Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

A lot of the bond movies don’t hold up unfortunately. Even for its time a lot of em were misses cause of the rotating directors.

That said, it’s a series I hold dear to my heart and there’s great flicks throughout especially if you know what you know what you’re in for.

The Austin powers movies absolutely destroyed those older Bond movies for me. The random henchmen. The cheap looking bad guy bases. The old, white, British dudes with bad teeth trying to convince me that they are extreme womanizers suave playboys able to pull the most exotic supermodels on the planet.

But I’m with you, they are still special to me. Seen all of them countless number of times with my father growing up.
The Austin powers movies absolutely destroyed those older Bond movies for me. The random henchmen. The cheap looking bad guy bases. The old, white, British dudes with bad teeth trying to convince me that they are extreme womanizers suave playboys able to pull the most exotic supermodels on the planet.

But I’m with you, they are still special to me. Seen all of them countless number of times with my father growing up.
Having only seen Goldenye and Tomorrow Never Dies before I watched Austin Powers the references mostly went over my head. I did see many more Bond movies and rewatched Powers several years later and found it that much better. It definitely didn't ruin things for me but did make me realize how ridiculous some of the bond movie scenes/characters could be.
Having only seen Goldenye and Tomorrow Never Dies before I watched Austin Powers the references mostly went over my head. I did see many more Bond movies and rewatched Powers several years later and found it that much better. It definitely didn't ruin things for me but did make me realize how ridiculous some of the bond movie scenes/characters could be.
That was how dated those movies are now and the type of entertainment genre there is. I can still remember those double feature B movies. Even Goldeneye is now dated compared to today's movies. Cgi effects have come a long way and practical effects as well. I do appreciate the places they shot the movies though.
Having only seen Goldenye and Tomorrow Never Dies before I watched Austin Powers the references mostly went over my head. I did see many more Bond movies and rewatched Powers several years later and found it that much better. It definitely didn't ruin things for me but did make me realize how ridiculous some of the bond movie scenes/characters could be.
This running joke in the AP movies is so spot on -

The old, white, British dudes with bad teeth trying to convince me that they are extreme womanizers suave playboys able to pull the most exotic supermodels on the planet.
*in a heavy British accent*
That’s mah girl right there m8! Is there a problem? You oughtta be respectful, yeah? I’m tryina have a fine time with me lady!
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One of the biggest gripes about Craig getting the role was that he was the first and so far only blonde James Bond. There was even an interview where someone asked him. “Are you going to die your hair for the role?”

Fun fact, he is also the most drunk bond ever. Someone counted.

I love Brosnan, but also with him he wasn’t the first choice at the time as well as him being Irish. They went more off the wall with bronsnan. Enemies with the same tech and geographical location of some. They did a solid reset with Craig and the roles filled.

Judy Dench is my M forever. 🤘
Craig only had 2 movies I thought were good and I really don’t like the stone cold dark take on the character.

How bout the gentle-faced beauties, as in the most beautiful with seemingly the least amount of work:

Natalie Portman
Emma Watson
Anne Hathaway
Halle Berry

Two old ones: Ingrid Bergman and Grace Kelly
Just some introducing Vince, in the beginning Fast five is just playing a different sport than the other movies. Dumb busting through the train was ridiculous. The opening set piece is just so good then driving the cars off the train. Although I do wonder why Bryan did and just jump from the train instead of jumping off the cliff. It also was just like the most obvious they're falling to their deaths ever, but they survived so whatever introducing the rock and he says the words thunderwear within the first 30 seconds. They also really up the auntie and basically explain that Bryan and Dom are much cooler than they are. I love Bryan and Ben. Still having a few. The favela's fight and chasing was incredible. Once me is pregnant. That's when the family really starts. Be coming in the theme of the movie. We're going to need a team is an amazing montage. The rock is glistening on every scene. He's so sweaty. His beard is tripping like going back to the streets for the street race and then like two scenes later this guy's like got their back like the absurd street. Cred is such as silly thing in this movie. The Dom and Hobbs fight is incredible. The ambush and then the crew Saves Dom now they save Hobbs. It isn't really matter honestly but just when they come through and save them. Oh man that's awesome. Big sty is what the hell and then Dom's like I'm going after them by myself if I have to and then the rock off screen saying I'll ride with you. Thredo gave me chills in the field. I wanted to stand up and apply. What an incredible scene. The chase is insane through the streets of Rio dragging a bank fault. The little switcheroo with the saves is incredible and just it might be the best scene. The entire series when Danica kadera starts kicking in and all the money pops out and it's just oh man. What a great scene! What a great freaking scene

Really? The only knock to this one is there's no Letty like is she really add too much besides just a ton of relationship drama with the rock then diesel whatever same difference. Fast and furious 6. Maybe the better movies, but I think past five is just more fun and I think I prefer it
This is also the first movie where they start to look really old. I honestly think I prefer. Elena talletti bloody stinks. Letty stinks

Shaw is a great villain and not only that, but he's got his own team that matches up with our crew and that's what makes this movie kick up a notch

For the thing with Fast five was the Brazilian boss was not as dangerous but Hobbs was also the villain for most of the movies so that definitely helps that one

Chasing through the streets of London was awesome!

I do think and maybe cuz I just watched Fast five but this is definitely the one where they start making their big leaves and logic that these guys are expert. Criminals expert hacking expert at all of this crap. You know where is in Fast five. It did feel like these were just friends and people we had met. Who when put in the situation could do something great. I don't know. I also really don't like the Letty amnesia bit and Fast. Five start of the trend of this is a bad guy. Now. He's a good guy. This is an enemy now. He's a friend. This is a friend now. He's an enemy and it's just every movie becomes this

Also and one of the scenes Gina Carano is being shot at by Letty and the bad guys. And I guess I'm just a little confused cuz it's like did they intend on killing her when she was a secret agent the whole time her and litigate into the fight and it's just like I don't know doesn't make any sense

And again I'm not complaining cuz it's part of what makes this series a lot of fun. But Bryan goes to prison to visit Braga and then braga's like. Oh yeah, Sean knew that you were a cop and put Letty in my job and it's like wait so she already knows who they are like what the hell is going on

The highway chase was great and capped off with dom flying like superman

Dom literally tells Elena at the end you don't have to go. What the hell is she supposed to do? Stick around and be in some amazing threesome. Oh ****. She just kisses him right on the lips. Dumb messed up man. He should have stuck with Elena

Maybe because I've been watching these movies back to back to back Fast. 6. Is objectively a better movie? It's got better villains. It still has great stunts. It's got jokes and humor. It's on the surface. A better movie but something about the Letty amnesia thing throws me off. Everything feels just a little long. I know I said recently that I think it's a better movie than 5 and it probably is. But I don't know Shaw's better but it starts to stretch the believability more and more.. to me Fast five is probably an 85 out of 100. I would put fast six in at 82 out of 100. It's really really good but I just think past five is a tighter movie. Overall. I think it's paced better. I think the letty stuff drag the movie down a little bit and while it has a lot of great quality is I think Fast five is just better. I'm sticking to it
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