Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

There’s so many reasons why Blockbuster will be missed. The candy section situated near the checkout, making it feel like a movie theater, the giant tubs of popcorn, the clever slot drop-off, just being a fun place to kill time, going there without having a specific movie in mind, etc.
It is truly sad what happened to that industry. I literally learned movies from stores like that, pre internet/previews etc. Walk thru the store, new release like 2-3 copies, small time film. New release takin up half the damn store, must be a summer blockbuster. :lol:

My wife and I would go 2-3 times a week and check things out.

Granted, now we have Netflix, Hulu, HBO, Paramount, Prime, Disney and can watch literally anything in seconds, there is benefit to that. But also an isolation to it. Video stores could be a meeting spot, or social gathering type now you just sit on your couch and click.

Shame there isn't room for both.
Should I watch Uncharted or the Scream sequel?

Not really high on watching either but I got time today

(I already know @CP1708’s answer lol)
Suspension of belief is crazy in Scream:lol:

Off rip why isn’t she using her phone to google ALL the answers?

Should’ve been using her phone to live stream from the start as well.
There’s so many reasons why Blockbuster will be missed. The candy section situated near the checkout, making it feel like a movie theater, the giant tubs of popcorn, the clever slot drop-off, just being a fun place to kill time, going there without having a specific movie in mind, etc.
It is truly sad what happened to that industry. I literally learned movies from stores like that, pre internet/previews etc. Walk thru the store, new release like 2-3 copies, small time film. New release takin up half the damn store, must be a summer blockbuster. :lol:

My wife and I would go 2-3 times a week and check things out.

Granted, now we have Netflix, Hulu, HBO, Paramount, Prime, Disney and can watch literally anything in seconds, there is benefit to that. But also an isolation to it. Video stores could be a meeting spot, or social gathering type now you just sit on your couch and click.

Shame there isn't room for both.
One of the things I liked about Video stores was gambling on a movie that maybe turned out sub par, but I was gonna get my moneys worth and watch the whole thing and still be engaged. Saw a bunch of cult classics and good low key movies because of this. And when you gamble on a movie that turns out real good, you felt like you found something special.

Nowadays if something looks weak for the first few minutes I'm quick to shut it off and search for something else. So many series and movies I'll probably never get around to finishing.
One of the things I liked about Video stores was gambling on a movie that maybe turned out sub par, but I was gonna get my moneys worth and watch the whole thing and still be engaged. Saw a bunch of cult classics and good low key movies because of this. And when you gamble on a movie that turns out real good, you felt like you found something special.

Nowadays if something looks weak for the first few minutes I'm quick to shut it off and search for something else. So many series and movies I'll probably never get around to finishing.
There was a certain charm to checking out a physical copy of a film in a video store. The atmosphere really set the mood right.
Suspension of belief is crazy in Scream:lol:

Off rip why isn’t she using her phone to google ALL the answers?

Should’ve been using her phone to live stream from the start as well.

You got a killer callin you, you stressed. Simply googling ain't as easy as it sounds.
Wait....hold up.....Fast & furious actually went into space?
Oh yea!
In a Pontiac FIERO
I had to watch Fast9 back to back.
Too much Action and too many stunts to process in one watch.
Watched it a 2nd time Immediately .
You got a killer callin you, you stressed. Simply googling ain't as easy as it sounds.
Yeah but she didn’t know it was a killer yet. Like 100% just that he was some creepy stalker. She ****** all the way up trying to leave the house.

Similar situation in another scene with the older sister in the hospital room. Just plain crazy how she just runs out and nobody in the hospital is around.

Also was it me or was it not painfully obvious Amber was one of the killers early on? Like the way she was looking at the older sister when she arrived :nerd:

Anyway, FYI, I ended up walking out of the movie to get some *** but I looked up the rest of the plot on wiki and I think I was right to. I left right after the sheriff was killed and her son was stabbed through the throat. I kinda checked out during that group meeting with Dewey and all the friends anyway. Where they basically were having a meta convo about why there’s a sequel, horror movie rules, and basically laying out who were the killers/prime suspects.

Felt dumb to me. Then I read the reveal and one of the possibilities were exactly that.
One of the things I liked about Video stores was gambling on a movie that maybe turned out sub par, but I was gonna get my moneys worth and watch the whole thing and still be engaged. Saw a bunch of cult classics and good low key movies because of this. And when you gamble on a movie that turns out real good, you felt like you found something special.

Nowadays if something looks weak for the first few minutes I'm quick to shut it off and search for something else. So many series and movies I'll probably never get around to finishing.

This is what I miss about pre-internet era Cinemax/HBO/showtime movie watching. You had that block of time a movie would come on and the only thing you knew about it was the TV guide description. But you never knew when it would come back on again so you had no choice but to finish it :lol:

Yeah now, you can just find a million other things, or read a review and just skip it, or fast forward past boring parts etc. I’m right there with you, I’ve seen soooo many cult classics and hidden gems I wouldn’t have seen in a million years in this day and age.
Just plain crazy how she just runs out and nobody in the hospital is around.

This particular detail was explained. There's a line about her being protected, she'd have a whole floor etc etc. That's why it was empty.

There's certainly a few stretches, always is with horror films, but this one was still solid. Look forward to 6.
This particular detail was explained. There's a line about her being protected, she'd have a whole floor etc etc. That's why it was empty.

There's certainly a few stretches, always is with horror films, but this one was still solid. Look forward to 6.
What I love about the Scream flicks is that whoever is wearing the Ghostface suit and wielding a huge knife seems to have super speed, strength and agility, but then the killer ends up being a goofy high school kid or a high school kid’s mom. :lol:
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