Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Watched 3 movies I haven’t seen from the 1980s in the past 3 days:

1997’s Fatal Attraction
1988’s Bloodsport
1989’s Field of Dreams

Fatal Attraction (1987) - starring Michael Douglas and Glenn Close

All three I went into knowing zero about the plot!

We must talk about how sexy Glenn Close looked at the party. Alright now we have done that.

Dan and Alex’s conversation after he couldn’t open the umbrella when they got a drink, just bravioso.

The water. The sink. THE WATER!

1-hr into it when Alex did ‘it’ wow whyyyyy :lol: that was so hard to watch, I get the character being capable of it, but I started it late night, so at that point I was busy figuring out how the **** to cleanse my eyes when the movie ended.

I’m confused by the kid Ellen for a lot of reasons.

The roller coaster scene: how was Ellen so willing to go with this random (what we knew to be displaced) individual, and gave the kiss on the cheek goodbye? Gimme a break Ellen!

Love Beth, how can you not. Perfect performance, cannot get better than her.

Alex went Michael Myers at the end, doubt it :lol:

7/8 but for sure a one timer.
Sound of Metal 6.8/8

Oh man a deep dive in to how traumatizing and how much it sucks to be deaf. Especially if you were a musician.

Riz was great.

What really got to me was their overall decision making to mess with the audio to mimic the experience of being deaf. We've seen it at times in shows and movies like after a bomb goes off but this was different. That dull incoherent muffled sound while ppl talk, that deafening pure silence was painful.

I had a perforated ear drum once and I couldn't take that at all and it kept me from sleeping. I'd be in bed crying if I went deaf like this.

Olivia Cooke was very good as well. Thought this movie would be a sole focus but the gf element was a good addition to the story.

The story getting in to the deaf community; deaf schools and a deaf sober house was new to me and heart warming.

After his surgery, made me see ppl with those implants differently. Never being able to hear exactly the same again is like a cruel tease.

This was excellent. I hope Riz gets recognized by the academy. Paul Raci should get some recognition for his supporting role too. He smashed that. They were both great, especially on screen together. One of my favorite movies of the year easy. A lot to take in.

I was really feeling the themes. Self acceptance, body image, etc. I think that applies now more than ever in the digital age of clout chasing. People tend to disregard their own inner peace.

Another one that hit home is taking for granted something that could seem so insignificant, like the ability to hear or see. It's usually not until you're facing adversity that acknowledge and appreciate your health.

I liked how he sort of wrapped it altogether with the addiction analogy.

Important and relevant messages.
Sylvie's Love 5/8

The Lie 4.6/8

I'm Your Woman 5.6/8

This was excellent. I hope Riz gets recognized by the academy. Paul Raci should get some recognition for his supporting role too. He smashed that. They were both great, especially on screen together. One of my favorite movies of the year easy. A lot to take in.
Forgot to praise him. He was great. Think its the first time I'm seeing him the way he acted it was like I was already familiar with him and saw him act hundreds of times.

The more I think about it I didn't see a lot of new movies this year. This is definitely among the top. I wonder what the academy does, limit nominees to like 3 or 4 or do they go all in with the movies on streaming services?
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I’m not going to finish WW or watch WW84 because of you guys, thank you. I’ll keep watching movies from the actual 80s.
First WW is worth a watch and at least finishing. It was better. Be sure to not think too critically about things. 84 was a big letdown all the way around. Bad plot, bad writing and dialogue, bad CGI, actors all mailed it in. Nothing really redeeming except a few scenes with crazy Mando. Bet WW3 will be a dumpster fire released straight to streaming but not because of a global pandemic.
Salma Hayek had a movie coming out in 2021 called the “Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard.” Sam Jackson and Ryan Reynolds also are in it. Looks interesting.

Completely unrelated to that movie, here are some recent pictures of Salma (54 YO!)


Dios mio
Watched Sylvie’s Love with this female the other day and it wasn’t good. The movie has a RT score of 93%

Tessa Thompson was really bad in it.
Speaking of alive saw the Jim Belushi posts on this page and thought he had passed a while back for some reason (not confusing him for John).
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