Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

fincher in the 5's

The Entity (1983)

I've been watching so much horror, I can't write up everything. But I do feel that this was an interesting movie.

I was slightly aware of this film before, as kind of a Poltergeist (one of my GOATs) variant. After watching, I think it deserves a bit more credit than that. Solid, for sure.

Given the premise, I can see why this wasn't a commercial success. I mean, I can't blame folks who wouldn't want to go to the theater and see this (there are 3-5 scenes with explicit sexual assault). It was panned critically as well (back in the day; RT seems to have come around) which I don't get. My guess is, critics weren't used to a lesser/"fun" genre such as horror dealing with such a serious subject head-on. As a viewer, you literally have to deal with this woman's abuse, and how it impacts her family, for the entire movie.
Started licorice pizza last night before bed. I think I got 40 minutes in. Pretty dope so far.

My brief takeaway:

-The vibe is dope. PTA is in his wheelhouse with the period piece. Same feel as boogie nights or Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (minus the violence) Just an overall great look and feel to it. Makes you feel like it was filmed in that era.

-I’m not sure how they got away with the Haim girls character being 25(or 28 ) while the kid is 15 and they spend the first 40 minutes falling in love/flirting/dancing around sexual innuendos. Like HOW? That’s beyond inappropriate, especially if the gender roles were reversed.

-Phillip Seymour Hoffmann son Cooper is the splitting image of his late father. Same mannerisms, vibrance, and personality. So much so, that I feel this story is autobiographical. I hadn’t read anything about the film, I don’t know what it’s supposed to be about. It’s an easy watch so far.

Looking forward to Bradley Cooper showing up. It’s pretty funny so far but not much of a plot. Young love, teen angst, awkward social and sexual situations, and 80’s nostalgia. I haven’t seen the movie LADYBIRD but it seems like there wouldn’t be much difference between the 2 films based off the 40 minutes of this I’ve watched and the LADYBIRD trailers.

Early rating: 2.6/8 (5 points were taken off for the statutory rape references. Will re-examine when I finish the film)
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Stayed up to watch Top Gun: Maverick last night and damn the hype was real. The moment I heard the beginning of the Top Gun theme, I was juiced.

I thought it was funny how Tom Cruise's still shot in the credits was him shirtless during the beach scene and everyone else wasn't lolol.
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