Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

So, I did WW84 as well, and well.......in BvS, she had been "hiding" in plain sight for 70-80 years, right? Regular ole hot chick, yes?

But in 1984, she's cleaning up shopping malls in front of thousands? :lol: :rofl:

So, scarf guy just randomly gutted Wonder Woman out and doesn't know it? :rofl:

I love MrO's idea that Pedro and Captain Kirk should have been the same body. THAT woulda been somethin.

Kristen Wig tried, I give her that credit, but honestly, I felt like she was Bridesmaids all over again. Her and Tina Fey love doin this thing where they are homely, down on their luck, overlooked and all that, when really they'd do just fine in the world with even an ounce of effort/makeup. Still, she at least tried, and it was cool seein her match up with WW, until lightning stuck (???)

Ironically, did I already read that WW3 is already greenlit? *Kobe WHAT?!?!.gif* Sure you don't wanna, maybe, wait a minute before you hit the go button on that?

Then, I watched Tenet.........Or is it teneT? Whatever. Nolan certainly tries to be deep, he tries to be smart, he tries to make you work for it, that's nice, but ultimately, this, like Inception was just a way for him to get to his James Bond love. Nolan, just make a ****in Bond flick then. Stop fake deepin it.
LOVED the main 4 characters tho. I thought they all brought it, I just couldn't get thru a few issues, like runnin forwards and backwards at the same time. They on this side of the glass, and that side of the glass at the same time, we wear red and you wear blue, so we know who is who (nope....) We all have weird accents. I am the protagonist. Thank you for telling me. Multiple times. (Cuz you can't just have a name, like James, or??????) Kenneth was awesome tho, happy to see him do his thing. The opening was pretty cool, but again, just do a Bond flick Nolan and play it straight up and you would be great at it. The scenes are shot well, the look is vibrant, but my God I could barely hear a thing anyone was saying. :lol: Tone that down, please. And I thought Bane was hard to grasp, he sat around like HA, I got it, I'll make the whole friggin movie with a bunch of Banes delivering lines.
Still, I feel like if I watch Tenet another 10-15 times I'll pick some things up and like it better, but for starters I'll go 6/8, it's Christmas. WW84 and be a 4/8WW.
WW84 was pretty terrible. The mall heist intro was......corny? Or not well done. Or maybe the feel they were going for just didn’t come across well. It felt like it should have had a laugh track playing in the background. Slapstick, 3 stooges type intro. And yet the rest of the movie went away from that vibe completely.

10 minute intro of the HEART of the 80’s. Cheesy outfits. Big hair. Power suits. And then they abandon the 80’s feel for the rest of the movie.

worst nonsensical plot I’ve witnessed in a long time. Captain Kirk is back through someone else’s body, but she see’s him as him, but he see’s himself as the other body? Okay? Mandolorian makes his wish to become......the wish rock??? How does he know he wouldn’t just turn into a damn crystal right way? Why not wish for oil, or money, or health, or hell why not just wish for your son to not see you as a loser?

Kristen wiig gets 10 wishes? She wants to be sexy and powerful and be feared and loved and be beautiful but strong? Come on bro :lol:

no action

every promo for this movie has that cool multicolored WW armor and I think I fell asleep before she ever rocked that.

beginning CrossFit/ American ninja wetdream was to show her that she can’t cheat in life, or else she can’t win? Don’t know how that lesson applies to anything else for the remainder of the movie but yeah there’s a good waste of 30 mins.

in fact, I really don’t know what the theme was die the movie in general. Movie is just complete blah. Joint woulda TANKED in a normal theatrical release type year. The pandemic and more favorable streaming numbers Is the ONLY reason this is getting a 3rd film.

not even gonna get into Gadots awful acting. Also not gonna get all woke and talk about the terrible message this film conveys to women. It’s trash 4/8.
Ps, WHO THE HELL WAS IN HERE COMPARING Brie Larson’s acting talent vs Gadot? Show yourself famb, this must be addressed.
not even gonna get into Gadots awful acting. Also not gonna get all woke and talk about the terrible message this film conveys to women. It’s trash 4/8.
Ps, WHO THE HELL WAS IN HERE COMPARING Brie Larson’s acting talent vs Gadot? Show yourself famb, this must be addressed.
kingkoopa kingkoopa :lol: :nerd:

But he didnt know any better
Is WW84 really that bad?!? Planning to watch it this week but with the mainly negative reviews here and elsewhere I'm really starting to wonder if it's worth the 2.5 hr investment. Ehh prob end up watching it at some point regardless lol.
Gal should only be a supporting actress or part of an ensemble cast, she doesn’t have the charisma or acting chops to be a true lead.
Gal should only be a supporting actress or part of an ensemble cast, she doesn’t have the charisma or acting chops to be a true lead.
I'm gonna make her the first of a group of dull/bland/charismaless actresses Hollywood tries to force on us like how Hollywood tried forcing all those bums on us like Taylor Kitsch, Sam Worthington, Kellan Lutz, etc. a while back.

Keep trying to make certain actors happen and it's not gonna happen.

Gal lucky to have the protection of this ultra pro-women movement right now.
Is WW84 really that bad?!? Planning to watch it this week but with the mainly negative reviews here and elsewhere I'm really starting to wonder if it's worth the 2.5 hr investment. Ehh prob end up watching it at some point regardless lol.

Its honestly not worth it.
Wait what :lol:

Might dig up my Brightburn post.

It was cool. If you don't like it, oh well. Wasn't that good.

:lol: nah, was just jokin if he didn't like it, it's on you.

My point is moreso his thoughts on the idea of the film. I bet he'd really like it, if he's goin in blind.
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