Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Ok so this was a very very very very very very very good movie. Damn near GREAT!

The Batman 6.8/8

The 3 hours were nothing. I loved the neo-noir dark toned, darker themed murder mystery that basically unraveled all these ****** up secrets about Gotham's corruption.

Battinson was great as Batman and I actually like that due to the trauma, his obsession and mission that this Bruce Wayne doesn't care about appearances and the approach isn't to have his putting on a facade of being a billionaire playboy. This Bruce is hurt, is fully in Batman mode and couldn't be bothered with day time Bruce Wayne with any priorities. I really liked how this was clearly a Batman only after 2 years so he aint just use to all the crazy ****. Him being momentarily shook when he ran from the cops and got to the ledge and almost fell then composed himself with the gliding suit and then crashed anyway :lol:

Most of all I was overjoyed there was no dumb voice. Pattinson just had a more gruff voice but talked normally.

All the actors were dope or solid at least. I really liked Wright as Gordon. Farrell as Penguin was just :wow::wow: from appearances and nailed it acting wise. Reminded me of Paul Bearer when he ran with the Undertaker and Kane in the WWF.

On one hand I loved the Riddler for being one of the better well written psychopathic serial killers on the big screen and on the other hand I didn't like him cuz he was so comic inaccurate except for the riddles. Like the comic version (and cartoon) managed to keep something suave and enigmatic about him as a villain. This movie has him a text book delusional psychopath thinking he and Batman are kindred spirits and it basically stems from him being a lonely loser.

With that said I loved what Reeves did with the villain even though he's different from all other versions of the Riddler. The revelations, the bread crumb clues, the communicating in between kills, the riddle games played to keep living or died, the online dark web followers was a particularly nice touch for the type murderous nut job this Riddler is, etc. were all spot on Riddlerisms.

Watching him semi psych himself up to kill the mayor cuz lime he would say later he's not physical like Batman, realizing and saying Batman is no way as smart as he assumed :lol:, the meeting face to face and saying Bruce Wayne's name over and over before forming context leading Bats and the viewer to think he knows who he is.

The way they sort of slip in Riddler's origin was really good. Directly tied to Gotham, the Waynes, Falcone, the Mayor, the DA, GCPD, etc. He has good reason to expose these ppl

Also I am so happy he's not dead and technically won in the end.

The balance of plot and action was really good. The fights kept me entertained and came at right moments. Well paced story. With that said I was digging the plot a whole lot more. The music was on point, nice mix of music and the score.

That car chase scene delivered. That whole part of the story reminded me of Hush where Batman is making sound detective hunches but is going down the completely wrong path as he looks for who the rat is basically for the Riddler

I liked this take on Gotham and its criminals and overall corruption. To me this is how it should always be depicted. Also :rofl: @ Gotham Square Garden. I wonder if the Gotham Knicks are just as trash the NY Knicks.

My only really gripes are that while some of the plot has loose ties to source material I've never been a fan of vilifying Bruce's parents. They did this in the Batman Telltale game making Thomas Wayne just another rich corrupt dude that got exposed in pretty much the same plot with Maroni and the mayor except he as a doctor were committing other rich folks to Arkham who didn't pay up or do what he said. Unlike the movie though, it stuck but making Martha some former Arkham patient cuz she had mental issues is just wild.

The other gripe is for me the chemistry with Bats and Catwoman was off. It seemed totally one sided. Like it was clear Selina was in to Batman but that's it. When she kissed him it didn't even seem like he was kissing back :lol: Zoe was good as Catwoman. Her subplot was cool and I know its based on something but I prefer that story with The Huntress.

The 3rd act was greatness. As I've said, I love it when the villain actually wins. While the Riddler didn't get all his delusional goals fulfilled that last plan with his following went off without issue. It was ridiculously crazy. That mayor elect is fi e but she sure is dumb. Lucky she only got winged or that Riddler didn't just hire mercenary snipers to do the killing.

That last scene was some bull **** though. I'd prefer we get a mix of Hush and Court of Owls for the sequel. **** the Joker for now.
My only really gripes are that while some of the plot has loose ties to source material I've never been a fan of vilifying Bruce's parents. They did this in the Batman Telltale game making Thomas Wayne just another rich corrupt dude that got exposed in pretty much the same plot with Maroni and the mayor except he as a doctor were committing other rich folks to Arkham who didn't pay up or do what he said. Unlike the movie though, it stuck but making Martha some former Arkham patient cuz she had mental issues is just wild.
See I thought this was great, Bruce realizing this image he had in his head of the perfect parents just wasn't true. It didn't even make me think Thomas was corrupt, just overly naive.
The killer is a lanky creature always ready to run full speed into a door that just closes at the perfect time.
What I love about the Scream flicks is that whoever is wearing the Ghostface suit and wielding a huge knife seems to have super speed, strength and agility, but then the killer ends up being a goofy high school kid or a high school kid’s mom. :lol:
Also whoever is Ghostface magically becomes 6ft tall and the same lanky build no matter who puts the mask and costume on :lol:
I want to read your review Master Zik Master Zik but I’m afraid of potential spoliers. :lol:
Eh, I don't think I spoiled much. Maybe the thing about the parents.

No worried man, read it after you watch :lol:
See I thought this was great, Bruce realizing this image he had in his head of the perfect parents just wasn't true. It didn't even make me think Thomas was corrupt, just overly naive.
Well, if we stick with the movie's story, you're right cuz when he talks with Alfred they softened the blow and reversed things. It's a public perception where Thomas looks bad but Bruce knows the truth.

They've tried this elsewhere and its never worked imo. In the Telltale games, Thomas was straight up sending ppl to Arkham for money separate from Maroni. I was tight they didn't walk it back.

To me it taints his origin and kinda what the Wayne family was touted for originally. They don't stress it but Thomas and Martha were the ones originally trying to clean up Gotham and that was always floated as the underlying reason for why they were killed, not just a random mugging gone wrong but a hit.
I saw that 8 point scale and bailed after that.
You lack vision.
I did plan on seeing the new Scream (it's still in some LA theaters). I guess I better skip the last page of this thread :lol:

Master Zik Master Zik I agree with your assessment of Catwoman, it seemed like her and Bats belonged in two different movies. DARE I SAY she should get her own :emoji_eyes: Random shot at the Knicks in your review, too :pimp:

Btw I appreciated the whole "Penguin" thing when they let him walk off hog-tied. Quick little Easter egg.
I want The Batman sequel to have Mr. Freeze as the villain, Gotham would be set up for him nicely with the city under water. I’ve read Reeves is a big fan of the Hush storyline and Rob himself would like to see the Court of Owls. Honestly I would be fine with probably anybody other than Joker.
My thought are somewhere in here. Man, what a disappointment. Like really really really disappointing. I think my final score was a 2/8.
I was like a half hour into it Saturday night and so far it’s just a bunch of Confederate racism, went to bed :lol:, and these kids just have a ton of money to revive an OK Corral-looking town with investors that drive in like it’s a conference retreat?
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