Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Just finished.

FLAMES. Now I don't know if that will be taken as "Oh it must be good if someone who's not really into horror thinks it's flames," or "Well it can't be good, because someone who's not even into horror thinks it's flames. Must be trash."

Pick your interpretation, but I thought it was phenomenal. Loved Haunting on Hill House on you guy's recommendation, and this is the same director. Loved it.

I haven't seen it yet. Now I wanna watch.


maybe he shoulda tried being original instead of trying to follow the GOAT
There is plenty that he has done that wasn't done before, but Jordan Stans & Kobe Stans ignore the opposite of their accusations. And specific to originality and whoever your GOAT is, he copied someone before him. That's a guarantee.

There is plenty that he has done that wasn't done before, but Jordan Stans & Kobe Stans ignore the opposite of their accusations. And specific to originality and whoever your GOAT is, he copied someone before him. That's a guarantee.


how many space jams you heard of?

who are the famous 23s?

who was the Nike nba sponsor before jordan?
how many space jams you heard of?

who are the famous 23s?

who was the Nike nba sponsor before jordan?
2. Jordan's and Lebron's.

Jordan and Lebron.

No one.

What is the specific point that is supposed to be 'proven' by those? That Lebron is not original? That Jordan forged Nike's path, thus being all original? I'm asking, what specific points are you trying to say?

Do you think that EVERY SINGLE THING Jordan did was original?

Do you think that NO SINGLE THING Lebron has done has been original?

1st at what?

Also why aren't you answering my questions? I'm answering yours, plainly & clearly.

What ska is trying to get at is Jordan wasn't Jordan without some sort of influence, not denouncing he's a pioneer.
His early game was heavily influenced by Dr. J
Magic and Bird were the face of basketball shoes with the Weapons before Air Jordans took over. Chuck Taylors was long ago too.
The jersey number thing, I don't know he's not the only player to be a "face" of a number. Kobe has 2 :lol:

He obviously took all of that to the highest level possible and is regarded for his greatness as he should.
Lebron wasn’t bad in Trainwreck, surprised people, it’s sad how far his acting hasn’t come in the 7 years since :lol: MAN’S HAS ZERO DEDICATION TO THE CRAFT 0]:smh::lol:
Also I caught the first Men In Black today, don’t watch that film while hungover you’ll wanna yack.
Man, Season3 Sopranos is so good.
Peak Performance.
Even better than I remembered.
Season1 is good for being the start no doubt, but 3 I can’t praise enough. This is like a New watch.
I was today years old when I found out/realized Billy Zane is one of Biff’s boys in Back to the Future.
I always assumed he was the one with the 3D glasses. I’m glad you brought this up. I looked it up and it turns out I’ve been misinformed the entire time.

So yes, I too learned something today. :lol:
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