Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Anyone seen The Hole with Keira Knightley?

Every time I see that movie title I can't think of anything but this:

I went to a 3:45 matinee of Smile on Wednesday with a friend and probably 9 out of 17 people unironically clapped at the end :wow::lol: that’s the one and haven’t seen Barbarian but it’ll be available soon.
I've seen people clapped in theaters, walked out in disgust, etc.....

I remember a film by Ryan Reynold's called "Buried". we and the entire audience was so shocked by the ending and probably waiting for something to happen, that nobody even stood up as the credits roll. it took a few minutes before everyone realized what happened. :rofl:
One of my all-time favorites. It always bothered me how it was the "cool" internet thing for a few years to hate on it :smh:
I think this was because in the early 00's every rapper kept hyping it up on MTV Cribs (especially Trick Daddy who had the Scarface curtains i think). This moment in time brought many new viewers and I think people bought into the hype but others thought it was supposed to be the best thing ever and were unfairly pitting it against films like The Godfather, Casino, Goodfellas, etc.

I haven't watched it in over 5 years but am sure it will still hold up as I've seen it about 10x.
Today's showing (Hulu)


One of about 3 exceptions I'm making this month for new movies. Maybe I'll find the courage to watch the original before the end of October :lol:
I've only seen the OG but heard good things about this version. Let us know how it is, I might watch it this weekend.

Great cast, strong performances, well shot (if you like Russell's style and I do), great sets and sound... And after about 35 minutes I almost yelled out loud "WHAT IS THE POINT OF THIS MOVIE???"

His theme is very clear. He says it multiple times directly. But the actual nuts and bolts of the plot and story was roughhhhhhhh. Definitely needed a rewrite or for someone to tell him to stop smelling his own farts and saying it's roses. Wildly pretentious at times but honestly just too long and took too long to get going. Needed a better structure. Not worth a theater watch in my opinion, but if you like his other work it's worth a watch. I think he is a good director but this one was a big whiff
Oh to add about the cast, they all did well. Bale kills it. Washington kills it. All of the supporting cast kills it. They're all great in their roles. He really did write some great roles. I just wish he directed then.

But Margot Robbie... She is an absolute scene stealer. Every single time. She's a star.
Alrighty, here we go.
Danny Trejo
Henry Rollins

Obviously I've always known about this movie, but title only, and Pacino. I literally have no idea what it's about. Mob movie? Sports movie? Romcom? Vampires? I've literally only known the title and that Pacino is in it and that it's really good.


Hellraiser was a great "re-imagining" of the series. I can see why they placed emphasis on the new direction; the tone was way different than the original film. Outside of the horror elements, this was essentially a CW show :lol:

This doesn't turn into a true horror movie until the last 45 minutes or so, and it doesn't disappoint. The use of CGI makes it less scary for me, but I don't expect everyone to feel that way. As someone who was raised on practical effects, CGI just doesn't do it for me.

The only clear flaw imo, was the lighting during some scenes. Perhaps this was done intentionally, but I didn't like it. There were times when the cenobites did their thing and I could hardly see what was going on.

I can't speak to how this movie holds up to the original lore, as I'm not too familiar with the backstory.

Oh yeah, and if anyone has a needle phobia, there is a particular scene that might get to ya. Trigger warning :emoji_eyes:
Jurassic World Dominion - kind of sloppily done, with more suspension of disbelief required than usual, but a fun enough ride with the old characters brought back. 4.85/8.
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