jackman was doubted big time when he got the job, and beloved ever since.  His 8 seconds made my damn day in this one.  And this is where I wonder what we do next.  They either have to tie this era of the franchise into the X-2000 series, or they have to start over, and if they are starting over, then they have to re-cast Wolverine again, and how they gonna do that?  Especially when Jackman is still doing Wolverine Origin sequels.  I can delete X-3 from my own personal memory banks, I can handle that, but I am not pretending that X1 and 2 never happened, they did, and they were great.  So to me, these have to tie in, and now they have issues.  Unless they plan on bringing Logan/Wolverine in, then re-taking his memory yet again so they can find him in Canada in the year 2000, they have backed themselves into an X world with no wolverine.  That is going to be difficult.  Now, if they move along to where Xavier goes and locates Cyclops, and Storm, and Jean Grey, then that I can get behind, and we have a prequelish type story goin.  Either way, this is all going to be tough to pull off. 

Hell, I got thru parts of Wolverine last night, and that had a LOT of good stuff in there, they just went too Hollywood with it.  Will.i.am as a character, Blob, Jackman walking while stuff blows up behind him in slow motion 
  stupid stuff like that.  But they nailed Deadpool (at least the Reynolds part, not the closed mouth idiot) and Sabertooth/Schreiber was INCREDIBLE, so there is stuff that was usable, just too over the top. 

All of that added up has me wondering where we are headed.  In the next say 5 years are we going to have Tobey Spidey, vs Garfield Spidey franchise?  Nolan Batman, vs the next Batman they announced a few months ago?  X1-3 vs X First Class?  New Daredevil, vs Ben Daredevil?  They keep remaking and remaking all these movies, what next, Iron Man reboot with a new Stark? 
  I know there is a TON of comic material out there, and plenty of movies to be made, but within the same franchise, over and over and over in the span of only a few years?  And they aren't gonna tie any of them together?  This is gonna get real weird.  So for me, I hope they tie First Class into the original X movies.  Going forward, I like the cast they have put together so far, I am excited to see where they go from here, but I could do without the history lesson.  I don't want First Class 2 to be about Watergate, or the Reagan assassination attempt or some @#$%.  The Cuban Missile stuff had me 

Now ya'll see why I couldn't type this over the phone? 
Same for me, if you have not scene X-Men First Class, do not read this. 

I LOVED the X/Erik angle.  Was really well done as everyone has already mentioned.  I too am not big on McAvoy but when your go to "action" move is lifting your fingers to your temple, it's hard to portray that effectively really. 
  Erik was flawless.  That role was so well done and acted perfectly.  We heard rumors of a Magneto Origin movie did we not?  Color me in for that please. 

I struggled with Bacon as the main bad dude.  I did love his scene with Erik at the end when he asks him why he's fighting for these people, that scene was freaking terrific, but every other scene I kept thinking of his role in Beauty Shop and it just pained me. 
  One other gripe, dude can swallow up nuclear blasts within the palm of his hand, and yet dude comes in and punches him in the face? 
 What, your fist got more than a nuclear bomb got? 

I really liked Mystique/Jennifer Lawrence.  If this Hunger Games is as big as people are saying, and she's the lead, her star bout to blow the hell up.  That said, I was not to sure about the whole 15 years with X, and in 5 minutes she just decides, hell with it, I'll ride with that bad guys now. 
  I get that Erik was always nice to her, and accepted her, great, but 15 years was 15 years.  Heroes flipping in the matter of seconds was very Anakin-esque and we all #@$!@%% about that so it should apply here as well imo. 

Some of the stuff they used for "powers" were,
  Dude had hands for feet......ok.  Other dude, blended in or some @#$%.  Other kid screams.  What in the hell was all that mess? 
  I didn't worry about it, I just went with the flow, but still when you look at that, it's very strange.  But maybe that's the power of X-Men, they take all that stuff and put it together to make one strong unit. 

I know people have said this is the best of the best so far.  That's fine, I can see where they are coming from, but I don't just hand it over that easily.  The first X-Men in 2000 completely started this trend of going serious with comic movies.  Batman 89 did too, and then it went to hell over the next few years.  X-Men came straight and stayed straight til they started losing people by X3.  X2 was incredible, and people were going NUTS over Wolverine at the time.  Jackman was doubted big time when he got the job, and beloved ever since.  His 8 seconds made my damn day in this one.  And this is where I wonder what we do next.  They either have to tie this era of the franchise into the X-2000 series, or they have to start over, and if they are starting over, then they have to re-cast Wolverine again, and how they gonna do that?  Especially when Jackman is still doing Wolverine Origin sequels.  I can delete X-3 from my own personal memory banks, I can handle that, but I am not pretending that X1 and 2 never happened, they did, and they were great.  So to me, these have to tie in, and now they have issues.  Unless they plan on bringing Logan/Wolverine in, then re-taking his memory yet again so they can find him in Canada in the year 2000, they have backed themselves into an X world with no wolverine.  That is going to be difficult.  Now, if they move along to where Xavier goes and locates Cyclops, and Storm, and Jean Grey, then that I can get behind, and we have a prequelish type story goin.  Either way, this is all going to be tough to pull off. 

Hell, I got thru parts of Wolverine last night, and that had a LOT of good stuff in there, they just went too Hollywood with it.  Will.i.am as a character, Blob, Jackman walking while stuff blows up behind him in slow motion 
  stupid stuff like that.  But they nailed Deadpool (at least the Reynolds part, not the closed mouth idiot) and Sabertooth/Schreiber was INCREDIBLE, so there is stuff that was usable, just too over the top. 

All of that added up has me wondering where we are headed.  In the next say 5 years are we going to have Tobey Spidey, vs Garfield Spidey franchise?  Nolan Batman, vs the next Batman they announced a few months ago?  X1-3 vs X First Class?  New Daredevil, vs Ben Daredevil?  They keep remaking and remaking all these movies, what next, Iron Man reboot with a new Stark? 
  I know there is a TON of comic material out there, and plenty of movies to be made, but within the same franchise, over and over and over in the span of only a few years?  And they aren't gonna tie any of them together?  This is gonna get real weird.  So for me, I hope they tie First Class into the original X movies.  Going forward, I like the cast they have put together so far, I am excited to see where they go from here, but I could do without the history lesson.  I don't want First Class 2 to be about Watergate, or the Reagan assassination attempt or some @#$%.  The Cuban Missile stuff had me 

Now ya'll see why I couldn't type this over the phone? 
If they have Wolverine, it has to be Jackman... They can't have him do that little cameo and then come back in First Class 2 with a different Wolverine.

As far as the whole Mystique thing, I think it was made kinda clear throughout that she never thought Erik accepted her for who she was... And then Beast hit her with that mutation cure and it just tipped the scales... The only part that bothered me about the whole thing was her just hopping in Erik's bed and then it all snowballed. Kinda came outta nowhere.

And how you gonna gripe about the powers of X-Men staples like Beast and Banshee?

I'm really curious how they're gonna do First Class 2, just because they've wedged themselves into this storyline that already has a conclusion and they've wedged themselves into Jackman as Wolverine with a pre-existing storyline so it's gonna be tough. That's why I wish this was meant to stand on its own and they could have gone and gotten another Wolverine. Whatever they do, they can't run this franchise with Wolverine. It'll crap out and people will stop going to the theaters. He IS X-Men. Gotta be there. They need to slow down with all the other stuff and focus on one thing at once... Having 15 different X-Men stories going on at once is gonna kill all of them.

At least with Spider-Man, they're doing a DIFFERENT story arc. There was time in between and the new stuff is meant to stand on its own. Same with Nolan's Batman from the past and the potential new stuff down the line. It'll stand on its own... I wish this was meant to do the same. Seems like there coulda been so much more for them to do.

As far as Magneto: Origins, isn't that what we just got? What are they gonna do with an Origins movie at this point that we haven't already seen?
If they have Wolverine, it has to be Jackman... They can't have him do that little cameo and then come back in First Class 2 with a different Wolverine.

As far as the whole Mystique thing, I think it was made kinda clear throughout that she never thought Erik accepted her for who she was... And then Beast hit her with that mutation cure and it just tipped the scales... The only part that bothered me about the whole thing was her just hopping in Erik's bed and then it all snowballed. Kinda came outta nowhere.

And how you gonna gripe about the powers of X-Men staples like Beast and Banshee?

I'm really curious how they're gonna do First Class 2, just because they've wedged themselves into this storyline that already has a conclusion and they've wedged themselves into Jackman as Wolverine with a pre-existing storyline so it's gonna be tough. That's why I wish this was meant to stand on its own and they could have gone and gotten another Wolverine. Whatever they do, they can't run this franchise with Wolverine. It'll crap out and people will stop going to the theaters. He IS X-Men. Gotta be there. They need to slow down with all the other stuff and focus on one thing at once... Having 15 different X-Men stories going on at once is gonna kill all of them.

At least with Spider-Man, they're doing a DIFFERENT story arc. There was time in between and the new stuff is meant to stand on its own. Same with Nolan's Batman from the past and the potential new stuff down the line. It'll stand on its own... I wish this was meant to do the same. Seems like there coulda been so much more for them to do.

As far as Magneto: Origins, isn't that what we just got? What are they gonna do with an Origins movie at this point that we haven't already seen?
The Magneto Origins movie is basically scrapped, they wanted to use CGI and make McKellen be younger like they did for the flashback in Last Stand but he pulled out and then parts of the screenplay were added to First Class, so there's really no point for the movie.

I'm not too worried about the storylines running into each other. There's a lot of time in between the two movies and their timelines, not to mention they aren't exactly loyal to the source material, I think between all of the possible stories and some creative planning they can easily make their trilogy with First Class and not run into that many problems. They just developed the school at the end, as well as Erik becoming Magneto, there's plenty of time and story to do.

And I disagree on needing Wolverine... the underwhelming box office for First Class can be attributed to a lot of factors, and while not having Wolverine might be one of them, I think it's a minor issue. Not to mention, I'm shocked if they think to include him considering the sequel to Wolverine Origins... between that, the three previous X-Men films, I'm sick of Wolverine.
The Magneto Origins movie is basically scrapped, they wanted to use CGI and make McKellen be younger like they did for the flashback in Last Stand but he pulled out and then parts of the screenplay were added to First Class, so there's really no point for the movie.

I'm not too worried about the storylines running into each other. There's a lot of time in between the two movies and their timelines, not to mention they aren't exactly loyal to the source material, I think between all of the possible stories and some creative planning they can easily make their trilogy with First Class and not run into that many problems. They just developed the school at the end, as well as Erik becoming Magneto, there's plenty of time and story to do.

And I disagree on needing Wolverine... the underwhelming box office for First Class can be attributed to a lot of factors, and while not having Wolverine might be one of them, I think it's a minor issue. Not to mention, I'm shocked if they think to include him considering the sequel to Wolverine Origins... between that, the three previous X-Men films, I'm sick of Wolverine.
I didn't mean a Magneto Origins story, I just meant spin off in general.  Sorry about that.  I agree they probably took some of that possible story and stuffed it into this one, and that's fine.  I'm perfectly happy with his angle/story.  I hope that it continues to grow as well.  Now, Big J said he didn't think that Wolverine was a must have, I disagree with that, Wolverine is the face of the franchise, BUT, if Magneto is done this well, and people continue to enjoy his role and where they take his character, then maybe we could leave Wolverine out of this.  Prime said he read somewhere that First Class was the start of a trilogy, that's 2 more movies, and all 3 without Wolverine (minus 8 seconds)  that could get touchy.  At some point, people are gonna want Wolverine in there. 

Hell, the entire franchise could still be splitting off.  What if they actually do a Deadpool story? 
  Pretty soon every other month will be a new X-Men type movie. 

When I brought up Wolverine Origins earlier, one other plus I thought they had was Gambit.  And the kid that played him from Friday Night Lights certainly could have worked in this cast, but not in 1962. 
  I hope that at some point they bring him back, is he in the Deadpool side of things, or could he be used sometime soon?  I do not follow the comics or cartoons like a lot of you do. 

It's too bad they didn't start this whole franchise out with this one.  I remember in X3 when they went backstory with Jean Grey and suddenly she was class 5 and the most powerful of all of them and all that, and in the first one she could barely move anything with her mind. 
  It's like they got ahead of themselves, then kept using flashbacks to catch us up.  If they would have simply started from the beginning, and led up to present day X-Men, we'd all be better for it.  Now we have all this jumping around.  Because the next sequels will all be period pieces, in the 60's and 70's, no present day stuff.  That's gonna wear out after a bit too. 

Big J was on point about just barely starting the school.  There is much work they can do there.  Develop technology, train more mutants, etc etc that would be just fine.  And somehow continue to develop the friendship between X and Erik.  They got off to a great start, so I'll just hope they keep it going and moving forward, I'll worry about how it all ties together (or doesn't) later on. 

$54 mil opening weekend though. 
  Gotta imagine word of mouth will carry it up a bit in it's second week.  Otherwise, this may all be for naught. 
I didn't mean a Magneto Origins story, I just meant spin off in general.  Sorry about that.  I agree they probably took some of that possible story and stuffed it into this one, and that's fine.  I'm perfectly happy with his angle/story.  I hope that it continues to grow as well.  Now, Big J said he didn't think that Wolverine was a must have, I disagree with that, Wolverine is the face of the franchise, BUT, if Magneto is done this well, and people continue to enjoy his role and where they take his character, then maybe we could leave Wolverine out of this.  Prime said he read somewhere that First Class was the start of a trilogy, that's 2 more movies, and all 3 without Wolverine (minus 8 seconds)  that could get touchy.  At some point, people are gonna want Wolverine in there. 

Hell, the entire franchise could still be splitting off.  What if they actually do a Deadpool story? 
  Pretty soon every other month will be a new X-Men type movie. 

When I brought up Wolverine Origins earlier, one other plus I thought they had was Gambit.  And the kid that played him from Friday Night Lights certainly could have worked in this cast, but not in 1962. 
  I hope that at some point they bring him back, is he in the Deadpool side of things, or could he be used sometime soon?  I do not follow the comics or cartoons like a lot of you do. 

It's too bad they didn't start this whole franchise out with this one.  I remember in X3 when they went backstory with Jean Grey and suddenly she was class 5 and the most powerful of all of them and all that, and in the first one she could barely move anything with her mind. 
  It's like they got ahead of themselves, then kept using flashbacks to catch us up.  If they would have simply started from the beginning, and led up to present day X-Men, we'd all be better for it.  Now we have all this jumping around.  Because the next sequels will all be period pieces, in the 60's and 70's, no present day stuff.  That's gonna wear out after a bit too. 

Big J was on point about just barely starting the school.  There is much work they can do there.  Develop technology, train more mutants, etc etc that would be just fine.  And somehow continue to develop the friendship between X and Erik.  They got off to a great start, so I'll just hope they keep it going and moving forward, I'll worry about how it all ties together (or doesn't) later on. 

$54 mil opening weekend though. 
  Gotta imagine word of mouth will carry it up a bit in it's second week.  Otherwise, this may all be for naught. 
And how you gonna gripe about the powers of X-Men staples like Beast and Banshee?

I'm saying! That IS what Banshee and Beast are.

I actually loved Banshee, always been one of my favorite X-Men, and liked the way he was played.
And how you gonna gripe about the powers of X-Men staples like Beast and Banshee?

I'm saying! That IS what Banshee and Beast are.

I actually loved Banshee, always been one of my favorite X-Men, and liked the way he was played.
[h1]Rose Byrne Hints at Possible X-Men: First Class Trilogy[/h1]
Earlier this month, actress Rose Byrne opened up about Dr. Moira MacTaggert, the character she portrays in director Matthew Vaughn's upcoming X-Men prequel X-Men: First Class, and revealed that MacTaggert will "works for the CIA" and ends up fighting for mutants and humans to co-exist. In Marvel's X-Men comic books, which form the basis of source material for First Class and the trilogy of X-Men movies that preceded it, MacTaggert is not a mutant, and has never worked for the CIA.

In a conversation with The Playlist, Byrne expanded on her previous comments, and further explained her character's role in the movie.
She's kind of a collaborator. She's James McAvoy's love interest in the film. She's a doctor in the comics and she's a CIA agent [in the film]. She's a real pioneer. It's in the '60s and it's a time when women did not work in the CIA. She's very smart, very ambitious, very forthright and really truly believes that humans and mutants can co-exist and in fact help one another.

Byrne's First Class co-star January Jones has called the shooting schedule "unrealistic," considering that Vaughn only had 13 months to make the prequel and, initially, only two months to complete principal photography. Byrne, however, had no complaints about the schedule, calling it "luxurious".
No, on the contrary, [shooting] films [you] have so much time. I come from TV-land, I come from Damages where you have no time. You have no preparation. You just get the scene the night before and you hope and pray you do a good job. To me, X-Men felt luxurious.

It's a good thing that Byrne approves of the schedule, since she could appear in more First Class movies. In an interview with Cinema Blend, Byrne revealed that the entire cast has been signed for a trilogy.
Technically we all, I think, had to get on for three, but you know sequels. We'll just wait for the first one to come out and see how it all unfolds.

[h1]Rose Byrne Hints at Possible X-Men: First Class Trilogy[/h1]
Earlier this month, actress Rose Byrne opened up about Dr. Moira MacTaggert, the character she portrays in director Matthew Vaughn's upcoming X-Men prequel X-Men: First Class, and revealed that MacTaggert will "works for the CIA" and ends up fighting for mutants and humans to co-exist. In Marvel's X-Men comic books, which form the basis of source material for First Class and the trilogy of X-Men movies that preceded it, MacTaggert is not a mutant, and has never worked for the CIA.

In a conversation with The Playlist, Byrne expanded on her previous comments, and further explained her character's role in the movie.
She's kind of a collaborator. She's James McAvoy's love interest in the film. She's a doctor in the comics and she's a CIA agent [in the film]. She's a real pioneer. It's in the '60s and it's a time when women did not work in the CIA. She's very smart, very ambitious, very forthright and really truly believes that humans and mutants can co-exist and in fact help one another.

Byrne's First Class co-star January Jones has called the shooting schedule "unrealistic," considering that Vaughn only had 13 months to make the prequel and, initially, only two months to complete principal photography. Byrne, however, had no complaints about the schedule, calling it "luxurious".
No, on the contrary, [shooting] films [you] have so much time. I come from TV-land, I come from Damages where you have no time. You have no preparation. You just get the scene the night before and you hope and pray you do a good job. To me, X-Men felt luxurious.

It's a good thing that Byrne approves of the schedule, since she could appear in more First Class movies. In an interview with Cinema Blend, Byrne revealed that the entire cast has been signed for a trilogy.
Technically we all, I think, had to get on for three, but you know sequels. We'll just wait for the first one to come out and see how it all unfolds.

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

I meant the character development of Charles and Erik of course.

Wolverine has had three movies to develop his story, and it still doesn't touch what they did in First Class IMO.
There is a new Wolverine movie in the works, a very dark and new take on Wolverine.

It was going to be directed by Darren Aronofsky, who directed "Black Swan" but he dropped out, and they were set to shoot in Japan right before the eathquake happened.

But a new film is in the works.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

I meant the character development of Charles and Erik of course.

Wolverine has had three movies to develop his story, and it still doesn't touch what they did in First Class IMO.
There is a new Wolverine movie in the works, a very dark and new take on Wolverine.

It was going to be directed by Darren Aronofsky, who directed "Black Swan" but he dropped out, and they were set to shoot in Japan right before the eathquake happened.

But a new film is in the works.
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