Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Boyz N The Hood
Jurassic Park
Independence Day
Rush Hour
Terminator 2: Judgement Day
The Lion King
The Shawshank Redemption

not in order, but using numbers to keep track:

1) goodfellas
2) Shawshank
3) fight club
4) The matrix
5) T2
6) pulp fiction
7) saving private Ryan
8) dazed and confused
9) good will hunting
10) heat
My dissectible word choices aside, I just can’t rock with how black and white that concept is and I think it discredits a lot of great movies.
A problem I have with general discussion right now is that people have a problem with any sort of standard and take it as that is a slight, and it doesn't matter what the standard is. I could post a graphic of movies centered around animals versus movies that have less than 5 minutes of an animal on screen, and someone will take offense. "Wait, so a movie has to have an animal to be good? So Godfather isn't a good movie now?' When it was neither implied or suggested that inferior/superior is on the table. It's simply a discussion.

I’ll step back and say you’re right. I have never seen “lack of original ideas” having a positive connotation but I recognize now I am conflating the graphic with the “lack of original ideas = bad” dialogue. You were merely posting data without passing a judgement
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Got sucked into a click-bait movie conspiracy ad on Facebook. I had heard most of the theories already. They’re all pretty dumb, but the Leo-Ception one was kinda cool. Titanic, Inception, and Shutter island are all the same person experiencing 3 different parts of their life. Brain damage from boat crash, inception comes dreams for 10-20 years. then wake up in the Shutter island hospital.


And then just because we’re on a Prequel kick :lol:


I can’t get the link to post :frown:
Watched Beast and man what a heap of trash. Idris couldn't save it, movie lacked any character development, the action scenes were very poor and the ending was too predictable. I'd give it a 2/8

I've watched trash crocodile movies with more redeeming qualities than this one. I debated walking out about half way through and around 3/4s of the way. The movie was only 1.5 hrs so that should tell you something. Avoid this one!
It was a good action flick, but I'm somewhat missing the part from 1st movie when it felt a bit like horror in first half of the movie with Predator being "a moster that hunts 'em". Prey definitely nailed it on action though
Predator was never meant to be a horror movie. It was meant to show that we aren't the apex predator in the movie, that's what I take out of it.
I saw Predator as a sci-fi action flick. much like Outlander.
You could deem it as sci-fi. But the settings isn't really science fiction so it doesn't feel like one to me even though an alien is hunting people. It just feels like an ultimate warriors taking down other warriors for sport.
Predator was never meant to be a horror movie. It was meant to show that we aren't the apex predator in the movie, that's what I take out of it.
It wasn't meant to be, but it had this vibe is what i mean. Even if unintentionally, it kinda what made first movie a classic(at least that was one of the factors).
I watched Predator under the pretense of it being horror as well. After viewing, I would rate it as action, even more so than sci-fi (which is probably why I liked it so much :lol: )

On that note, having watched both Alien and Blade Runner recently (and being unimpressed with both), I guess I'm just not a Ridley Scott guy.

Blade Runner was based on a book as well 🤷‍♂️ Per the discussion from a few days ago.
I watched Predator under the pretense of it being horror as well. After viewing, I would rate it as action, even more so than sci-fi (which is probably why I liked it so much :lol: )

On that note, having watched both Alien and Blade Runner recently (and being unimpressed with both), I guess I'm just not a Ridley Scott guy.

Blade Runner was based on a book as well 🤷‍♂️ Per the discussion from a few days ago.
it could be the execution of the film as well. although if you didn't like Alien, I guess you really are just not into it.
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