Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Approval for Air from folks on a website said NIKEtalk is some pretty damn high praise. Waiting for the first person to say it was trash and their reasoning why which will probably something only a sneaker head would complain about
Apparently there weren't plans for another movie but now theyre considering it because of the success of this one. They could do it if they want but I think this was the perfect send-off.
If that was real i feel it was horrible.

All that **** Wick went through in this movie let alone the other 3 and that is what does it?

Not believable after suspending my disbelief for all those movies. It gotta be something way bigger and decisive. Definitely not off screened.
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I would so watch this.......

I love it all except Affleck as Bane. That's bad casting.

Almost as if they want it as white as possible.
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If that was real i feel it was horrible.

All that **** Wick went through in this movie ket aline the other 3 and that is what does it?

Not believable after suspending my disbelief for all those movies. It gotta be something way bigger and decisive. Definitely not off screened.

From what Keanu said, he requested that be it. He wanted the stakes to be real. He had earned his freedom (again) he was at peace.

And it wasn't off screen, you literally watched it happen. :lol:

HOWEVER.......the vagueness of it, I understand. I believe he's agreed that if the same director/creator agreed to come back for a 5th, he would too. If not, then he wasn't doin a 5th. So I believe they closed it in that manner on purpose. Kind of like Breaking Bad S4 imo. That looked like a Finale ending and then they were greenlit for a 5th season so they adjusted course. Same here.

And I think it was adequate. Remember, no suit at the end. No armor. This time it was just a shirt. 3 shots. (On top of alllllllll the other damage he'd endured the previous X amount of weeks of the 4 films). But, they did film it in a way that it can be undone if the Director decides to do more. I think it was well done.
I saw. It's decent. some nice shots in the air. You get to see what Draco Malfoy has been up to
I had to double check when I replied to make sure I wasn't talking about this movie.

This one is danish and highly skippable. As a self proclaimed military history buff this has a romance C subplot that goes no where and the B plot (these kids) don't add much until the end which is all fictionized. just a emotional pull.

If you havent already watch this one.

great historical accuracy and keeps you entertained throughout. On the pace of Intimidation Game
darthska darthska jpzx jpzx calibeebee calibeebee Master Zik Master Zik

Really looking forward to The White Lotus Season 3, and I want it to be great, but I’m trying to refrain from talking about it because I don’t want to jinx it. Just hoping for the best
I finally finished season due last week. The ending delivered. 100% worth the build up. I realized how special this show was when the writers were able to have me completely hate the rich old hag (Tanya) for more than half the season and then root for her wholeheartedly at the end without me even noticing. I think it's a testament to their abilities on writing about the complexities of humans. She went out like a G. My jaw dropped when she opened the door and bodies started falling. All the stories were solid. And just like season ekahi, they wrapped everything up in a satisfying package at the end.

Also, I think the biggest surprise of the season was the witch (manager) at the counter. Man, who knew she had that thang...
Wick 4.


Too much CGI at the Arc de Triumph but everything else was peak action film. Great possible series cap. Here for Ballerina whenever that hits 8)
Wick 4.


Too much CGI at the Arc de Triumph but everything else was peak action film. Great possible series cap. Here for Ballerina whenever that hits 8)
See, I give ur take more credence as i feel like folks been capping, on some keanu halo effect.
I'll see it for myself tonight.
I finally finished season due last week. The ending delivered. 100% worth the build up. I realized how special this show was when the writers were able to have me completely hate the rich old hag (Tanya) for more than half the season and then root for her wholeheartedly at the end without me even noticing. I think it's a testament to their abilities on writing about the complexities of humans. She went out like a G. My jaw dropped when she opened the door and bodies started falling. All the stories were solid. And just like season ekahi, they wrapped everything up in a satisfying package at the end.

Also, I think the biggest surprise of the season was the witch (manager) at the counter. Man, who knew she had that thang...
As far as what the future of the White Lotus holds for us, time will tell. Let’s keep our fingers crossed!
From what Keanu said, he requested that be it. He wanted the stakes to be real. He had earned his freedom (again) he was at peace.

And it wasn't off screen, you literally watched it happen. :lol:

HOWEVER.......the vagueness of it, I understand. I believe he's agreed that if the same director/creator agreed to come back for a 5th, he would too. If not, then he wasn't doin a 5th. So I believe they closed it in that manner on purpose. Kind of like Breaking Bad S4 imo. That looked like a Finale ending and then they were greenlit for a 5th season so they adjusted course. Same here.

And I think it was adequate. Remember, no suit at the end. No armor. This time it was just a shirt. 3 shots. (On top of alllllllll the other damage he'd endured the previous X amount of weeks of the 4 films). But, they did film it in a way that it can be undone if the Director decides to do more. I think it was well done.
I'd agree with this assessment. they made it an open ending just enough to say it's the last but at the same time open to another sequel if ever they change their mind. also, gives the sense of hope for fans that want John alive. this is not like that SAW b.s. that they kept on making the character live or Michael Myers.
From what Keanu said, he requested that be it. He wanted the stakes to be real. He had earned his freedom (again) he was at peace.

And it wasn't off screen, you literally watched it happen. :lol:

HOWEVER.......the vagueness of it, I understand. I believe he's agreed that if the same director/creator agreed to come back for a 5th, he would too. If not, then he wasn't doin a 5th. So I believe they closed it in that manner on purpose. Kind of like Breaking Bad S4 imo. That looked like a Finale ending and then they were greenlit for a 5th season so they adjusted course. Same here.

And I think it was adequate. Remember, no suit at the end. No armor. This time it was just a shirt. 3 shots. (On top of alllllllll the other damage he'd endured the previous X amount of weeks of the 4 films). But, they did film it in a way that it can be undone if the Director decides to do more. I think it was well done.
It was weak and to me if I don't see it happen on screen it was off screened.

All we saw is some blood from the area. We didn't see him actually die. If they wanted us to believe that they should've had his second do that close your eyelids thing after you die and say goodbye but nope they just cut to a funeral scene where only 2 ppl were there.

They wanted to play both possibilities and to me it ended up pretty lukewarm. Nobody I've talked to believes he's dead or that is the last Wick movie or that was a satisfying end.

Also I have no clue what you're talking about with Breaking Bad S4 seeming like a series finale. Vince had his ending in mind in advance.
See, I give ur take more credence as i feel like folks been capping, on some keanu halo effect.
I'll see it for myself tonight.
It was an absolute blast and the choreography was great. My biggest pet peeve from the first 3 films (and especially #3) was how anyone Wick fights goes into a dazed wobble to let Keanu beat up others or finish them off. This one significantly cut down on the "everybody freeze and wobble for 10 seconds" thing and made the combat more fluid.

Also Donnie Yen is the best foil in the series. Dude absolutely killed his role and made it believable that Wick and Caine have a history and mutual respect. The whole Blind Swordsman trope is dialed up to 11 but in this film, it's what was needed.

The locations and sets were gorgeous too. The Osaka segment was probably the best sequence in the series. The sets, the music, the fights, legitimately a feast for the senses.

So yeah, some nitpicks here and there, but really great action film and really makes me look forward to more, which is hard to do after 4 films of essentially the same thing. This is the anti-Fast and Furious series.
Yeah, Smile was amazing. 🔥 Perfect horror.
I’ve mentioned it before, but the birthday party scene made me jump more than any horror movie lately.

I think what was so effective is literally the “smiler” could come from anywhere at any time of the day, so the viewer was in the same position as the main character dreading it. You also never knew what she might do to herself as the movie went on and she was unraveling.
It was an absolute blast and the choreography was great. My biggest pet peeve from the first 3 films (and especially #3) was how anyone Wick fights goes into a dazed wobble to let Keanu beat up others or finish them off. This one significantly cut down on the "everybody freeze and wobble for 10 seconds" thing and made the combat more fluid.

Also Donnie Yen is the best foil in the series. Dude absolutely killed his role and made it believable that Wick and Caine have a history and mutual respect. The whole Blind Swordsman trope is dialed up to 11 but in this film, it's what was needed.

The locations and sets were gorgeous too. The Osaka segment was probably the best sequence in the series. The sets, the music, the fights, legitimately a feast for the senses.

So yeah, some nitpicks here and there, but really great action film and really makes me look forward to more, which is hard to do after 4 films of essentially the same thing. This is the anti-Fast and Furious series.
I can understand the need for freeze time inorder for the actors and stunt guys to do their thing. it's a small nitpick and I understand the clamor for perfection however we have to think the painstaking work hours the actors and stunt guys been thru already and have the scenes re-shot over and over again. it is even tougher when the scenes run long rather than your conventional short action cuts which are easily edited. I remember the previous JW films that they rarely cut the scenes and have to do the action continuously. JW 4 is a hell lot trickier considering the scenes are really elaborate and complex especially the overhead action scene. I guess I can give those nitpicks a pass considering how the film is really awesome in spite of it's imperfections, I will still call it a cinematic masterpiece. it is the best action film we have and set the bar higher. would love to see awards for the stunt guys considering they really need the recognition for such an awesome work.

as far as the freeze time goes, they are not as bad as this from way back.
I can understand the need for freeze time inorder for the actors and stunt guys to do their thing. it's a small nitpick and I understand the clamor for perfection however we have to think the painstaking work hours the actors and stunt guys been thru already and have the scenes re-shot over and over again. it is even tougher when the scenes run long rather than your conventional short action cuts which are easily edited. I remember the previous JW films that they rarely cut the scenes and have to do the action continuously. JW 4 is a hell lot trickier considering the scenes are really elaborate and complex especially the overhead action scene. I guess I can give those nitpicks a pass considering how the film is really awesome in spite of it's imperfections, I will still call it a cinematic masterpiece. it is the best action film we have and set the bar higher. would love to see awards for the stunt guys considering they really need the recognition for such an awesome work.

as far as the freeze time goes, they are not as bad as this from way back.

I agree with all of this. It's incredibly difficult to choreograph these sequences and it's a testament that #4 improves upon the previous 3 in such a dramatic way that my nitpick was almost gone. Now if the Wick/Wickiverse can get the choreography as seamless as The Raid for the urban combat feel, it'll rise above everything past and present.
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