Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

“I don’t like threads. They’re mean and judgmental and confusing. And they get sensitive. But not like here. Here everything is soft……..and smooth.”

Watching "The Viewing" episode of Del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities. Picked a random episode based on the description since it's an anthology. This one's directed by Panos Cosmatos. Like how GDT introduces the episodes....
He’s trying to emulate Hitchcock. It works. But don’t enjoy how he’s gained weight. Even Peter Jackson told him to slim down. The industry tires you down and is too hectic. During the LoTR days of course
Man, I’m going so OD in this VOW: Keith Raniere stuff.

The VOW came out a year or so back on HBO. In it you learn of this self help group that was eventually termed a cult, a sex cult. When I watched it I remember being amazed at things this goofy *** dude got all of these brillaint AF people(Ex presidents of countries/the Dahli Lama), actresses, heiress to the SEAGRAMS fortune you name it, super powerful people and some not so powerful eating out of this Man’s hand and I remember not being able to understand the “tech” this cat implemented to take advantage of all of these fairly sane and Normal people. VOW II is now airing on HBO and this is after the Rainere trial where’s Man’s and his co-Conspirators(those that didn’t turn states evidence on him) where sentenced to anywhere from 2 to 120years in prison. I meanVOW II really shows the inside workings of this thing and how this Man-got over on and In the pants of 10’s of hundreds of females(some at the same time who were sister/sister/sister siblings with the Parents co-signing his actions/to full on Mother Daughter Daughter combos where they all knew)

This Man, my God even as disgusting and vile as some of the acts were, I find myself amazed at some of the stuff he was able to pull off. The UNLTIMATE Con, with a side of self help that was actually very very very good tech. I’m now rewatching that VOW season 1 and regurgitating already obtained information and on my second watch is while I’m watching Season2 week to week and Jesus Christ, I’m amazed…this **** is tripping me out. Ramble, my bad….I could write 100pages on the context and contents on this debauchery. Still can’t understand some of the stuff this fool pulled off. These were not bums and poor people he was working, these were middle and upper class people. My my my. He was either the greatest con ever or, truly brilliant/maybe both.
MetalMario MetalMario You said it’s working too, like his impression or the stories, or both? To be honest I don’t know if I’ve seen any of his movies, seems like M. Night should’ve tried to do this after Signs like GDT is taking advantage after The Shape of Water claim to fame (although I know he has additional, successful projects).

If streaming had been around in 2003, I could have seen M. Night’s ideas being better capped in a closed-ended, episode by episode anthology model.

Now he’s made like 5 unsuccessful movies in row, even if Old wasn’t horrible.
Is Yellowstone going to have a Season 6? Never watched it, so I figure I never will unless I have the time between a 5th and 6th season to do so.
It does seem like a trap, and all the spin-off shows so far aren't good from what I've read.
I would say more of impression rather than the stories. Of the current Cabinet of curiosities I have only seen one and a half stories of it.

I am by no means an ultra expert at GDT but his films came to me as my mom would constantly name drop him because she went to university with him in Mexico. Her words about him with his movies are the classics “oh that’s so him”, “yup he’s always been into sci-fi, fantasy etc” “he’s been a weird dude”

He had to work for his recognition I give him that. He didn’t skyrocket like Alfonso Cuarón. But he has a known style. There’s a World villain but the real villain is closer (and worse) than you think. Shape of Water is Cold War but real one is Michael Shannon. I haven’t seen the new Pinocchio but it’s set in Fascist Italy of the early 20th century (“that’s so him”)

As for Hitchcock, to be on a “my name is my name!” vibe once well known, some people have the personality to let it be known. “Alfred Hitchcock presents” “GDT presents” “Stanley Kubrick’s clockwork orange” “Stanley Kubrik’s 2001” Like fam we know it’s YOUR movie but you had to name yourself in the title. It often gets skipped over in googles and IMDbs but the movie posters will let it sing.

to be honest he might be the first one to outright physically present himself in the piece of work since Hitchcock. I know Tarantino acts in his pieces but I can’t think of others.

His résumé of work may not warrant and can be argued that others should attempt mirroring Hitchcock but it’s working because he’s trying. I commend him for that.
What’s a movie that you would recommend that you feel others may not have seen? As an example, If I had to give someone a recommendation here is one such film I would go with

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MetalMario MetalMario The last episode of Cabinet with the birds is not good, but The Viewing was. I've just seen the last two.

And I think you're right I've only seen a creator do that before in Hitchcock movies and Hitchcock Presents, GDT might just be the next. Surprised some director hasn't yet tried to change their last name to McGuffin.
What’s a movie that you would recommend that you feel others may not have seen?
CODA (2021)
Smile (2022)
Midsommar (2019)
Black Death (2010)
Dead Man (1995)
Leon: The Professional (1994)
The Trial of the Chicago 7 (2020)

All these could've missed some of you.

I'm planning to watch Garden State at some point.
Watching "The Viewing" episode of Del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities. Picked a random episode based on the description since it's an anthology. This one's directed by Panos Cosmatos. Like how GDT introduces the episodes....
I still haven't finished Cabinet of C and seem to be always falling asleep with that episode with Peter Weller on. Might try to finish everything tonight unless I get derailed by Cold Case.
MetalMario MetalMario The last episode of Cabinet with the birds is not good, but The Viewing was. I've just seen the last two.

And I think you're right I've only seen a creator do that before in Hitchcock movies and Hitchcock Presents, GDT might just be the next. Surprised some director hasn't yet tried to change their last name to McGuffin.
And Tarantino has the personality and attitude to be out there like that. Missed opportunity by him I think
Mission Impossible Fallout might be the best paced action movie of all time. Even after the down beat of one of the best chases in cinematic history through Paris, as soon as you catch your breath, they get caught by that one cop and have a shootout. It feels like there’s an action sequence every ten minutes, because there probably is. And they give it to you in all different forms. Motorcycle chase, skydiving, bathroom fight, shootout in the club, helicopter, race against the clock bomb defusing, underground shootouts, like good lord. I’ve long said this is top 5 action movies of all time and it might be closer to #1 than #5. Not to mention just how it’s shot is beautiful. .There’s no shaky cam, too quick edits or cuts, everything is wide and let’s you see the action unfold. Not to mention the sound… holy **** the sound is incredible. Like you JUT had an epic motorcycle chase with the cops.. And before you can even come back from the bathroom pee break, you’re getting an old school BMW chase vs a motorcycle and it’s incredible. AND NO SOUNDTRACK DURING. Like the Paris chase with Tom on the bike was beautifully scored, and this one with Elsa vs Tom is JUST the sounds of the bike vs car. I know I’m 3 drinks deep but holy **** this is amazing. Even in their lull from the action, you still get great dramatic/romantic scenes between Ethan and Elsa.

The only fault I see in the movie is it's a 6th movie in a series. So some of the emotional and dramatic weight comes from prior knowledge of the films. It's a flaw for sure, because the Secretary's result doesn't carry as much weight without prior movies, same with Julia and Elsa, etc. BUt it's still so freaking good. ETHAN JUST RUN AFTER THIS MFER for like 5 straight minutes. Rogue Nation is good too, and has some great scenes with the opera shootout being one of them, but man... Fallout is on another level in my opinion.

Ghost Protocol is Jordan dunk contest/Pistons. Rogue Nation is the 1st 3peat. Fallout is the 2nd 3peat and GOAT status.

I will absolutely argue it's a top 5 action movie OF ALL TIME and I will debate anyone who disagrees.
Mission Impossible Fallout might be the best paced action movie of all time. Even after the down beat of one of the best chases in cinematic history through Paris, as soon as you catch your breath, they get caught by that one cop and have a shootout. It feels like there’s an action sequence every ten minutes, because there probably is. And they give it to you in all different forms. Motorcycle chase, skydiving, bathroom fight, shootout in the club, helicopter, race against the clock bomb defusing, underground shootouts, like good lord. I’ve long said this is top 5 action movies of all time and it might be closer to #1 than #5. Not to mention just how it’s shot is beautiful. .There’s no shaky cam, too quick edits or cuts, everything is wide and let’s you see the action unfold. Not to mention the sound… holy **** the sound is incredible. Like you JUT had an epic motorcycle chase with the cops.. And before you can even come back from the bathroom pee break, you’re getting an old school BMW chase vs a motorcycle and it’s incredible. AND NO SOUNDTRACK DURING. Like the Paris chase with Tom on the bike was beautifully scored, and this one with Elsa vs Tom is JUST the sounds of the bike vs car. I know I’m 3 drinks deep but holy **** this is amazing. Even in their lull from the action, you still get great dramatic/romantic scenes between Ethan and Elsa.

The only fault I see in the movie is it's a 6th movie in a series. So some of the emotional and dramatic weight comes from prior knowledge of the films. It's a flaw for sure, because the Secretary's result doesn't carry as much weight without prior movies, same with Julia and Elsa, etc. BUt it's still so freaking good. ETHAN JUST RUN AFTER THIS MFER for like 5 straight minutes. Rogue Nation is good too, and has some great scenes with the opera shootout being one of them, but man... Fallout is on another level in my opinion.

Ghost Protocol is Jordan dunk contest/Pistons. Rogue Nation is the 1st 3peat. Fallout is the 2nd 3peat and GOAT status.

I will absolutely argue it's a top 5 action movie OF ALL TIME and I will debate anyone who disagrees.
I honestly think it's a toss-up between Fallout and T2: Judgement Day for me.
Started watching Primal Fear for the first time last night, but fell asleep. Looking forward to finishing it. Really strong cast. One of those movies I simply overlooked for a long time.

Without giving spoilers how do people in here rate it?
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