Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

1978 these movies came out: Grease, Animal House, Superman, Jaws 2, Halloween, and The Deer Hunter came out:

Which of Superman, Jaws 2 (I’ve seen the first), The Deer Hunter should I see first?
Deer Hunter, Jaws 2, Superman.
I’ve typed a billion words on the prequels, everyone knows that. I’m sorry for the fans that genuinely like it because it’s “their” Star Wars. I understand them thinking that was cool, at the time. Believe me, I wanted nothing more than to love those films. I was there opening day like everyone else. I couldn’t sleep the night before. I waited “my whole life” for those films. (We’re talkin like maybe 10 years or whatever, but hey. :lol: )

5 minutes in, I was sitting there like WTF? It was atrocious. Dialogue was cheesy as hell, corny lookin characters, ridiculous storyline(s)/plots, green screens had actors lookin 3 feet above the fake characters heads, and I hadn’t even met Jar Jar yet. Then I did. I wish I hadn’t. Meesa kick George’s *** for ever thinking that character was worth it.

Then I just think back to some of his logic……..The Galactic Republic couldn’t get to Naboo because of a blockade……IT’S SPACE, GUYS!!!!! It’s. Space. How bout come around the planet from the other side, where there are no ships? Am I bein too illogical here? You can get to a planet from underneath, from over the top, from the left, from the right, from 180 degrees whatever ships are “blocking” you. But hey, who am I to criticize that the entire Galactic Republic couldn’t do it, buuuuuuuuuuuut an 8 year old boy can……. **** you George.

We cut Darth Maul in half. But he lived.
We cut Anakin in 3rds, and we burnt him to a crisp. But he lived.
We put Boba in the Sarlacc. But he lived.
We made Padme sad, she’s dead. GTFOOHWTBS :smh:

Lemme ask y’all sum………Luke asks Leia, “what do you remember about your mother?” Well……”she died when I was very young” George apparently decided to make that SEVEN GOD DAMN SECONDS OUT HER BIRTH CANAL FOR THE LOVE OF F***!!!!!!! How the blue F*** Leia remember a God damn thing? You wrote this damn story in 1974-75, you had two decades to prepare, you decided to just ignore YOUR OWN DAMN STORY?!?!?!?! Let Padme live thru the final film and she dies off screen when Leia is young/growing up. Oh wait, we needed the all powerful Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo moment. :stoneface:

Ben Kenobi, talking to Luke, he hunted down, and destroyed the Jedi. Simple, right? We got 3 damn films to show this, and what did we get? He killed some kids off screen and got his *** absolutely kicked by the one single Jedi he fought. George, have you ever seen the Originals? Did you maybe take a few notes? You had 3 friggin films and we had to IMAGINE him hunting down and destroying the Jedi rather than use the 8+ hours you had allotted for a trilogy? Huh? You needed to show me Jar Jar and Roger Roger droids more than showing me a fully confused Anakin mixing it up with Jedi and Sith alike? We couldn’t start the story off with some Maul/Palps causin a ruckus, and teenage prodigy Jedi Anakin workin with Yoda/Ben tip toeing between the light and the dark and being in battle with some of these dudes and maybe even learning a thing or two from both sides? I needed Podracing instead? With dumb *** dancing announcers and aliens (Sebulba) that cheat 8 year old boys to win?

Midi-Chlorians, really? Seriously?

It’s cool tho, cuz in the next movie, we gon get Boba Fett!!!! :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: *leans closer* Whas that? He’s 8 too? Why the **** is he 8, George? Didn’t we already learn that’s a dumb *** play? So we’ll make Jango and let him be cool……..and then kill him immediately? *sigh* Ya know, not that I’m smart or anything, far from it, but we coulda had any age Boba in full uni meeting one Anakin and maybe even mixing it up with him a lil, enough to maybe impress the young Jedi so that when he goes cold, he calls up the Bounty Hunter he was impressed with and they set out to kill some ****, but hey, why would we want to see that, right? We could have the entire Jedi army show up and kill some bugs instead………..

This **** makes my head hurt, man. Honestly, it’s absolutely sad that this was taken from us.

To get to the 3rd friggin film, go another 2ish hours and we STILL are looking at Jedi Hero Anakin Skywalker, who is about to have a baby, has the woman he loves, and is searching for the Sith with the rest of the Jedi. 16 minutes later, credits roll. Are you ****in kidding me? Yes, we got a single shot of him in the Vader suit, folding his arms. Yippee. :smh:

3 films man. Peak Jedi era. Jedi Council. Yoda, Anakin, Mace, Qwi-Gon, Obi Wan, and 97 random extras with Light Sabers. They rolled up on Palps with a whole 5 Jedi, and 4 of them were dead before he got his lightsaber fully erect. So naturally Yoda and Obi Wan had to just give up and go into hiding for 2 decades hoping an infant would grow up then we’ll lie to him about his father and he’ll want to follow us anyways and defeat his father…….. *puts head down*
I'll just pretend that the prequels never existed.

to tell you how much I hated the prequels. watched Star Wars 1 due to the hype and because my ex-gf wanted to watch it. wanted to kill Jar-Jar very badly. CGI was basic but was quite ok for it's time it came out.
watched Star Wars 2 in chapters. never been able to finish the whole thing in it's entirety. CGI was meh. Hayden's acting is just so bad. corny dialogues.
same thing with Star Wars 3. never got to finish it entirely. Hayden really made me mad. cringy dialogues. CGI looked too artificial. small Darth Vader and the infamous NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ! so so so bad.

not sure, if I'll be able to rewatch 2 and 3 but I'm having the "CATS" vibe which I would rather not to. CATS is pure trash.

on the otherhand, was able to finally finish Clooney's Batman and Robin. extremely cringy but atleast I was able to survive it watching with a face like this....


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Yeah MI2 is my least favorite of all of them.

It goes 6 > 5 > 1 > 4 > 3 > 2

Maybe swap 3 and 4 because you do get the romantic element, but as a story and movie, I think that's fair.

Watching Who Framed Roger Rabbit for the first time in probably 20 years.
Also, should I see Bullet Train or Top Gun Maverick for the third time this time in Dolby?
Key points from the article:

Clones begins where Empire ends

Clones ends where Empire begins: In the underground caverns of a barren wasteland. Geonosis in Clones and Hoth in Empire.

Clones is not telling the story of Empire in reverse.

It should read in terms of high and low.
lawdog1 lawdog1 C CP1708 Master Zik Master Zik
Attack of the Clones & The Empire Strikes Back are the two goat Star Wars films.

Also, please have a look at this article.

Yes, one is one of the greatest films in Cinema history, and the other is Attack of the Clones.

Wonderful, he used blue hues in one, and Orange hues in the other and then tried to tell the same story at opposite times on the clock to make this trash work.

What he COULD have done, was write a better story and not try to make 3 new movies in reverse order with different color hues. Wouldn't that have been special? :lol:

Trying to sell me on "well, these characters kissed in this film at the same time as two completely other characters kissed in this other film, and each film had someone lose an arm at the same time", etc etc etc is not a good idea. It's rehashing, instead of developing, which is what he should have done. Nobody asked him to recreate the other 3 films in the exact manner as the first 3 films in reverse order or any of that. Make the 3 new movies and tell the story you were supposed to. The one your own characters allude to several times in the original trilogy. Undoing that to make it "look" circular or some **** is pure stupid.
Haven’t seen Backdraft in forever, but I’m on vacation and my wife happened to turn it on the hotel TV this morning.

I forgot how how unnecessarily long it is and how corny and melodramatic almost all the dialogue is.

But the fire scenes are great visually.

But I’ll entertain a prequel discussion since we’re here. Not gonna put too much energy into this, as I’ve def typed more than I should about them on here before.

Phantom Menace: Some really COOL parts sprinkled in with big trash. 11 year old me loved it. Pod racing. Slapstick comedy with jar jar and r2/C-3PO. Duel lightsaber darth maul/qui gon/obi-wan fight scene. Under water city. Padme’s outfits. That’s all.

Attack of the clones: one of the worst movies I’ve ever tried to watch. I’ve tried watching it 5 or 6 times and can never get all the way through. Nothing redeeming about it. Is this the one where obi wan investigates the white aliens with the long necks? They looked cool. That is all.

Revenge of the Sith: loved it when it came out. Watched it twice in theaters. Many memorable scenes stand out to me and made it an enjoyable experience. Dooku decapitated. General grievous fight scene and obi wan riding the lizard. Obi wan vs anakin was cool as hell. KFC extra crispy anakin getting laced up in the iconic Vader outfit. Thought the last 5 minutes tied everything together with the OG’s nicely. Wookies doing this

Whatever these things are

Dialogue, acting, and stories were horrendous for all of them. But they’re fine for background noise and some cool scenes here and there. I like them about as much as the made for tv Ewok movies.

I guess people put so much energy into the bad parts (jar jar, awful love story, awful dislogue, bad cgi, Vader nooOoooOoooOoooO!!!) Because they have such a strong connection to the OG’s. They are League of Extraordinary Gentleman type quality movies, just treat them like that and keep it moving.

Imagine typing pages of critique about LXG :rofl: :rofl:
How dare you compare LxG to a trash trilogy. Despite the criticisms, LxG run circles around those prequels combined.
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