Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Finally an above average Netflix film. Def worthy of its 4 Oscar wins and Best Picture nomination. Solid 7.3/8
Loved it. This, Inglorious Basterds, Fury, Miracle at St. Anna, and 1917 are my favorite 21st-century war films.
You say this having seen I Care A Lot or nah?

I’ve never seen that one. And now that I think of it, I’m not exactly sure if any of the movies I’m thinking of are ACTUALLY Netflix originals. Just googled “top 25 Netflix originals” and I don’t see em.

First time:

eventhough the critics and moviegoers hated this film a lot, I love it. it is highly entertaining. it is not even comparable to Love and Thunder level of badness and makes LOEG a masterpiece.
The Perfect Storm (2000), Clooney, Wahlberg, Diane Lane, John C. Reilly, Fichter, and others. I think you’d really like it, don’t know anyone who doesn’t to be honest.
I don't like it because it made me depressed watching it.
I just found out that Reese Witherspoon was supposed to be Amy in Gone Girl. :wow:

In the end she just produced it, and then did Wild.

Both her and Rosumond Pike were nominated for Oscars.
Rosamund Pike was the perfect choice. just can't get over Reese's annoying chin.
But did you think it was great?
it was a good watch. kinda reminds me of movies that you pretty much know what is going to happen but still hope that it doesn't. possibly, one of the rare movies that I liked Clooney and Wahlberg not acting like.....
You say this having seen I Care A Lot or nah?
You should def watch I Care A Lot. Great film.

I think I must have been tipsy or fell asleep when I watched this first time because I don’t remember much so I ran it back tonight. calibeebee calibeebee you need watch. It is definitely fire. Movie came back to me as I watched it but a first-timer will enjoy it even more.

Forgot Eiza González was in this although I wasn’t really checking for her when I watched the movie the first time. She was :evil: in Baby Driver and Ambulance doe.

Rosamund Pike plays the female villain role too well, man. She’s so meanacing yet sooo fine at the same damn time :lol:

I definitely forgot about the ending, though. Went from :pimp: to :wow: to |l in the matter of like 5 minutes
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