Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

This film had a lot of potential. Just didn’t hit the mark. But I liked the way these stories were brought to life. Idris as a genie. My boy range is crazy

Can anyone recommend me some, good historical/realistic epics? Particularly any set in the “old world/Asia & Africa & Mediterranean”.?

I just started this last night!! I’m about an hour in and so far it’s pure flames, but I can see it being one of those movies that starts off promising and flames out. Should finish tonight. I thought they created an outstanding character for Elba. His voice and accent is awesome.

Some of my favorites I can remember

Kingdom of Heaven (Directors Cut)
Rome (TV series)
The Last Kingdom (TV)
Vikings (TV)
The Last Samurai
American Gods (TV, S1 at least is really good)
The Last Duel


I think cinema would crumble to the mf ground if we were to see an


But all preliminarily reviews sound great so expecting the 90s :lol: and Too Big To Fail.
Saw Joy Ride today. I need to remember to see comedies sooner with a big crowd. Completely changes the theater experience.

It's a very good raunchy comedy. Some solid character development, which is impressive for comedy with 4 main characters.
I just... I truly don't get it. I love that they're leaning into people who hate Barbie. 😂 I'm not one of those people. I just don't get this, but I love that they're leaning into people who hate Barbie by saying in that one trailer "If you love Barbie, this movie is for you. If you hate Barbie, this movie is for you." 😂😂
What don't you get?
What is the MASS appeal? If the entire country was preteen and younger girls, absolutely, I get it. But the people who are looking forward to this, GROWN *censored* MEN, like... STRAIGHT men. Why? And I'm not asking that out of some dated "Men are supposed to have monster trucks and every power tool that exists, like Tim the Tool Man Taylor." No, I'm asking why from a relateability aspect. Is it just that it's Margot & Gosling, that's it? Like if it was Margot and Gosling in a death match tournament of board games like Connect Four and Jenga, you'd watch?
I think it’s like this: grown men have daughters. Beyond that: Grown men, who have daughters or who don’t, were once boys, that had sisters. And then you have women with daughters, who were once girls. Barbie has been inescapable and involved for 30+ years. So it’s relatable to mostly everybody, and then you put Margot, Gosling, and that whole cast in it. Boom, you have mass appeal, you have a blockbuster movie.
What is the MASS appeal? If the entire country was pretain and younger girls, absolutely, I get it. But the people who are looking forward to this, GROWN *censored* MEN, like... STRAIGHT men. Why? And I'm not asking that out of some dated "Men are supposed to have monster trucks and every power tool that exists, like Tim the Tool Man Taylor." No, I'm asking why from a relateability aspect. Is it just that it's Margot & Gosling, that's it? Like if it was Margot and Gosling in an death match tournament of board games like Connect Four and Jenga, you'd watch?

Read through just the excerpts from some critics. It gives you an idea of what the movie is about and focusing on.

Grown straight men can be interested in subjects that don't pertain to their grown straight manhood. They can also be interested in a movie that may be uniquely stylized, on a strange or unexpected subject, told in a creative way. Maybe they like the actors, maybe they like the director (who has been excellent so far), maybe they're interested in a movie that's not a sequel or remake or the other things people complain about.

I don't know what to expect from the movie exactly. I'm interested in seeing it because I like the director, stars, and it seems different and meta and I like movies that can explore interesting themes in a highly creative way.

I never played with Legos, but I enjoyed the hell out of the Lego movie. The subject matter being Barbie might be a draw for many, but it doesn't have to be.
Barbie has like 8 things goin for it.

Hip Director.
Margot Robbie.
Ryan Gosling.
Brand name toy.
Females of all ages.
New property. (Not sequel or comic)
Same day as Oppenheimer.

Ok, that's 7, sue me. I'm bad at lists.

I certainly was nervous off the initial preview, but all details since has given me hope. And I love that it's the same weekend as Opp......cuz I may need a mindless relaxing film after a tense Nolan joint.
I never played with Legos, but I enjoyed the hell out of the Lego movie.
See, I looooove The Lego Movie, but my son and I have built Lego his entire life. There's a relateability aspect.

I'm pretty sure I'd have to think long and hard about a movie or show that I like and cannot relate to at ALL, like not even one of the side characters or one of the subplots.
See, I looooove The Lego Movie, but my son and I have built Lego his entire life. There's a relateability aspect.

I'm pretty sure I'd have to think long and hard about a movie or show that I like and cannot relate to at ALL, like not even one of the side characters or one of the subplots.

I think you might be missing universally relatable elements of the movie... Which to be fair, you might not know based on the trailers. If the movie explores deeper themes and concepts then maybe you could relate to that, even if it's in the subject of something you'd have NO interest in, like Barbie. I'm open to the idea a movie about a doll could speak to a wide ranging audience. I think that's interesting and speaks to the power of movies. Connecting people in unexpected and new ways.
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