Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Lmao I understand where coming from. Stranger Bonding: We’re discussing Star Wars. The stranger brings up their favorite quotes. Usually something like: May the force be with you, I am your father, do or do not, there is no try. And I’m just like:


I’m always throwing stuff out just to get a gauge on how truly into movies the other person is. Then I can adjust my quotes accordingly.

I’ll just casually drop:

“Well, Martin Van Buren, the eighth president of the United States of America, is from Kinderhook, New York . . . and he was part of a club, a men's club, called Old Kinderhook. And if you were cool, you were in the club, they'd say, 'That guy's OK.”

And if they look at me with a blank stare, then I’ll know not to talk movies, outside of marvel :lol:
I’ll just casually drop:

“Well, Martin Van Buren, the eighth president of the United States of America, is from Kinderhook, New York . . . and he was part of a club, a men's club, called Old Kinderhook. And if you were cool, you were in the club, they'd say, 'That guy's OK.”
The movie is really good.

Not that ridiculous self wanking unnecessary “explanation”.

It was needed for Tenet (technically) not Memento.

Nolan seems to really like and overindulge in his charts and timelines and circular storytelling.
Repped primarily for use of the term “self-wanking” :lol:
I’m always throwing stuff out just to get a gauge on how truly into movies the other person is. Then I can adjust my quotes accordingly.

I’ll just casually drop:

“Well, Martin Van Buren, the eighth president of the United States of America, is from Kinderhook, New York . . . and he was part of a club, a men's club, called Old Kinderhook. And if you were cool, you were in the club, they'd say, 'That guy's OK.”

And if they look at me with a blank stare, then I’ll know not to talk movies, outside of marvel :lol:
Lmao so true! Sometimes you just gotta do your homework and figure out what’s up. Like, does this citizen “like” movies or do they LIKE movies? Ultimately, they either fall into one of two categorgies.

A: Yeah, movies are pretty cool I guess.
B: I LOVE movies

There is no middle ground. You just have to find out where they stand. It shouldn’t take more than a couple of minutes to find out.
Bronson Bronson if you watch Sinister (which you admitted you haven’t seen) tonight, I’ll watch whatever horror movie you recommend tonight
I don’t think I’ll be able to see Sinister tonight, unfortunately. I think tomorrow may work, though. I owe you a good recommendation. We’ll keep in touch, my friend.
Dude is brilliant no doubt but comes across as too much of a try-hard.

Take a look: All suited up for no reason, meanwhile my man George Lucas is in the casual jeans. He’s chillin’.

I mean, one person in this picture is a billionaire and the other is Chris Nolan. George earned the right to dress in dusty Wrangler mom jeans the rest of his life of he so desires :lol:

I have noticed this myself as well as shots that seem to be filmed with the idea that they'll be turned into reaction gifs
I don’t think I’ll be able to see Sinister tonight, unfortunately. I think tomorrow may work, though. I owe you a good recommendation. We’ll keep in touch, my friend.
jpzx jpzx Viola! Got one. Creep (2014). Have you seen it? Good film, imo. I’m confident you’ll enjoy. Mark Duplass puts on a good performance.
I mean, one person in this picture is a billionaire and the other is Chris Nolan. George earned the right to dress in dusty Wrangler mom jeans the rest of his life of he so desires :lol:
I know it’s all relative, but I’ve always found George Lucas’ fits to be super cool.

Like this is the guy who created CHEWBACCA but he’s down to earth enough where he’ll rock a button down shirt, non-dress pants, and a pair of New Balance sneakers. A brilliant mind with zero pretentious energy.
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